Watering the Flowers

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~Darky's P.O.V~
After that day, things seemed to calm down between them but I don't want to be too sure about it. Natalie said that the two girls are still giving her death stares and knowing my sister, she doesn't care much about it. Sometimes I wish Danny would come to help us but he can't... or at least met up with Jack again. Ezra told me that they were friends and I bet Danny would help a lot with Jack and Natalie with his silly antics.

I noticed that Natalie isn't in the room. She has a habit of suddenly disappearing. I went out to look for her. I went to her friends' dorms but none has seen Natalie for the past hour. I went to Alicia's room to ask if she has seen my sister but her answer was the same. "I'm sorry I can't help..." she apologized. "How about yourself? Do you know where she might be?". "Sometimes I don't know. She acts like a ghost even around the house. She might be anywhere." I explained. "Thank you anyway..." I sighed. "I'll look somewhere else.". "Good luck." Said Alicia and I continued my search.

"Where is she?" I started to panic. I then saw a familiar friendly face, "Excuse me!" I ran to her. "Oh! You must be Natalie's little sister." She noticed me and I nodded. "Do you know where my sister is?" I asked. "I heard someone playing in the lounge earlier. Maybe she's in there. Come on!". "Thank you." I smiled and we went to the lounge.

I heard piano across the hall and we went in. "Oh, hey Kezia! What's up?". "Your sister has been looking for you." I ran and hugged Natalie. "Hey... I'm not anywhere far.". "Stop disappearing like that!" she chuckled and thanked Kezia. She giggled, "It's no problem at all! I'll go look for Sean now. See you two later!" and left. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I noticed this a while back and I wanted to test it out." Said Natalie, tapping the top of the piano. I asked what song she was playing and she played the tune. (It's Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence again. I'm in love with the song.) "I'm still way behind on mastering the song. Need some time for it." She explained. "Do you think dad would buy one?". "If you can help me convince him..." she smirked and we laughed. "Shouldn't you be in the Gardening Club now?" Natalie asked.

"I'll be off in a minute... why can't you just come here whenever you're bored or have spare time?" I asked. "I rather sneak in when no one's around. I can focus more when I'm alone." I can see one of her insecurities from this. "I'll be going now. Have fun!" I gave her one last hug and went to the school's garden. There were only few people and the instructor isn't there yet. "Hi, Darky!" I saw Bert waving at me and I waved back.

"Is it time for them to bloom?" I asked about the flowers he was watering. "Looks like it! They only flower every five years.". "Five years? I'll keep that in mind." I responded. "What's your favorite flower?" asked Bert. "Hmm... Dogwoods and cherry blossoms." I answered. Bert responded in surprise and fascination. Before we could continue our conversation, the instructor arrived and we began the day's activity.

We usually tend the school's flowers and trees even though there aren't a lot of them. "Do you have any plans on studying botanics? You know this more than I do.". "I haven't thought about it yet. But I want to open my own flower shop someday. You should visit it!". "I'll keep it in mind." He smiled.

~Celliers' P.O.V~
Today is as tedious as ever. Ezra had a meeting and I'm sure my brother in the school's garden right about now. I took a walk and wander around the building. The chaps I met on the first day were playing pool again. I decided not to join then and continued wandering. I have nothing much to do on Saturdays. Sometimes I wonder if Daniel didn't die, he would have dragged me somewhere else.

I exited the house and wander around the yard. I was greeted by the girls around the area and I heard they were afraid by the popular ones. I asked Ezra why and it was because of Daniel. I thought it was just nonsense but there would be a riot if he was still here. How ridiculous that is...

I passed the school's garden and I saw my brother. He saw me and gave me a small smile. I only looked at him. "He's doing fine..." I saw him interacting with a girl. They look close. "Funny seeing you here in this side of the school." I recognized the voice. "Why's that?". "You usually either in your dorm, the science lab or the lounge." I asked back the last statement. "I just finished practicing. There were people coming in."

"You could just ignore them.". "I prefer the silence. It eases me more." She answered. "Why are you here anyway?" I turned my sight to my brother. "Checking in, huh? That's rare for you." I smirked, "You sounded relaxed about it." She lifted her shoulders. "I see that Darky's getting closer with your brother.". "Do you think they—" she cut me off, "No, they won't."

Her response surprised me. "She has her own way but for now... she's learning to be in comfort around others." Natalie explained. "Do you do gardening?" I changed the topic. "I don't actually but I help whenever I can. I doubt you're the same." I let out a small chuckle. "I only water them. Nothing much.". "That still counts as helping."

"Do you have any particular type of flower as a preference?". "I can only name a few but I don't have any specifics." I answered. "How about yourself?". "Personally roses and tulips. Black and white are rare colours for them." She explained. "Do you grow them back home?" she nodded. "We also have a dogwood tree." She added. I never heard of it before. I asked if it's the same as a willow tree and she explained it looks like a cherry blossom tree but with white flowers in general.

"It grew on me too." I found it funny. "To be clear, that pun was unintentional!" she pointed. "Don't tell me you're planning on giving me a bouquet...". "What if I am?" I noticed her blush and she looked away. "T-that won't work on me!" she crossed her arms. She let out an exception but I couldn't hear it clearly. "W-why do you care anyway if you have no interest in them?". "Don't lose the clip I gave..." I fixed the hair clip then left. I can hear her flustered noises over my back.

A.N : Hey, guys! Here's another plain chapter for you... I'm running out of ideas for this book. I think I'm going to finish it either on the next chapter or two more. I'm getting bored on writing this... Anyway, I published a new book so go check it out! It's an xreader and I want to introduce you guys with the person in the book. I hope I can get it right... I'll see you guys in the next chapter then... RD out! Boi!!

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