The Reunion

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(Jay P.O.V.)

"How do you think Cole is holding up?" I ask

"Not sure. Wish I knew" Kai says

We haven't heard anything of Cole since we were separated 3 days ago. Yea, 3 days. It's been that long. Yet it's seems like it has been longer. I sigh. We are still in a cell. Well, it was really more like a hotel room locked from the outside. I mean, we were fed, aloud to take baths and use the bathroom, they even gave us spare clothes, but they didn't get us recreation time.

"There has to be a way to get out of here!" Nya shouts.

Nya really hasn't been herself lately.

"Not only Cole, but I worry about Lloyd as well" Nya says.

Lloyd was taken away 2 days ago. A day after Cole. They want to run some tests on him. They also took Zane. Being a Nindroid, they want to run tests on him as well.

"Yea, but at least our room down here is better than the one we had in the hotel" I say

We were evacuated from upstairs a few hours ago. Now we're waiting for the all clear to go back up.

"I miss Zane" I say

"And Cole" Nya says

"Heck, I can't believe it but I miss Lloyd!" Kai says.

We all laugh. Then it goes silent. It was an awkward silence. I didn't like it one bit. A knock comes on to the door.

"Come in!" I shout.

The door opens. But I'm facing the opposite direction, as are Kai and Nya.

"Is it lunch already?" I say turning around, only to be greeted by an amazing site.


"Hey guys" he says

"Cole!" we all shout.

We run over to him and tackle him into a group hug.

"Whoa, what's with the fuss?" he asks

"You've been gone for 3 days and we just miss you bro" Kai says

"3 days? It only felt like a few hours" Cole says scratching his head.

"No. Actually though it was longer. But the guards said 3 days, so, ya know" I say

Cole shrugs.

"What happened????" Nya asks

"Long story" he says,"But right now we have to leave"

Cole says.

"What about Lloyd and Zane?" I ask

"There already upstairs, where we're suppose to be" Cole says.

Okay. What's going on? I'm really confused, more than I usually am! I mean really! We run up some stairs, which seem to never end. When we get to the top, I see that girl. What's her name? Pay? No. Hay? No. Shay? Yeah, that's it. I don't really like her.

"Took you long enough" she says putting her hands on her hips.

"Well sorry that I'm not Sonicboom!" he see gesturing towards a girl giving him a glare.

"No offense" Cole says

"Uh huh" Sonicboom says.

"Whatever" Shay says smirking.

Cole mirrors Shay. Shay sticks her tongue out at him. Cole just smiles as all the other teens laugh. What did I miss between Cole and Shay? Is our team........being............replaced by a better one? I hope not.

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