It's Nice To See You Again

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~Daniel's P.O.V~
First day of the year and also first day after the war. I intentionally disappeared and it seems that no one was looking for me. Not even dad... I knew he wouldn't even try. I'm just worried about Rosie .. I didn't even say goodbye to her and if I can see her again, I doubt that she would be happy to see me.

I heard that there are two new students in the girls sorority. I don't exactly know who since both dorms can't know much about each other. We'll see after the initiation tomorrow. I'll probably see who they are on break or maybe one of them will be in the same class as I am.

"Morning, Daniel!" greeted Ezra. "Oh, hey. Morning." I greeted back. Ezra has been my roommate for a semester and he's my best friend. He's smart, funny, kind and helpful. I'm not saying it like I'm not any better than him. He's a great friend because I trust him about myself and he doesn't judge me when I told him what happened between me and my family.

"You wanna go grab breakfast?" he asked. "I'll pass..." I declined and he went to get breakfast. He'll probably bring something back again even though I don't really have breakfast. He's the second person that I can truly trust. The first was Jack, Jack Celliers. The last time we talked was at the field. I've never seen anyone who wanted nothing from a leisure life like Jack. We became fast friends when we were assigned together. I wonder what he's up to now...

"I know that you don't want breakfast and even though that you already said it many times, you should have some energy to start the day." said Ezra, came in with a pack of bread and milk in hand. "Then I guess you don't take No as an answer." I took the bread and milk then ate.

~Natalie's P.O.V~
The initiation was only introduction to the school and we were given our schedules. Darky was terrified when I walked her to class. "I don't want to go." she almost cried. "I know... But you have to. We'll see each other again after break, okay?" I reassured her and she nodded. She gathered her courage and walked inside. I waited until she found her seat then went to my class.

Class started and the teacher announced a new student and asked me to introduce myself. I stood up, "My name's Natalie Midner and it's nice to meet you all here." some nodded, some only listened and some didn't pay any attention at all. I sat down and we began the first lesson. "Fancy seeing you here." I heard a familiar voice from behind. I turned and I couldn't be more greatful to see Sam. I gave her a small wave and she smiled happily back to me.

Across the room I saw two faces and they already give me the impression that they don't like me. I turned my head and tried to ignore them but I can't shake the feeling that I can hear them whisper behind my back. The lessons were easy to follow and it was time for a break. "Hey, buddy! I didn't know we were classmates!" greeted Sam while we walked out from class. "Me too... I'm glad to see a familiar face." I smiled in relieve.

"Anyway... Who are those two girls across the room? They kept giving me the stink eye...". "Who? Oh, them... They're Rosemary and Daniella." said Sam. "They're the most popular girls here." she added. "Rosemary, huh? Didn't expect there would be another flora named student here..." I trailed off. "Natalie? Are you there?" Sam waved her hand on my face. "Huh? What? Sorry I trailed off... Was thinking of the name.". "Name?" she was confused. "Rosemary. I didn't know there would be a flora named student. Although rosemary is a type of spice." I explained.

She laughed and appreciates my trivia. I laughed along and we walked to our lockers while chatting. Sam did most of the talking and I just nod or giggled along. We stopped at her locker and while she was rummaging, I saw someone from the corner of my eye. I looked at the direction and it was him. We had the same surprised look like we've known each other before.

"Hey... What are you looking at?" asked Sam. Apparently she was done with her locker. "Do you know who that is?" I pointed to the boy and he quickly left but luckily, Sam caught a glimpse of him. "Him? He's like the coolest boy around! I can't believe you have high taste." she gave me a cheeky smile. "It's not that!" I denied and asked if she knows his name. "I think his name is Daniel. He's pretty new here. He came last semester." Sam explained.

"Do you know him?" asked Sam. "It's complicated... I'll explain it later." we then walked to my locker. "I'm surprised that you haven't done anything your locker yet." Sam teased. "I haven't got the mood for it yet..." I shrugged and closed it. "Let's go have lunch.". "Show me the way to the cafeteria then..." she laughed and we went to get lunch.

