Better Understanding

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~Ezra's P.O.V~
The initiation today was as usual and this time are more declares this year. Welcome to the new year of the school by the way! It feels a bit different without Daniel. I heard some were disappointed with Daniel's death and there are some glad with the news. I know it's from Josh's gang. I'm a little worried that Natalie will be an easy target when she's got mad with them. Should I warn her for this?

"So I'm stuck with you now..." said Jack. Either it's weird or a coincidence that we're in the same class. "Do you have any problem with it?" I asked and Jack went quiet. I laughed and told him it was a joke. "I was being sarcastic.". "What would Daniel do on his first day?" Jack asked. "Hmm... He would definitely went to see his sisters.". "Of course he would..." I chuckled at Jack's sass.

"How about you?" Jack was seemingly confused at my question. "Don't you want to check on your brother?" he didn't answer my question. "Is it because what you said a few days ago?". "It's... Much more complex than that." he finally gave an answer. "You can tell me about it. You can trust me." I gave an reassuring smile. "I couldn't conscience the thought of the whole school setting eyes on his back. It would reflect on me..." he let out a short sigh. "I can't bear the thought that anything related to me is not of the best." he gave me a vague answer. Maybe I have to find out the answer by myself. 

~Natalie's P.O.V~
"Argh!" I can feel the impact force of my back on the wall. "What did you do to Daniel?!" Daniela screamed at my face. "I didn't do anything." I answered. "Stop lying! I know you didn't cry for his death. Then you must've done something to him!". "Yes, I didn't cry! Should my emotion process be something to be justified?" I screamed back at her. "Why is everything about Dan you have to take it out on me?" from that question I got slaps and punches all over my face and some hair pulling.

The last slap had a little force and when I knew it, I was on the floor. Daniela left with a satisfaction in her eyes but it wasn't the good kind of satisfaction. "Are you alright?" I saw a hand extended on my face accompanied with a voice. I took the hand and it helped me stood up. I muttered a thank you and quickly went to my locker. "Ugh... This is much better than last year's..." I protested to myself.

"I know you're at my back." I pointed out to the guy. "I saw you yesterday. My condolences." I took my comb and walked to the restroom. "No 'thank you' for that?". "Just leave me alone, okay! I can't deal about Dan right now!" I slammed the door on his face and I rested my hands on the sink and sighed. "What a great way to start the first day. Stupid Daniela... Stupid blames..." I turned on the tap and washed my face then fix my hair.

'I think I should apologize to him.' I thought to myself and pulled myself together. Before I got to say sorry, the guy already left. Maybe later when I see him again. "Hey, Natalie! It's good to see you again!" Sam gave me a warm greeting. "It's nice to see you too." I replied warmly. "How was your summer?" I asked. "Nothing interesting really. I just stayed at home. How about you?"

"I stayed home too. Dad asked me to watch over the bar for some nights. Well it was more forced than asked." I explained. "And how's your sister?". "She..." I sighed. "She wouldn't come out of her room. She was still devastated by Dan's death until now. I tried to talk her out but she wouldn't even let me in so I stopped and gave her own space." I explained. Sam asked about Midnight's reaction to Darky and I told her that when Midnight saw how Darky was, he didn't even said a word to her. "Maybe he knows something and he just let Darky deal it in her own way." Sam shared her thought.

"That can be a good reason." I agreed with the thought. Sam was looking at my face closely and asked if Daniela did it again. "Yep. What a good way to start the first day." I answered with sass. "It's not like I killed Dan. I mean it was his decision to jump anyway" I added. "I'm sorry to hear that." Sam gave her condolence. I sighed and thanked her.

~Ezra's P.O.V~
The day was cut short today due to an unexpected meeting for the teachers. I asked Jack if there's anything he need my help and he told me he has something to do for the science master. "What about your brother?" I asked. "What about him?" he asked back. "He'll be waiting for you...". "I know." I couldn't say anything after that blank response. "Um... Do you need some help with the preparation?" I offered. "No, thank you. I can do it myself.". "Alright then. I'll just leave you be." I left the laboratory.

"Oh, hey Natalie!" I greeted her. "Are you going to the lab?" she nodded at my question. "The science master asked me to bring these materials for tomorrow's lesson." I nodded after I noticed the papers she was carrying. She got out the lab as quick as she went in. "That was quick." I pointed out. "Why you didn't tell me he was there?". "Who? Jack?" her face was between angry and flustered. "Nevermind that. All of the boys are announced to gather at the back." she informed and left.

I tilted my head in confusion and went to the back. Like Natalie said, there were boys running to one spot enthustiastically and I followed. From the distance, I can hear deep cheering voices and as I walked closer to the voice, all of the male students were crowding someone and when I looked closer, it was Jack's younger brother. 'What are they doing to him?' I worriedly thought to myself.

Why was he born so beautiful?
Why was he born at all?
He's no bloody use to anyone
He's no bloody use at all!

They sang him as an insult. Maybe they found something that I haven't. "Come on, chaps!" they cheered and I heard someone yelled, "I hear he can sing!". "Oh, he's one of those is he?". They all agreed and started chanting, provoking the boy to sing. The chanting died down after he sang,

Ride, ride through the day
Ride through the moonlight
Ride, ride through the night
For far in the distance binds the far
For someone who has waited long

There was a short pause then the roars came again. Some shouted to put him in the ditch and everyone agreed. I could hear the boy screaming for help to Jack and they picked him up and started undressing him. They put him in the ditch and provoking him to sing again but the song didn't come out. Maybe this is what Jack meant by "anything related to him is not of the best".

~Natalie's P.O.V~
Since the day was cut short, I was working in a group project and we just finished. I came almost late after putting the materials in the lab. Damn it, Ezra! Why didn't you tell me that blond was in there? I kinda missed the chance to apologize but I'm sure that was a bad time to talk so I guess I got out the situation safe.

I walked out the from a different part of the building and the similar blond passed over me. I looked to the direction where he came from and my suspicion was correct. I walked up the stairs and leaned on the wall next to him. "I thought you were still in the lab." I opened up a conversation. "I just finished." he answered. "You were here, weren't you? I know you saw the whole thing." he couldn't give an excuse.

"Why are you here?" he asked to changed the topic. "I want to apologize for earlier so I'm sorry and thanks for your condolence." I tried to warm up the atmosphere. "Did he said anything to you?" he asked. "He didn't say anything directly. He left us notes." I answered. "Why'd you ask?". "Merely wondering..." I nodded at his answer. I guess Ezra must've told him.

We then back in an awkward silence. It didn't feel awkward for him though. "Why didn't you help your brother?" I asked to break the ice and he didn't answer. "You know you could've... He screamed out your name for help." he looked away and answered, "I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself." I could hear the guilt in his tone. "You got me there. I heard everything. But the thought of it horrifies me and I had to lie to my brother." he confessed. "The guilt, huh? I guess that's how Dan felt."

"Well I've kept my sister waiting and I believe your brother is the same. I better be going now." I excused myself to leave. "Wait." I stopped. "I never caught your name." I smirked and looked at him. "It's Natalie. Natalie Midner. And yours?" I gave my name and asked back. "Jack Celliers.". "It's a pleasure talking with you, Jack Celliers." my eyes curved to a smile and went back to my room.

A.N : Hey, guys! I finally get this one scene in the story! Now I just have to improvise the rest of the characters. I think I can manage the chara and I have a name for the brother. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one! RD out!! Boi!!!

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