The Voyage

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(Cole P.O.V.)

Jay has been giving me really weird looks. It's annoying me really. I am a bit mad at him. He just won't leave me be! Changing? When have I changed? What am I doing that is different?! I look at Jay. He's fighting with Dash for the shot-gun seat. I roll my eyes.

"Everyone ready?" Shay asks

"NO!" Dash and Jay say in unison. I sigh and walk over to where they are standing. With ease I pick them both up and throw them in the back. I sit down in the passenger seat.

"I win" I say proudly.

"NO FAIR!" they shout.

I just cross my arms and give them a look. They shut up quick. Nya leans over and gives Jay a kiss ok the cheek. He fist pumps and jumps up. I see Kai glaring at him. He still hasn't taken the fact that Nya and Jay are head over heels for each other. Its a little sad. Shay jumps into her seat.

"Let's go!" she shouts.

"Yay!" the troops shout.

I smile. Shay puts her staff in to a holder and the Rover-X7 comes to life.

"The best part is" I hear Dash say to Jay,"That all you have to do is type in coordinates and it takes I there!"

"Cool. But where are we going?"Jay asks.

Dash's face falls and he gets quiet. Jay frowns. Wrong question. Jay curses to himself under his breaths and turns to converse with Kai and Nya. This is going to be a long trip.


It's been 5 hours. I look behind me and see that Jay and Dash have made up and that they're goofing around again. Now I've been thinking.............Dash reminds me a lot of Jay. I never would've thought that I would find someone with the same personality as Jay. I smile. It's funny really.

"What'cha thinking?"

I turn to the voice, it's Shay. I feel a flutter in my stomach. I take a deep breath in...and out.

"I was just thinking about Dash and Jay, they're almost like twins in personality" I say.

Shay looks at them, and smiles.

"You're right" she says, then he smile fades away,"But I bet they have very VERY different back stories. "

I nod. I know that Jay has had a good life. I can't even imagine what it must've been like for Dash. The way that he acted when Shay said 'We're going to where I found you and Flutters'. He practically crumbled to the ground. I felt really bad. I still do. I frown. Shay rubs her arm. Her arms have goosebumps on them. Wonder why. Shay sighs. She looks at me. I can see tears brimming her eyes, like they would spill over any minute.

"It was an Autumn day. The leaves where falling, and crunching beneath my feet. I was coming to the city after completing an important mission outside of town. I had decided to take a short cut through a little path of the desert. I did. And I was surprised at what I saw............2 kids were both stripped naked on the ground, they were breathing, but barely, and they were covered from head to toe in scrapes and bruises. There was a little pool of blood around both of them, the pool lead to a stream, then the stream to a mini blood-waterfall. And then, a mini lake.....and and and I just couldn't believe what I was seeing......" Shay begins to quietly sob.

I put a reassuring arm around her, she turns her head and sobs into my chest. It is a bit weird but I feel so bad for her that I just don't mind. I look around. Nobody is watching. Thank you lord. No offense but there are enough rumors with Jay already. I rub relaxing circles into Shay's back. Her breathing eventually goes back to normal pace. She looks up at me....her face was flustered....but I could see a tinge of pink in her cheeks that wasn't from crying.

"I-I-" she began.

I shush her.

"It's fine" I say

Shah smiles and she rests her head on my chest. We sit there for a while in silence. Well, if u exclude the background noise of Dash and Jay. Shay looks up at me.

"Thank you" she whispers.

"No prob" I whisper back.

She gives me a weary smile. Before u knew what is happening, we begin to get closer and closer, till our faces are just inches apart. I can see that Shay is breathing heavily, so am I. I don't know why, but I lean forward and press our lips together. I fell something, like a spark, but I'm not sure if Shay feels it too. It isn't anything like "spicy" but it is a soft and gentle kiss. Her lips are warm, and then feel good. Someone whistles. I jerk my head back and look at where the sound came from. It was Kai. Everyone, was looking. Shoot.

"Well I see someone is having fun" Luna says.

"Yup, ain't that the truth" Finkie says,"or at least that's what Jack would've said."

"Uh-uh-uh" Shay stutters.

"Cool it Shay, we won't spill any beans" Dash says.

I look at Nya, she smiling a big smile and is shaking her head. I look at Jay. He has a pissed look on his face, and he has his arms folded. I'll have to talk to him later. But thats a different thing for the future, now we're in the present.

"What'cha gonna do now? Go out?" Storm says pushing some of her black dyed hair away from her eyes.

"My calculations says that there is a 97% chance that they will" Zane says smiling.

"Calculations mean nothing! They are gonna go out! Am I right?" Lloyd says.

Shay looks up at me, as gives me a questioning look, as if saying 'Are we?'. I look at everyone, they're faces are beaming with happiness. Then I stop at Jay. He still has the same pissed look. I let a smile creep onto my face. I grab Shay by her shoulders and roughly press my lips to hers. To my surprise, she kisses back.

"Does that answer all you guy's questions?" I say.

Everyone cheers. Except Jay. He just sits there giving me the dirtiest look he can muster up. I chuckle. This day has turned out to be a good day with both good and bad outcomes. But the goods have been GREAT!


I know it's shorter then usual, but I just wanted to get something down, y'all know how that feels! ;D

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