~Daniel's P.O.V~
Was that her? She's the new student? If she's here then Rosie must be here too. But why here? Nevermind that. I grabbed a pen and wrote her a note and went to her locker to slip it in. "Daniel? What are you doing?". "Ezra! You scared me." I put my hand on my chest. "This isn't yours..." he was suspicious at me.

"I just left a note to the new girl and I think this is hers." I explained. "Daniel Lewis! The most adored guy admired the new girl? I don't think your fans would like it." he teased. "It's not that!" I denied. "I think she's my replacement.". "Replacement?" Ezra was surprised. "Yep..." I sighed. "It seems that father found the perfect fit.". "How could he do that? Doesn't he know that nothing can replace a child?" Ezra protested while we walk. "From what it seems, I guess that statement doesn't work on him."

"I'm so sorry for you, man." he put his hand on my shoulder. "Thanks." I smiled. "Anyway, what did you do back there?" he asked. I told him that I slipped a note, asking her to meet me when school's over. "You really do want to talk to her, don't you?". "It's between an older sibling to an older sibling." I firmly said it. We walked to the cafeteria and grab ourselves lunch.

~Natalie's P.O.V~
Lunch was fine but I couldn't help but think that I was being watched. Sam kept asking if I was fine and I told her to not to worry. She asked if I want to talk about Daniel but I kept quiet. "It's alright if you don't want to talk about it now. You don't have to rush.". "Thanks." I appreciated her understanding. We finished our lunch and walked back to the school hall.

I went to my locker to get some stuff and I noticed a note. "Who left this here?" I muttered. I opened and read it. "I saw you. Meet me at the back of the school. We need to talk." I think I know who put it here. I kept the note in my pocket and went back to class. Class went as normal and mostly was introductions.

School's over for today and I waited Darky outside her class. "Natty!" she greeted. "How was your day?" I asked. "It went fine." she answered while we walk. "I made a friend!" she excitedly told me. "What's her name?" I asked. "Her name is Alicia! She's smart and she has a shy part like me. How about you?" she eagerly asked. "Well I met her yesterday. Her name is Samantha and I called her Sam.". "Hehe. You always have a pet name for any one you meet." she gave me a goofy smile and I pat her head.

We arrived at our room and I gave my bag to Darky. "Where are you going?" she asked while opening the door. "Someone wants to meet me but I'll be back soon. Just remember to lock the door, okay?" she nodded and went inside. I went to the back of the school with the note in hand. I looked around and he was waiting. "Did you waited long?" I walked to him.

"No, I just got here. I'm Daniel Lewis.". "Natalie Midner." we shook hands. "Midner? I didn't think that he would change the name.". "Not changed. Just hidden." I bluntly explained and he nodded. "I didn't know I would meet you here." I commented. "Did he tell you about me?" I nodded. "So he sent you here?". "No. He has absolutely have no idea about you here." I answered. "Even if he knows, he wouldn't care anyway..." he muttered and I can hear it. "How is he?". "He's doing fine and we're getting along just fine." I answered.

"That's good to hear." Dan was relieved. "Is that what you wanted to talk about?" I asked. "Yes and I want to thank you for taking care of my family. Especially my sister." he smiled. "It's my job as a big sister to look over Darky.". "Darky? You have your own pet name for Rosie." he was surprised. Rosie? Then Rosewood must've been the mother's name. "If you wanted to talk to me then why didn't you go to Darky instead?"

He told me that he can but he couldn't take the guilt. "I can't forgive myself for leaving her." I'm starting to understand why Midnight hates Dan. I could only imagine how Darky was back then. "What are you going to do about her? About us?". "What I should've done back home and could you keep this between us, please?" I zipped my mouth and Dan was relieved. "It's nice to finally meet you, Dan." he was surprised and blushed a little at his pet name. "It's nice to meet you too, Natalie."

A.N : Finally uploaded the second chapter. Life's been hectic lately and had a hard time to motivate myself for this book. Hope you guys enjoy it and I'll see you in the next chapter! RD out!! Boi!!!

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