We're there

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(Cole P.O.V.)

It's been 3 days. 3 days! Since we were last allowed to get out of the rover. I practically just slept the whole time, since Shay was so busy typing furiously on her laptop. I never thought that someone could type so fast! I look at Shay. She is typing..........again.

"What are you doing?" Lloyd asks.

Shay continues to type. Then she looks up. She looks at Lloyd.

"I am doing a new project. It's probably one of the biggest one I've done in a while," she says.

She looks at Lloyd a little longer, smiles, then goes back to typing. I look at Lloyd. He's trying to hide a blush. But fails at it.

(Lloyd P.O.V.)

I see Cole looking at me. I try to push the blush that was creeping onto my face down, but I fail. Darn. Cole glares at me. Yeah yeah. I get it. He thinks that I might have feelings for Shay. Well I don't! Not for her long black hair, her very smart intellect, her pretty face, the way that her body curves. Darn. I think I do have feelings for her. I look at Shay. She's typing furiously on her laptop, her black hair falls over her face, covering that pretty face of hers. Her eyes full of anticipation.

"Are we there yet?" Jay asks slumping in his seat breaking my thoughts.

Shay looks up from her laptop. Something flashes on the screen. She gives it and quick glance then closes the laptop.

"We're here," she says.

She stands up and sits in the drivers seat. She presses many things on the screen. I look at Dash. He seems to fidgeting in his seat. I wonder why. Never mind.

"Everyone, I'd sit down for this part,"Shay says.

Everyone sits, except Dash. He seems to be rocking back and forth in a ball on the floor now. I'm not sure how he got on the floor though. I see Luna kneel next to him. She puts a protective arm around him and tries to whisper soothing words to him. Nothing works. Shay sighs.

"Nothing. Bad. Will happen. You'll be safe and so-o-o-ound. O-oooo," Luna sings.

"You'll be safe in our arms-. Nothing will happen to you," Shay sings.

Dash yawns.

"You'll.....be....safe and......so-o-o-ound....ooohhhhh," Shay and Luna sing together.

I yawn. I look at Dash. His eyes are closed. His breathing is slowing and steading. He falls asleep. I feel bad.

"Just stay calm............for you are safe and so-o-o-ound................," Shay and Luna finish.

Everyone gets real quiet. Then Shay shakes her head and presses some buttons. A drill comes out from the front of the Rover-X7. Shay presses a flashing light on the screen and the drill activates.

"Hold on!" Shay shouts.

We drill upwards in the ground. The gravity pulls us in weird ways as we move. I'm not really sure which we are going, but I can see that Shay and Jay are working the control panel. After what seems like forever, we breaks through the surface. Light. That's the first thing that I can see. I close my eyes. The sudden outburst of light was too much.

"We're here," Zane says.

"Well obviously!" Kai shouts.

Shay pops the top up. We all jump out, except sleeping Dash. I look around. I don't see anything.

"Where's Flutters?" Luna asks.

Shay looks around and gasps. She runs up to a rock wall that seems to have symbols on it. I wonder what they mean. I am just so confused today!!!!

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