Two New Faces

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~Natalie's P.O.V~
Summer break's over and we're back to the House. The first day won't start for another few days. Midnight told us to go back here a week before but I managed to negotiate to three days before the first day. It wasn't really a surprise that there are a lot already came back and I have a feeling there are some that already back like how Midnight wanted us to. Darky and I got off the train and went straight to our dorm and starts unpacking.

Speaking of summer break, we didn't really do anything much back home. Except me though... I had to watch over the bar for every few nights. Midnight did ask how we were in our first year and I explained everything except about Dan. I don't want to upset Darky by mentioning Dan's name and it could've been worse if Midnight knew what happened. Of course he wouldn't care even if he's dead but I still have my reasons for being mad at Midnight.

For the first few weeks, Darky would always lock herself in her room. Midnight thought she missed her friends but that wasn't the problem and he didn't bother to ask why. Maybe he knows something? Darky would only come out for food and she wouldn't let anyone enter even me. I stopped trying and decided to give her some space. Sometimes I could hear her singing that song whenever I passed her room.

We finished unpacking and as usual I went out for a walk. "I'm going for a walk..." I informed and she didn't answer. "Do you want me to get you something?" I asked and she slowly shook her head. "Alright then. I won't be long and don't forget to lock the door, okay? If Alicia came to visit then she's welcomed." I exited and wait until Darky locks the door.

I wandered around and I saw some girls were in and out of their rooms. Probably they were doing some extra cleaning. I went to the room where Sam first showed me. No one was there but I went inside anyway. I noticed there was a piano in the room and I walked towards it. "I never noticed you here..." I commented. I opened the cover and randomly pressed the keys. "I wonder if Midnight mind getting one for me..." I giggled at the thought. 

"Hello?" the voice startled me. I closed back the cover and checked who was in the room with me. "Oh, it's just you." I walked away from the piano in relieve. "You're Natalie, right?" I nodded. "And I still remember you, Lydia.". "What are you doing here?" asked Lydia. "I was just wandering around and I noticed the piano so I went to check it out." I explained and she nodded. "You're back early..." I changed the topic.

"No, I came yesterday. You're early too.". "Yeah. Mid-- err, dad wanted us to come a week before but I managed to talked it out." I explained.  "I'm sorry for your loss.".  "Thanks." I remembered about Dan's death. "Did you know Daniel well?" I asked. "Not much. Only words from others and I didn't dare to get close." she explained. "At least Daniela won't be a problem but it's still a sad loss." Lydia nodded. "How's Anaes?". "She's doing fine. She's just chilling in her room. Do you want me to accompany you to her?" Lydia offered and I declined. "It's alright. I can visit later.". "Alright then. See ya later." I waved and she left.

I went to the spot where Dan fell. "Hey, Dan. We're back! How are you? Wish you could've spent the summer with us back home..." I paused for a second. "And you could've talked things out with Midnight and we would've been a happy family." my smile disappeared after I sighed. "Midnight asked how we were in the first year and I told him we were doing fine. I wanted to tell him about you but I know you don't want it." I talked about Darky and I was wishing that Dan is listening to everything I said.

"I hate seeing her like that and I hate it that you broke her promise. You know how she is..." I let out my frustration. "She took it hard. She really misses you and so do I. At this point, I don't care if everyone knows we're siblings. I just want both of you to be happy and that's enough for me." I exhaled again before leaving. "Well I hope you're much happier up there. It would be nice to know that you're watching over us. Darky would've loved it. I'll visit again soon." when I turned, I noticed two boys walked passed. I had a feeling that the tall one was watching me. "Are they new?" I thought to myself. I shook it off from my head and went back to my room.

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