New Friends(?)

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~Natalie's P.O.V~
I woke up the next morning and Darky was still asleep. I smiled to myself and took a shower. After changing, I walked to her and gently wake her up. "Good morning." I greeted. "Morning, Natalie..." Darky greeted with a yawn. "You're up early...". "My brain decided to wake up so yeah!" Darky giggled and I told her to get shower before we get breakfast.

After Darky finished, we went to the cafeteria for breakfast. The menu was pancakes or eggs with bacon and sweet warm tea or orange juice. I chose the eggs and tea while Darky picked pancakes and juice. I spotted Anaes and Lydia so I decided to join them. "Morning, guys!" I greeted. "Morning you two!" Anaes greeted back and Lydia waved with a smile. "Mind if we sit here?" I asked. "Sure! Go ahead!" said Anaes and both of us took our seat.

"Oh! I haven't introduced you guys yet." I remembered. "Anaes, Lydia... This is my sister, Darky!" I introduced Darky. "I-it's nice t-to finally meet you two." she was still shy to let out her excitement. "It's nice to meet you too! Your sister tells a lot about you." said Lydia happily, trying to cheer up Darky. "S-she tells a lot about you two as w-well. Y-you three are g-good friends." Darky responded.

We were having our breakfast when Lydia said to me, "Someone's been cozy with the new guy..." she looked at me cheekily. "What me? Nah...". "Come on... You moved on really fast!" Lydia teased. "Where did you even know that?" I asked and took a bite. "I heard that someone saw you two were together yesterday." I almost choked when she said it. "Who would even saw us? It was way past after school hours." I half protested while still surprised with the news.

"Yeah. From where did you hear it?" asked Anaes to Lydia. "There was a bunch of people and I happened hear them talking about Natalie with the new guy." Lydia looked at me and asked, "Do you know his name?". "Who? Jack Celliers?" crap! I shouldn't have said it. Both Anaes and Lydia squealed with excitement and cuteness. They started teasing me and said that I have a crush on Jack. "Stop it guys...". "Just admit it... You like him." Lydia teased. "Well if he can impress me then I might consider it..."

~Celliers' P.O.V~
Class is finished and the bell rang for lunch break. I thought I've forgotten the papers that was assigned for me to bring but the science master told me that someone already brought it yesterday. I asked who and he the gave the name Midner. I quickly remembered the name and realized it was Natalie who brought them. "Hey! Thinking about something?" I looked to my side and it was only Ezra. "It was nothing." I dismissed the question. "I can tell from that face you were thinking about someone."

"I bet it was Natalie, wasn't it?" I looked at him. "If you were but if you don't want to talk about it then I'm fine with it." he smiled as it wasn't a big deal. "It was about her. Only a little." I admitted. "Then she must've met you yesterday." I turned my sight to the straight direction. "What did she said?". "She apologized for slamming door to my face." Ezra chuckled and asked what I did to her. I looked away from him, hiding my face.

"Do you understand why I'm like this to my brother?" I asked, changing the topic. "I suppose I have some sort of an understanding. Still, if there's anything you'd like to talk about. I'll be here to listen." he offered warmly. "Or if you're much comfortable with Natalie then I don't mind.". "Don't push it." Ezra wasn't fazed by my warning and instead he gave me a smug. "What?". "You like her, don't you?" his smug turn to a grin. "Don't be ridiculous." I avoided eye contact.

I calmed down a little and asked what if I do like her. "From what I know, she's not very open about romantic relationships. You can say that she's hard to get but she isn't actually. Just try to impress her through little things but not too much." I nodded to the advice as a thank you. "You sure know a lot about her." he awkwardly chuckled, "I'm just her close friend. Daniel helped me a lot too." I could feel my lip forming a playful smirk.

~Natalie's P.O.V~
I just finished lunch and Darky went off to somewhere. As long as she's fine then I can be less worried. I was rummaging around my locker and I heard someone on my back. "Excuse me..." I closed my locker and turned to  see the person. "Hm?". "We never properly introduced before... I'm Sabrina. I'm--" I cut her off before she can continue. "You're from one of the porcelain faces gang." I remembered seeing her along Daniela.

