Secret's Out

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~Natalie's P.O.V~
A week after I gave Josh a lesson, a gossip has been circling around the students. I can hear them whisper behind my back. I first heard it from Anaes after Lydia told her. Anaes made it sound bad when she told me and that made me super uncomfortable. Many were avoiding me for the first few days. I thought you're going to help me, Dan. Don't bail on me now.

Darky asked why her classmates were talking about me and I told her what happened and oddly she was glad that I gave them a good kick. I was relieved to hear it. "I met Danny on that day." said Darky. "Who's Danny?" I asked while trying not to sound that I recognize the name. "He's my brother or was perhaps. Depending on who you ask." she looked at me with an innocent face. "Didn't dad told you about Danny?" she asked again.

I was surprised at her question. I stuttered a lot to find an excuse but I gave up. "Yes, Midnight told me about Dan. Did you say anything to him?" Darky went quiet. She looked embarrassed to answer. "Is it because he left without saying goodbye?" I can tell that her eyes were glossy. "I think I might know how you felt that day but you can't stay mad at him forever."

"But dad--". "That's Midnight. Not you. You can choose if you want to stay mad at him or forgive him and accept him back. He's my brother too." I smiled, reassuring her and she smiled. "Why did Midnight told me about Dan all of the sudden?" I asked. "Maybe dad just wants you to know us more and stop calling you by his name."Darky answered with a giggle. "I do understand both of you better and I'm still calling him Midnight."

(the next morning)

I just done accompanying Darky to her classroom and they're still talking about me. I still can't get used to it. I picked up my pace and I heard someone timidly stopping me. "Excuse me..." I stopped and looked. There were two lower classmates girls and they looked like they're in the same grade with Darky. "Yes?". "W-we've heard about you a-and upperclassman Josh. D-did you really do it?" asked one of them. "Yes, I did." I answered and they were happy. "You're so cool!"

"We never heard any girl who would give them a lesson!" one of them added. "You two think I'm cool?" they nodded. "Who told you that?". "Upperclassman Daniel told us!" one of them answered. "He told anyone who was talking about you that you're just like him. Tough, cool and sweet." they added. I was surprised to what Dan told them and I thanked them. Darky would be happy to hear this. If I can tell her first before she hears it from others.

I walked in to my class and there were some girls asking me about what Dan said. I admit I was being modest but I was really thankful for Dan's help. For the first time I feel at ease but I can still feel that Daniela and her gang won't leave me alone. The ball rang, signaling it's time for the first lesson until the next one for break.

"You look pretty cheery today." I heard a voice and it was none other than Dan. "That was your surprise?". "What do you mean?" Dan pretended that he doesn't understand my question. "You said that you had a surprise for me.". "Oh! Right!" he "remembered". "Did you like it?" he asked cheekily. "Like you said, it depended on how I would react but I like it. Thanks." I smiled and he ruffled my hair. "Cut it out..." I chuckled. "Darky would've loved it better than I do.". "Yeah... I think she would. Welp! I'll see you again later!" he waved and left. I only watched and waved back.

"You two look much closer now. Are you sure you two are not a couple?". "Hello to you too Anaes and no, we're not." I replied to the voice over my shoulder. "If you two aren't dating, then what are you guys exactly?" she asked. "It's a bit long... How about we'll talk about it while eating?" I suggested and she nodded. We went to the cafeteria to get some lunch and sat down.

"We're here now... Are you going to tell me then?" Anaes asked. "Dan is actually my brother." I confessed. "Your brother? But you said you were only with your sister." she was clearly shocked. "I know and it's complicated. I didn't know he was here until the first day.". Anaes asked why I didn't tell Cindy about it and I never wanted to. "Please don't let anyone know." I pleaded. "Why?". "If those two porcelain face know about this, I'm doomed." 

She promised not to tell anyone and asked if Sam knew about this. "I was going to tell her first but you're already here so yeah..." we laughed and finished our food while talking about other things. Turns out we have a lot in common too and her humor was much lighter than mine. We enjoyed with each other's company and being comfortable with each other is more than enough.

We finished our meal and went back to the main hall. We parted ways and she went to her class and I went to mine. "There you are. Where did you disappear this time?" Sam comically asked after I sat down. "Oh, I was having lunch with Anaes." I answered. "What did you two talk about?". "The thing you asked me about Dan." Sam playfully accused me for being unfair. "I was going to tell you but she already asked."

"Hey! That's not fair!" she lightly punched my arm and I laughed. "Since we still have time, I"ll just tell you before I forget again." Sam agreed and listened while I tell her about Dan. She was surprised about my relation to Dan and to my family but oddly, she was understanding. 

"That's all what my dad told me about Dan...". "I'm sorry to hear that and it sounds like your dad really hates Daniel." she shared her condolence. I thanked her and agreed. "I don't know why Mid-- err... Dad hates Dan but it's better not to ask either of them about it.". "Wait... Did you really called your father by his name?" she noticed how I called Midnight. "I... Uh... It just came out when we first met!" I tried to dodge the question. "I know you're not blood related but it sounds pretty rude for me..." she crossed her arms.

I gave up and explained, "You're right and what I said is true. I literally call him by name but I really do see him as my own father. Sure he doesn't like it but he knows I love him." I smiled to reassure her and she let out a relieved sigh. "Besides! He feels much cooler when I call him like that." I added. "Well I can't argue with that!" she laughed and we continued our day as usual.

A.N : Finally I can upload chapter 3 and the uploads will be daily if I can manage it since I have an end semester test week from college. I hope you guys stay safe and I'll see you in the next chapter! RD out!! Boi!!!

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