Long Dream

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~Natalie's P.O.V~

Things has been much quieter now and I'm glad. I haven't got in any fights although Josh's gang sometimes likes to pick on me, I just ignore them. I ever thought to report them to the counselor but I rather not. I'd get another trouble for them so I did nothing. Outside from my circle, I got close with a group of the upperclassmen just one year above me and they're really nice, except for one. He kept telling me this maid jokes and even suggested me to wearing one.

He said he planned to buy one for me for my birthday. I kept telling him no but he didn't stop so I had no choice but to beat him to a pulp. The others were surprised but they agreed that he deserved it. I only told this to Darky, Anaes and Ezra. Both Ezra and Anaes told me to keep my distance so I did. What a sicko...

About the porcelain faces, Sabrina told me that I'm out of their hands but every time in History class, that damned Daniela always steal my spotlight. Just because she claims she knows history more than I do and her "people" supports her more. I could do something about it but the thought of the risk that I'm a daughter of the most wanted man in the world would make it worse if she found out. She'll win again over me.

Today's activity is like always. Nothing interesting happened... yet. Maybe... class went just fine and luckily there was no history lesson today. The student council with the teachers announced today is cleaning day. They already sorted everyone to which room to clean and I was assigned to clean the science lab. There were other names mentioned but I didn't bother to listen. After we're all dismissed, I grabbed a mop and a bucket and went to the lab.

"Hey, Natalie!" I saw Ezra waving. "Hey...". "I'm guessing that's for cleaning." He teased after noticing the mop and the bucket. "Of course it is." I chuckled. I asked which room he was assigned and he got the library. "Lucky..." I commented. "How about you?". "I got the science lab." Ezra then brought up the time I first went there. I only shook my head and laughed it off. "But you two were together there." He cheekily teased.

"Eh... probably. There were other names mentioned but I don't think they'll show up.". "When you're right, you're right." We bid goodbye and went to our assigned places. I walked my way to the lab while carrying the mop inside the bucket and I saw the majority of students were cleaning. I noticed each council members were supervising and filling the list of students who were actually there. I don't know what they will do to the students who ditched cleaning.

I made it to the lab and I didn't hear much from the inside. 'I knew no one's going to show up.' I sighed at the thought and went inside. "Natalie!" I looked over. "I thought I was the only one here." Said Jack. "Pretty much the same as I do." I responded. I put the bucket near the door and helped organizing. "Did you know I would be here?" I asked. "No, I didn't.". "Huh... that's a first." I reorganized the glass tubes Jack had cleaned.

"How about yourself?". "I expected that no one would show up but you weren't in the equation." I explained. "Same goes to you then." He smiled in relieve. We finished with the equipment and wiped the shelf. Jack dipped the cloth in the bucket he prepared while I dipped my mop in mine and cleaned the floor. Jack wiped the lab's tables.

"Would you mind?" we told each other off. Apparently we were cleaning in each other's way. "Well then, would you mind? I'm trying to mop here.". "Well I'm trying to wipe." I dryly said that Jack should've wiped the windows first. We continued cleaning but it looked like we're bugging each other more and more. Jack had to move every time I mop at his place. He stopped and suddenly lifted me and put me on one of the tables he finished wiping. "What are you doing?" I was surprised. "Stay here." He put down the cloth and took my mop. "I'm supposed to do the mopping here..."

"Just stay there." He ordered. I sat still and watched him doing my work. "Are you trying to treat me like a queen?" curiosity struck me. "Don't you?" he countered. "You don't have to though...". "I know." He responded. He continued working and I watched for a while. I got bored so I hopped down and took the cloth and finish the wiping. "Didn't I told you to sit still?". "I can't just leave yours unfinished." I countered. We did each other's work.

We finished it oddly more effective even though in silence. The silence was comforting for some reason. I went to the lab's sink to wash off the dirt and soap residue from the cloth then a pair of hands slide in. "You mind if I use it too?". "Are you making an excuse not to use the sink next to you?" I got used to this kind of conversation. I finished washing off the cloth and went to dry it off. "You can use the sink freely now."