"I was.". "What makes you say that?" I didn't let myself fooled by it. "I... I have my own reasons! The point is, I'm not one of them anymore." I'm still not taking the bait. "I overheard your conversation this morning and I can confirm that you're a big threat.". "Is it because of me and Celliers?" she nodded. "Who is it this time?" I rolled my eyes. She answered the obvious, Rosemary. "Wow... Can't wait for another beating from her..." I let out my sarcasm.

"I don't think she'll do that to you." she answered. "Why are you telling me this? Are you trying to squeeze out info from me?" my suspicion came out. She stuttered in surprise and tried to explain. "I'm not their informant! I'm not one of them anymore." she paused. "I was in the group because I was desperate but I would never thought they do this. I couldn't get out so I had no choice but stay." she explained. "That's the worse reason I've ever hear in my life." I commented with sass.

She sighed in defeat from my comment. "It's fine if you don't trust me but please do hear my warning.". "I appreciate it. Thank you. If you're right then maybe I'll consider trusting you." I loosen myself a little. "That's good enough for me." she finally smiled. "It's a pleasure to talk to you, Sabrina." I extended my hand. She was surprised at first that this wouldn't happen. Her smile came back and shook my hand. "It's a pleasure too, Natalie! I guess we'll be seeing each other now... See you later!" I casually waved and left.

~Darky's P.O.V~
Welcome to the second year of school! It's been two days though and I still miss Danny... But I don't want to make Natalie sad because I'm sad so I'm determined to get this over! Alicia helped me to feel better too. I feel bad for ignoring Natalie all summer. She was trying to help but I shut her out. Dad might seem he didn't care about me but I know he does. He just leaves me alone if I'm like this. I hope someday he will ask me why and comfort me like Natalie for whatever reason why I'm down.

"Are you okay today?" Alicia asked. "I don't know yet..." I couldn't give a good answer. "Have you heard about what happened yesterday?" I asked. "No, why?". "I feel bad for him..." Alicia then asked if I want to try to talk to him and I nodded. "Okay then, let's go find him!" said Alicia and we spent the rest of break time trying to find him. He's in the same year as both of us but he's not in the same class so we had to look each class.

We finally found him sitting under a tree. "Try talk to him. You can do it!" Alicia encourage me. I took a deep breath and walked to him. "H-hi..." I timidly greeted. "Hello." he looked at me. "Who are you?" he asked. "O-oh! M-my name is Darkwood. B-but you can call me Darky." I introduced myself. "It's nice to meet you, Darky. My name is Bert. Bert Celliers." he extended his hand and I shook. "I-it's nice to meet you too!" I tried to sound excited.

"W-why are you sitting here?" I asked. "Jack didn't bother to look for me. I better off being out of anyone's sight." he answered. "I-I'm sorry for what happened to you yesterday.". "Don't apologize." he gave me an 'it's okay' face but I know it's not okay. "I-I'm not going to accept it just that!" he was surprised to what I said. "I-it's fine that you can only sing a-and you should be proud of it! Don't let others stop you from doing it." I actually encouraged him.

"I... I'd like to hear you sing again." I was back to my timid self. "I don't want to sing anymore." he looked away. "Th-then maybe ne I can sing m-my song to you?". "You have your own song?" I nodded. I explained I made a song when Danny died from the note he left for us. "It's like he intentionally wrote it for me to sing it.". "I'm sorry to hear it." he shared his condolence and I thanked him. I timidly smiled and I could see Bert's faint smile too. "I guess you can sing it for me." I took a deep breath and sang the song. He complimented my singing and it made him feel better. I have to agree that it made me feel better too.

A.N : Hey, guys! I'm back with the uploads again! I've been busy with the other story and I had a crippling indecision but I worked it out. I guess this story sells quick because I put in David Bowie, huh? Thanks though guys! I appreciate it.

Anyway the uploads will be much slower than before because tomorrow is first day back to class and I might not have time to write since the live meeting is until late.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one! RD out!! Boi!!!

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