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Yeah I know lame chapter name, -_-

Anyways I haven't updated this story in 4EVER I've just been so busy lately, and my Internet is messing up, my Facebook, twitter, instagram, and Wattpad didn't wanna work for a while.

Anyways, I know your just like'"Get to the story!" so imma give u what you'be been asking for. Another chapy!


(Cole P.O.V.)

We've been waiting in the Rover X7 for who knows how long! But it feels like forever. Looking around, Dash is still trying to get out of the rope bonds, Lloyd fell asleep, Zane is meditating, Shay's troops, Nya, and Kai are all playing this weird board game, except for Luna. Luna and Jay are looking at something on the screen. Me? I've just been sitting her doing nothing, but watching everything that has been going on around me. I am still not sure what is going on.

"No, no, see here, you can't do that, we have to go through the old residence room," Luna says while pointing at something on the screen.

"But there isn't anything there," Jay says.

"There is, I know there is, they just took it off the map 'cause they don't want anyone to know that that room was ever there," Luna says.

"You sure, I don't wanna go there and possibly get caught for just a failure," Jay says,"I don't want to risk anything more."

Luna folds her arms. I have never seen Jay so serious, it's a new look or him. I stand up and peer over Jay's shoulder. They're looking at a map of the Overlord's fortress. I look outside, I'm sure that the Dark Islands could've been a better place if it just wasn't filled with evil.

"It's there," Luna says,"I may not be Shay, but I think I know where I have lived for more than half of my life."

Jay just rolls his eyes as he taps something on the screen. I sit back down, I feel my eyelids begin to droop ever so slowly. Then, everything goes black.

(Shay P.O.V.)

I open my eyes to a sight that I haven't seen in a very long time. I hear the Overlord gasp. I roll my eyes and I step forward.

"Is-isn't this.....your room?" The Overlord asks.

I nod. We were standing in the room that I had when I worked for the Overlord. The door bursts open and past me runs in, tears streaming down my face.

"This is only memories, so she can't see us right?" The Overlord asks.

I nod. We watch as past me sits on the bed and quietly sobs.

"This is when you hurt me, this is the day that I left," I say.

With the wave of my hand we move ahead 10 minutes. Now, past me has a back pack strapped to her back, and is holding an old parchment in her hand.

"I found that, when I was packing," I say,"It was something that said it would show my destiny. It told me to go away from the Dark Islands and to take my brother....then I was summoned to the throne room. I was angered at the summoning, so I ran to my brother and we left, we went to hybrid mode and flew from the dark islands, as I flew away, I found these letters from my mum. I took them and continued to fly away. As we passed through the border, a wave of pain shot through us, I plummeted towards Ninjago. We fell in between buildings of Ninjago city. When we landed," the scene changed,"I lost my memory. Then I found the letters, and everything flooded back to me. My job, my destiny, the elements, everything."

Everything goes black, then we are back in the arena, time still forzen.

"Why did you take me back?" he asks.

"So you can see, how much things changed. And so that you know that I can never kill you, because where there is light, there must always be shadows," I say.

"I see....." he says.

"But it doesn't mean that the shadows have to be evil shadows. They could be like Luna," I say

"But I will never be like Luna. I will and always be evil. And there is nothing you can do bout it," he says,"Darkness and light were just never meant to rule together."

"Then what about Sol and Luna?" I ask.

He gets quiet.

"Put back time," he says.

I sigh. I jump back down into the coliseum. I step behind the giant beast that was trying to kill me, and unfreeze time. All the noise and cheering instantly comes back, and I go back to killing monsters. One, by, one.

(Luna P.O.V.)

Jay must be out of his mind. He doesn't wanna listen to me, and he's just so stubborn.

"Stubborn fool," I say under my breath.

"That's Jay for ya."

I turn towards the voice and it's Nya.

"And yet........" she says, "I worry about him and out relationship...we've been drifting apart during this whole..episode..thingy."

I sigh.

"There has been lots of things changing so much and do fast.......our lives are just in chaos, they have lost their balance.....and are falling a part," I say.

Nya nods. We both sigh deeply.

The world is in chaos, including our lives, the balance is gone, and everything is falling a part...........


So....wat did u all think? Hope you likey! And don't forget to follow me on twitter...


And friend me Facebook at....

Blaze DarkShadow.

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