Bonedeeper Part 2

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(Shay P.O.V.)

I saw the ninja on the ground. And felt a strange surge through me.

*The Staff*

What was that?

*The Staff*

A voice? In my head? I must be going crazy.

*You must retrieve the staff*

What staff?



*Yes you idiot! I just said that -__-*

Oh, sorry. So, where can I find this staff that you speak of?

*The Overlord has hidden it, and you must find it*

Overlord? He wouldn't do such a thing. Would he?

*He would, Shay, you're under a spell, your working for the bad guy! You shouldn't you are good, you must find who you truely are*

I know who I am!

*Do you really?*


Do I? 

(Jay P.O.V.) 

I open my eyes. I seem to be somewhere else in the cell. Actually, I don't even remember going back to sleep. I sit up, feeling aches evreywhere. I rub the temple of my head to help the throbbing to seise. I look around. Barred walls are around me, over looking a dark chasm. I stand up and look over. I seem to be hanging in a large metal cage. Over a dark, deep, scary, chasm,

"Someone help!" I shout frantically.

Nothing happens. I sigh, I can only hope that Cole and Luna can get the team up and ready to battle, 'cause by the looks of the rows and rows of troops and groups of monsters here and there, it ain't looking pretty.

(Shay P.O.V.)

I'm currently walking through the hallways, listening to the directions of the voice in my head.

*Keep going*

I continue.

*Turn right*

I turn right at the end of the corrider and am greeted by a very imense and imtimadating door.

*Open it*

I do. Beyond the door is a room, and in the room there seems to be a staff, with green pointed gems on each side, floating, just floating there.

Is this the staff?

*Yes, and you must unite with it*

I walk towards the middle of the room. I now stand right underneath the staff, I lift my arms up, and the staff comes down to me. It rests in my hands. It feels good, I feel strong, and it feels right in my hands. I walk out of the door, and back down the hallway I came from. I continue to walk when a noise catches my attention. I zip around and battle stance with the staff. Hooded Ninja stand there.

"Shay?" one of them asks

I lift my head up a bit

The one who spoke unhoods himself. He seems very familiar...

"Shay? It's me Cole, don't you remember?" he asks familiar, I can feel it knacking at my brain but I.....just...can't! I drop the staff, it clanks onto the floor. I hold my head in my hands. I feel a deepening brain in my mind. I pick up the staff and run. I can hear foot steps behind and the shouting of my name, but I don't stop, and I don't turn around. I dont stop until I get to the mess hall. There in his throne, is the Overlord, in his final human-likr form.

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