Old Secret

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After three days of recovery in dr. Neuhartt's clinic, Natalie was finally allowed to go home. Her roommate was more than happy to pick her up. He had a bit of a trouble finding the address but managed to arrive. "Natalie! Your friend has arrived!" shouted dr. Neuhartt. He looked at Natalie's roommate and asked if his name is Steve. Steve nodded, "It's nice to meet you, doctor.". "Pleasure's all mine. Natalie talked a lot about you." they shook hands. "Must be all of the good things I presume..." Steve commented.

"Alright! I'm here!" Natalie walked to the door to meet with the two gentlemen. "Remember to take plenty of rest and no heavy activity until you are fully recovered, understood?" ordered her uncle. "Yes, uncle..." she exasperated. "Please do keep an eye on her to prevent any more harm.". "Uncle J!" shouted Natalie in embarrassment but Steve laughed it off and assured dr. Neuhartt that Natalie will be just fine. They bid goodbye and drove back to their apartment.

When they arrived, Steve already prepared everything for Natalie's return. She took a nice shower and ate dinner that Steve made then she went to her bedroom to rest. "Sorry for making your chores much harder..." she apologized. "For what are you sorry for? I told you that I don't mind and it's for your own health too. You're my best friend, Natalie. You know that..." Natalie slightly blushed hearing to what Steve said.

"Hey, Hill..." she called Steve before he left the room. "Yes?" he stopped. "Can I ask you something?". "Sure." he walked and sat on the side of the bed. "Do you still remember when you asked about me?" Steve nodded. "Well... There's something that I never told anyone before." Steve was confused, "What do you mean?". Natalie took a deep breath and told him that she wasn't Darky's first older sibling. Steve was more confused and surprised at Natalie's confession. "I'm sorry, what?"

She took another breath before telling her story. "Midnight-- er... I mean father once told me that Darky had an older brother. He never told me his name though... When the war broke out, he enlisted to fight. Thankfully the war ended with a mutual understanding.". "Then what happened to him?" Steve was interested with the story. "He was deemed missing and when father heard the news, he didn't bother to search his own son. I guess he felt it was unfortunate at first then completely forget it on the next day. As if nothing happened."

"What about your sister's reaction?" Steve asked. "Father didn't tell about Darky. I can only imagine how she was." then Steve jumped to the ending where Natalie was adopted some time later and she nodded. "After everything went back to normal, we finally attended school." she continued. "The environment there was toxic but we managed. Darky was scared out of her skin when we first arrived."

(The day they first arrive)

~Natalie's P.O.V~
"We're here. You ready?" I looked at Darky and she was clearly terrified. "I'm scared, sis..." she clinged to my arm and I could only gave her a smile. We grabbed our belongings and got off the train. Another first day after the war. I'm kind off surprised that Midnight managed to sign us in and change our last name? I guess there are people still want him dead.

The headmaster allowed us to be roommates even though students and/or parents are not allowed to choose. We arrived at our dorm room and went inside. The interior looked cozy and overall it looked fine. "Do you like the room?" I asked Darky while unpacking. "It looks nice.". "Do you miss your room back home?" she timidly nodded. "I miss my room too but we're roomies now!" I tried to cheer her up.

"Do you think we'll be okay here, sis?" she looked at me nervously. "I... Don't know... We'll see about it tomorrow." I could feel her anxiety. "I hate it when we're apart.". "I know." I sighed. "But we have to and you have to learn to be independent." she silently exhaled. I sat next to her and pat her head. "Don't worry. I'll be here if you're in trouble." she hugged me but I can feel that she was more worried. "Then what about yourself?" I tilted my head. "I know that you'll protect me but you have to protect yourself too!" she hugged me tighter. I giggled and I was relieved. "Alright... I'll take care of myself too."

I stood up and walked to the door. "Where are you going?" asked Darky as I opened the door. "I'm going to look around. To familiarise myself about the place. It's alright if you don't want to come." I gave a small smile. "Be careful..." said Darky, almost inaudible. I giggled and told her to watch the room and lock the door after I left. She nodded and I exited our dorm. I waited outside until I hear a click. I heard the click then Darky locked the door and I went to explore the place.

The place looks like a normal boarding school. The outer walls were all bricks but it was neatly cemented and the indoor was painted reddish brown and some rooms are wooden walls. I couldn't tell which type of wood but it was in the same color as the bricks and the paint. The hallways were filled with red lockers. I decided to check on mine and Darky's. I happened to bring a pen and a piece of paper so I wrote down our lockers and their combinations. I'm sure we can change it later.

I walked back to the sorority and noticed a room. I walked towards it and the door was half opened. I peeked and there were some girls hanging out. "Hi there!". "Wagh!" I screamed. "Oh sorry! Didn't mean to startle you. You must be new here. I'm Samantha!" she introduced herself. "I'm Natalie.". "Nice to meet you, Natalie!" she sticked out her hand and I shook. "Samantha, huh? Can I call you Sam? It's much shorter.". "Sure! You sure like giving pet names." she giggled. "It's a habit..." I awkwardly answered.

"Come on in! Don't just stand there!" she pulled me to the room, some eyes changed their direction to us. "Who's your new friend there, Samantha?" asked one of the girls. "This is Natalie. She's new here." Sam introduced me. "It's nice to meet you." I tried to be a bit cheerful and not awkward but they didn't mind. "It's nice to meet you too! I'm Anaesthasia and this is Lydia." she introduced herself and the girl sitting beside her.

"Anaesthasia? Like anesthetics?" I blurted out my question. "You can say it like that." she giggled. "I'll just call you Annie then." she laughed at my sarcasm and she didn't mind the pet name I gave. Another girl came in and she looked like the head of the sorority. "You're Natalie, right? The new one?" I nodded. "And you are...?". "Cindy. The head of the sorority." she introduced herself.

"Tomorrow's our first day. Anything to declare about yourself or your sister?" asked Cindy. "I'm completely fine and my sister is very shy." I answered. "Shy? I'm sure she'll be out of her shell once--"  "She's also easily intimidated. I bet she'll be an easy target here." I cut her off. There was a short pause before I added, "I might have unexpected shifts. It's better I give you a heads up and sorry for cutting you there.". "I appreciate the heads up and I think all of us here can understand your mood better in the future."

A.N : I might do a double upload for chapter 2 and 3... At least this one's done and I've taken a lot of rest for this book. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you in the next one! RD out!! Boi!!!

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