That's It!

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~Natalie's P.O.V~
After that day, we would frequently pass each other. Either I was walking down the halls or to the restrooms and Dan would make an excuse for "coincidentally" bumping over me. Even thought it's his excuse to check if I'm alright.

Darky noticed Dan's behavior and asked me did something wrong between me and Dan. "Everything's fine... It's just Dan's way to see if I'm fine or not. Did he do that to you?". "Not in your way... He sometimes stopped by and then left.". That's what she said to me. She also said that she wanted to talk about it with Dan and I haven't seen the results yet.

"That's weird...". "What's weird?" I looked at Sam. "Dan isn't here to 'check' on you today.". "You're right." It feels more relieving now. "Did something happen to both of you?". "It's not from me for sure but Darky said that she had a talk with Dan." I explained. "Well whatever your sister said to Daniel surely made him stop." I laughed and agreed.

"What the?" I was surprised when I opened my locker. "What is it?" Sam peeked at my locker. I took the note and Sam asked if Dan left it for me. I opened it and read, "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable so I thought I'll leave you a note. I hope you're okay with it." I giggled, "I guess it's his thing now. Leaving notes...". "I can't really argue with that." I agree with Sam.

I thought it would stop after that note but it didn't. The notes were gradually coming until it became daily. I managed to save them in my old pencil case but I'm concerned that it'll be stuffy if this keeps up. "Hey, are you okay?" I yelped at Dan's tap. "Good grief, Dan! Don't creep up on me like that or I'll get you a cowbell.". "Okay I'll try. But don't get me the cowbell." He gave me a death stare and I laughed it off. "What were you doing?" he asked.

"Oh, I was just rummaging this." I showed him my pencil case. "You kept all of my notes! That's sweet of you." he pats my head with giddy. I fixed my hair with my hand. "I didn't expect you keeping my notes like Darky does.". "She kept them too?" I looked at Dan. "I only left her some notes and I think it's usual for her to keep them but I didn't know you would too.". "It's a thing." I slightly blushed. "I think it's nice but don't make it a habit or you'll be a hoarder." Dan gave an advice and I nodded.

~Daniel's P.O.V~
Natalie showed me the notes I've given to her and I was surprised to see it. It was a bit weird but hey! Siblings do have weird secrets from each other or themselves, right? Maybe? I don't know. As far as I know, Darky never really had any weird secrets from me. I guess this is normal and please stay normal. At least it won't get to the point of my concern.

Natalie also asked me to stop dropping the notes. "Why?" I asked. "It's just like you did before the notes. I mean it's nice but don't you think you're okay with others seeing you like this every day?" she explained. I felt like an idiot again for that. I promised her to stop doing it. But it made another gossip just like before.

"Odd seeing you not ripping off a piece of paper and writing something down." said Ezra. "Yeah. I decided to stop doing it. She doesn't like it." Ezra looked at me with a cheeky face. "I'm saying it because it also makes me uncomfortable." I protested. "About time you noticed the whispers...". "Yeah... I feel like an idiot for noticing it late." I embarrassedly laughed. "Well you are an idiot." we laughed at it.

The bell rang and we left the class. "Hey, Daniel! Not going to your girlfriend's locker today?" said one of my classmates and others started to join in. "Just ignore them, Daniel." Ezra tried to calm me down. I sighed and followed Ezra's advice. I opened my locker and oddly I was expecting a note from Natalie. What's wrong with me today?

"Dude?" Ezra saw my face. "You okay?" I shook my head. "I'm fine. I just had a weird feeling. Expecting a note when I open my locker." I replied. "Did she ever reply your notes?". "No, she didn't." I closed my locker and we walked to the hall where Natalie's class is. We just turned from the corner and they were starting to talk about me and Natalie.

I saw her and I immediately avoid eye contact. Ezra told me she did the same thing and I can hear the laughter. "Alright. That's it!". "Daniel?" I ignored Ezra and stormed over to Natalie. "Dan? What are you doing?" I grabbed her hand. "What's going on?". "If they won't shut up then we'll make them." I firmly stated. "What?". "As of today, you're my girlfriend!" I announced aloud. "What!" the whole room's expression was the same as Natalie's.

"What do you mean 'girlfriend'? We can't-". "We'll talk about this later." I pulled her away from the crowd. "Daniel! Wait for me!" Ezra shouted from the distance, trying to catch up. "Ezra? Is that you?" she noticed Ezra catching up and he waved back with a smile. "It's nice to see you again and I didn't expect to see you again here... Woah!". "I-I'll see you two later!" said Ezra. I apologized before we left.

We went to a spot that wasn't too crowded. Natalie yanked off her hand from mine and yelled, "Daniel Midner! What on earth is wrong with you?". "What did you call me?" I asked for her clarification. "Midner. I called you Daniel Midner and I don't want to hear any complaint from it!" she firmly stated and I closed my mouth. "Now, what was that all about?" she asked again. "People are starting to get suspicious and I want to do the same like you did to Darky." I confessed.

"But we're not allowed to do this.". "I know. But it's my-- our last chance to keep our secret and the only way to protect you." I explained. "I know that this is stupid and I just want them to shut up for once--" suddenly I felt a warm hug. "You are an idiot." Said Natalie while hugging me and I hugged back. "Alright. I'll play your game."

~Darky's P.O.V~
School's over for today and everyone started to talk about Danny and Natalie. "Um... Alicia..." she looked at me. "Why are they talking about Danny and Natalie?" I asked. "Oh, didn't you hear? They're dating now," Alicia happily informed. "D-dating? When did it happen?" I was surprised to hear the news. "I think it happened earlier today. I heard that senior Daniel just walked and grabbed senior Natalie's hand then announced that they're officially a couple." Alicia explained.

My older siblings are dating? I know Natalie isn't blood related but can she do that? If she wasn't my sister then I would be fine about it. "T-thanks for the info. I-I'll see you tomorrow.". "Bye!" Alicia waved and I hurriedly left. I checked Natalie's class and she wasn't there. Then she must've gone back to our dorm. I quickly went to our room and the door wasn't locked.

"Natalie?" I knocked and slowly opened the door. "Welcome back, dear. How was your day?" she happily asked like nothing happened. "I-it was fine." I answered. "How was yours?" I asked back and she replied the same. "So... I... uh... heard something interesting from Alicia about you." I tried to change the subject. "Oh, you've heard!" I thought you didn't." said Natalie with a smile.

"What do you think?" she asked. "I-it's nice-- B-but you can't exactly d-do that!" I answered. "I know. But I think it's better this way rather than people keep talking behind me and the occasional make ups, so I play along his little game." She explained. "W-would they ever know?". "As long as we have people to trust or we can keep it to ourselves."

A.N : Test is almost over and I decided to edit the story in my laptop before I upload it here. Like usual, the quarantine still bores me to death even though the gov loosen the rule a little, I still can't go outside freely. I hope you guys stay safe and enjoy this chapter. I'll see you guys in the next one! RD out!! Boi!!!

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