First Move

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~Natalie's P.O.V~

The week passed pretty peacefully and frankly, I was surprised. For the first time I went through a single week without any trouble either from the porcelain faces or the douche gang. Ezra's been hanging out with Jack a lot and they reminds me when Dan used to hang out with him. I asked Ezra and he said that Jack is almost like Dan. "That's nice." I smiled. "Well without the coldness though..." Ezra added and I chuckled.

"What do you think of him?" asked Ezra. "Who? Jack?" he nodded. "He doesn't talk much but you're right with the Dan part. In a way though..." I explained. "Do you like him?". "If it's as a friend then I'm fine with it." I shrugged it. Ezra's face changed to a playful smirk for a split second and said, "He told me that he likes you...". "Excuse me?" I almost choked on my words.

"He said it in a 'what if' but he definitely likes you." his smirk still stayed. "Wait what? No, you're joking...". "No, I'm not." his smirk turned to a smug. "Is that the reason why you asked me that?" I crossed my arms. "I was just curious of your opinion.". "I might think about it if he can impress me." I let down my arms. "I knew you'd say that... I'm sure he'll get through you eventually...". "Yeah right..." I rolled my eyes.

I'm pretty confident that I won't fall for him but I'm sure it will backfire to me. If it did backfired, I won't be surprised. Or maybe not. Darky told me she met Jack's brother and apparently they became friends. "Don't you mean 'playmates'?". "No, we're not!" she half screamed. "I-I just feel like we can be good friends." her tone changed to her timid self.

I smiled and pat her head. "I'm glad that you can make new friends by yourself. I'm a bit curious why you approached him. Is it because of the incident?" I asked. "I guess so. I felt like I can put myself in his spot on that day." she explained. "Although you would've cried if you were..." I smirked and she shyly giggled. "Did you know he can sing?" Darky asked. "I haven't heard him sing before and I think I'll never hear it after the incident."

"I'm sure you will. He just need some time..." she smiled. "Why would you say that? Did you sing for him?" I asked and she turned to a tomato. "W-well... I-I thought i-if I... Uh..." she stuttered, I giggled. "You gave him a boost of confidence. He might not sing after it but I'm sure he appreciated it." I ended it with a smile. Her facial colour turned back to normal and smiled, both eyes and lips. I could never get tired of it.

So! We're now in the second week and I guess I have to prepare myself for it... Who knows what trouble I'll be in. "Natalie!" Sam called. "Oh, hey!" I turned and she was with Anaes. "Are you in a group project that I didn't know of?" I asked. "No, we're not. We're just coming back from the teacher's office.". "So you two bumped into each other?" Anaes said yes and told me that they had one thing in common. I've suspected that they would talk about the guy they always been fangirling for a long time. I'm surprised that they got along well.

"How about you?" Sam asked. "I was just back from Darky's class. As usual...". "Did you meet him again?" Again, I almost choked when Sam asked. "Why would I even bump into him again? Don't tell me that Anaes told you about it...". "Yep!" I sighed and hung my head in defeat. I should've known they would... "Look, I'm trying my best for not getting anywhere near him, okay? If I don't then it would be like last year again." I explained.

"Then why did you talked to him that day?" Anaes threw a counter argument. "I... It... I just wanted to apologize to him! I slammed a door to his face." Looks like they didn't believe my answer. "Riiiiight... If it was an apology then why did it took long?". "And how did you know his name?" Damn they're cornering me. "He asked for mine so I gave him and he did the same." I answered Sam's question. "Hey! You haven't answered mine yet." Anaes reminded me. "You guys are killing me..."

They laughed at my defeat. "Just admit that you like him..." Sam teased. "What if I am?" I was expecting an answer from either of them but instead they were silent and I felt an arm wrapped around my neck. "Then we're even.". "Freaking heck!" I threw off the arm and turned to see. Speak of the Devil, it was Jack. "Jeepers, Jack don't creep up on me or I'll get you a cowbell.". "Then you'll know when I'm around... I don't see why not."

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