Don't Apologize

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~Sabrina's P.O.V~
It's Monday again! I woke up and my roommates, Lydia and Karen were still asleep. I got up and took shower. "Morning you two!" I greeted them after done shower. They nodded and Karen was the second one to shower. "Do we have any homework?" asked Lydia. "I do and I already finished it. I don't know about yours though..." I answered while putting on my uniform. "Yo, Karen! Do we have any homework?"

Lydia shouted at Karen who just came out from the bathroom. "Yes, we do.". "Crap! I forgot. Can I copy yours?" I giggled when Karen sighed and allowed. "Thanks, honey. Mwah!" Lydia blew a kiss to Karen and took shower. Karen and I packed our things while waiting for Lydia. After Lydia finished changing, Karen lent her notebook and copied the answers. They packed back their books and we went to the main building then to our respective classes.

Today I have the same class with Rosemary and Josh. Since I left, they always makes me on alert whenever I'm near them. I overheard them talking about something. Like a deal of some sort. I leaned back on my chair to listen them closely and they were talking about someone and teaching them a lesson at lunch break. I could clearly hear Rosemary saying that she doesn't want to get her hands dirty. "Just name your price.". "No. Getting my revenge is enough and we'll see if he comes to rescue."

~Darky's P.O.V~
"We're not having lunch together again?". "I'm really sorry, Darky... I really need to finish this assignment." Alicia apologized. "Okay then... I'll be with my sister." I reassured her. "We can have lunch again tomorrow, okay?" I nodded. "Don't worry about me. I'll see you later in class!". "See you too." we waved and I went to Natalie's class. "Is Alicia busy again?" asked Natalie when she saw me.

"Yeah... But I'm okay with it." I replied with a smile. She pat my head and we walked to the cafeteria. While walking, I noticed the hair clip. "I didn't know you're going to wear it." I pointed out. She was surprised that I noticed it and tried to make an excuse, "I'm wearing it so it won't be a waste.". "Of course you are..." I teased. "Oh come on... You would react the same if I found you wearing something Dan gave." she countered me.

"Okay, you got me." I admit my defeat with a giggle. We continued our walk to the cafeteria. We grabbed a tray each and picked the food then picked a table. We sat down and suddenly Ezra joined us. "Oh, hey!" Natalie noticed Ezra. "Nice to see you!" I greeted. "It's nice to see you two." he greeted back. We chatted while eating although mostly Natalie and Ezra were do the talking. I just watched and listen but it's fun. I only responded when they asked me something.

We finished our lunch and went back to the hall. Natalie and Ezra looked perfect together but I don't want to ruin it by asking a dumb question. "Hey you!" our walk was stopped. We turned to see who called and I shook. It was one of the bullies. "What do you want, Josh? Is it about "that" again?" Natalie was annoyed by his presence. "You're still smart I see...". "Get off my face." Natalie gave him the glare.

He gave a signal and the other two boys accompanied him. "What are you really expecting from me? An apology?" I hid behind Ezra because I'm scared of what will happen. Then I heard a loud noise. "W-what's going on?" I shakily asked. "Just stay there." Ezra ordered. I peeked and it was horrifying. Natalie was being beaten by the three boys. "You asked that I wouldn't "hit a girl", didn't you?" he asked as a taunt to Natalie.

They finally stopped when the school's head council intervened. They looked around like they were looking for someone. "Looks like nobody came for you this time." said Josh and they left. One of the council members took Natalie to the infirmary. "Are you okay?" Ezra worriedly asked and I shook my head. "I'll accompany you to your class, okay?" I nodded and we went to my class.

~Natalie's P.O.V~
Kezia took me to the infirmary to tend my wounds. "Good thing you got light bruises. What happened?" the nurse asked. "Random beating of the day.". "Again?" Kezia was surprised. "What do you mean 'again'? Why didn't you came here if this keeps happening?" I didn't answer and hung my head in shame. The nurse sighed and let me stay until I'm okay enough to go back to class.

"Thanks for bringing me here and sorry for being a bother." I looked to Kezia. "I don't mind it. It's better than you getting reduced to a pulp.". "I guess you're right." I let out a small chuckle. "Well I'll see you around, Natalie.". "See you too..." we waved and she left. I plopped myself on the bed. "Was it revenge or something? Ah whatever..." I mumbled to myself.

"She's resting in the back." I sat up and heard the nurse talking to someone. I was expecting either Darky, Anaes, Sam or Ezra to show up. "Definitely not expecting you to come." I was a bit surprised when Jack came in. "Are you alright?". "I've been worst." he sat next to me. There was a short moment of silence between us. He looked at me, "Look, I--". "Don't apologize."

I could see the disbelief in him. "But I've wronged you.". "I never really expecting you to save me anyway. Don't think too much of it." now he hung his head in shame. I guess he didn't accept my sparing. "What makes you say that?" he lifted his head. I exhaled, "If it's already my fate, then why should I rely on hope?" just before Jack gave a response, Sabrina came running in. "Are you okay?" she worriedly asked.

I lifted my shoulders as a reply. "Do you know who did this?" Jack asked. "Josh did the beating but Rosemary is the one who asked for this." Sabrina explained. I noticed Jack's fist and I put my hand on his shoulder. "Don't do anything stupid." he seemed to calm down but there was a bit of disappointment. "Thanks for letting me know, Abby." I thanked Sabrina.

I stood up and checked the mirror. I fixed my hair and reached into my pocket. "That clip is cute!" Sabrina commented. "Did you buy it?". "He bought it for me." I cocked my head to Jack and put the clip back on. "Good thing it's save or Lord knows how he'll do when he finds out that it's broken." I let out a sass, intended to Jack and Sabrina laughed. "Keep guessing and you might find it out." Jack commented. We exited the infirmary and went back to our classes.

I finished the day and I went to my locker to grab some things. "Natalie!" I heard Darky's voice and she hugged me. "I'm glad that you're okay." I smiled. "I won't be going anywhere.". "Oh come on!" I heard that fowl familiar voice. "After all of that, you still have that stupid curve on your face?" Rosemary was angry.

"Who do you think you are? Some sort of demon?" she taunted. "Yeah. One of yours I hope." I countered. "I should've been in her place if you want a fight." Rosemary stopped storming towards me when she heard Jack. "It's me that you want, isn't it?" Jack asked. "It's not her fault and if you want to take it out then here I am." Jack stood in front of me. Unlike that coward, Rosemary actually land a slap on his face and left. Between respect or love, the second option was worth of a sacrifice.

A.N : Hey guys! How long has it been? A month? Sorry that I took so long. As usual, college stuff and midtest. Also there were a lot of assignments to do that I have little time for this. I'm still in test week now but I have the whole week free since I submitted my answers the week before. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I picked some off from the movie again and it fits with the plot. I'll see you guys in the next one! RD out!! Boi!!!

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