"Where are you going?" I know that teasing tone. "I'm just drying off the cloth." I found myself smirking. I found a good open window and hung the cloth before going back to the lab. I knocked the door to announce my presence. "What took you so long?" Jack responded. "You miss me?". "You should know by now." I shook my head, feeling a bit giddy.

"Aren't you going to return it?" I pointed to the mop. Jack teased, asking me if the mop should be my responsibility. "You were the last to use it. It's your responsibility." I heard the sigh. "I'll return it later." He gave up. "How long do you plan to stay here?" he asked. "I should be on my way back now but you might have something else in mind.". "You know me so well..."

I sighed and took a seat on one of the empty stools while Jack did an attempt to sneak from behind. "You know that I can—Oh nevermind." He rested his arms on my head. "Would you mind?". "Can I have this for five minutes?" he tried to bargain. I bid for one minute then he asked for four. "Three minutes. Take it or leave it." I gave my final offer. "Alright. Three minutes then I'll get off." He gave in.

"Are you trying that much to impress me?" I asked to keep the train going. "What do you think?". "I appreciate it." I answered but there was no answer from him. My head felt lighter; Jack must've took his arms off of my head. I felt his fingers on my chin, guiding me to look at him then I felt his lips pressed to mine.

He drew back after a while. "Is that enough for you?" he asked. "You know that I love you.". "From the start?" he nodded. "Alright. You win." I smiled in relieve, returning his feelings. The bell then rang. "Just in time." I waited for it to die down but it didn't and I heard another voice calling my name.

(Back at the apartment)

"Natalie? Natalie... it's time to wake up." I opened my eyes and there was Steve. "Good morning." He greeted. "Morning." I greeted back and I suddenly realized, "What time is it?" I started to panic. "It's almost nine. Don't worry, I already called to inform that you're sick." Steve reassured. "Did he said anything?" I asked and Steve said that my boss told me to return to work when I recovered.

"Did you had a nice dream?". "You didn't listen to the end?" he shook his head. "You did tell me the story but then you fell asleep. I guess you must've continued the rest in your dream." Said Steve. I got up and went to the dining room. "Did you have a nice dream?" Steve repeated his question. "I'm guessing that you did since you slept peacefully." He added. "You got me there." I took a seat and ate breakfast.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" I asked. "I already have mine." Steve answered and took a seat, accompanying me eat. "Thanks for breakfast." I broke the silence. "Again, sorry to bother you with this.". "And again, I don't mind doing it." He countered. "Like I said, you're my friend and I enjoyed it." He added. "More than spending time by yourself?" I teased. Steve laughed, "Sometimes...".

I finished my breakfast and stood up to go to the sink. Steve stopped me and I told him that I'm fine. "Please let me do this." I half pleaded. "Alright... I'm being overprotective again.". "Thanks." I smiled and washed my plate. "Do you always end up on your uncle's operating table?" Steve shared his curiosity. "I can't exactly remember though. I guess after the war, many of my family sometimes end up in the hospital due to big injuries." I tried to remember.

I finished the dishes and walked back to the table, slowly and carefully trying to sit down. Steve stood up and helped. "Thanks." I softly smiled. "Do you want to take shower now?" he asked. "Maybe later." I answered. "Do you know where he is now?" Steve asked again. "Pardon me?". "Do you know where Jack might be right now?" he repeated his question. I pondered from the question.

"It's been so long. Now that you asked, I wonder where he is." I started to wonder. "I haven't heard from him after the war. I fear that something bad happened to him." I started to ramble. "Natalie..." I snapped back, "Ah, I'm sorry.". "Maybe you can find out what happened when you're feeling better." Steve suggested. "But I'm still keeping an eye on you for the time being. As promised and doctor's orders." He sternly pointed and I giggled. "Alright, alright." We continued our day as usual.

A.N : Happy new year by the way... Turns out I had an idea to write one more chapter before finally ending the book. Still, hope you guys enjoy the chapter and I'll see you in the last one. RD out!! Boi!!!

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