Singing In The Abyss

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~Natalie's P.O.V~
It's the end of the first year and it really made me nervous. I'm sure Darky is nervous too but I can't tell how Dan is though. He's sometimes hard to read. We finally finished our final tests and we're expecting for our results to come. I noticed that some aren't worried about it. I can understand for them who were overly confident but for they who took it lightly... I don't even want to care about it.

While Dan and I were "dating", I've learnt a lot about Dan and to an extent, about Midnight too. I kinda understand why how Midnight sees Dan but for me there's no reason to blame Dan about Midnight's... Partner decision to have Darky. I feel bad for my siblings on how they were treated. I could scream about this to Midnight's face but I have no rights for it.

The good parts are he was very helpful for both Darky and I. Mostly Darky though but we managed our times pretty well. Guess Dan really missed being a brother. I wish Luke was more like Dan... But we're far apart at the moment. Maybe he can when we see each other again in an uncertain future. Which I have high hopes also doubts at the same time.

"Hey, sis..." Darky tugged me. "Yeah?". "Are you sure we'll get good results?" she asked. I could never get tired of her innocent face. I pat her head and smiled, "Whatever the results will be, we did our best." I reassured her. "You always give vague answers. You're no fun..." Darky pouted and I giggled. I rubbed her hair out of cuteness.

"I'm sure Danny's will be better than us." her eyes curved to a smile. "Are you questioning my intelligence?" I playfully glared at her. She became flustered and started to stutter. "I... Uh... I'm not... Um..." I laughed and hugged her with an arm. "I can't really blame that though but I'm sure the three of us did well." I smiled reassuring her. "I'm sure too. Just... I'm still nervous.". "Me too."

The day of the results has come and the anticipation is killing me. I just received mine and the results were good. I sighed in relieve and packed it in my bag. "How did you do?" Sam asked. "I did good." I answered. "Glad to hear it." said Sam in relieve. "And how's your sister's?" Sam asked again. "I don't know yet but I'm sure she'll get good results too. I'll ask her later." I answered.

Sam and I parted ways when I was walking to Darky's class and Anaes joined along the way. She asked me how I did and I answered the same when Sam asked. I asked the same to her and she was a little embarrassed to tell. "There are some good but I'm not sure about the rest." Anaes explained. She asked where I was going and I told her I was going to Darky's class. She didn't say anything and accompanied me along the way.

Just as we turned from a corner, I saw the students were crowding the windows. I ran to Darky's class and went to her. "What's going on?" I worriedly asked. "I don't know." Darky answered. I went to the nearest window to see and there was a horrifying sight. A student laid face down on his own pool of blood. I looked a little closer and I didn't want to believe that it was Dan down there.

"Natty? A-are you okay?" Darky worriedly asked. I turned and hold her shoulder, "Would you mind checking our lockers?". "Why?". "Please, just go and check!" her face was a bit scared but she did what I asked. "Is something wrong?" Anaes asked. "It's Dan...". "What?" she was confused. "It's Dan... He's down there." I blankly pointed out the window. She ran to the window to look and gasped. She walked to me and comforted me. I know this is a big blow but why can't I shed a single tear?

~Darky's P.O.V~
I quickly walked to Natalie's locker as she asked. Good thing she gave me her combination if I ever need something when she's not around. I carefully inserted the numbers and it successfully opened. Just as Natalie expected, there was a note. There was a scary feeling hit me after I opened the locker. My hand was shaking when reaching the note but I took it and closed it back.

I went to mine and there was a note too. Something is definitely wrong... I took the note and went back to my class. Natalie was still there and her face was dead blank. It was getting much more scary. I walked to her, "N-Natalie?" I called. She looked at me as a response and asked what did I find. "I found n-notes in our l-lockers." I answered. Natalie reached out her hand, signaling me to give them to her.

~Natalie's P.O.V~
Darky gave me the notes. I opened them and read, "Thank you for being with me for the past year. I'm sorry I had to leave. I don't know how to explain this. Please take care of Darky and father for me, okay?" I hope I can see you again soon. -Dan." I hugged Darky tightly. "Y-you're scaring me. Please tell me what is it." she pleaded.

I didn't answer and kept hugging her. She managed to let go and went to the window to find out. "Darky... Don't..." I weakly prevented her but I knew it wouldn't work. She stood there, frozen and I could tell that she was crying. I walked to her and put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her. She hugged me and cried, "Why didn't you say goodbye? You promised!" she screamed.

The ambulance finally came to pick up the body and the teachers ordered us to retreat back to our House as the school abruptly ended. I helped packing Darky's things before I grabbed mine and went back to our dorm. Darky was sobbing on the way back. Both of us were shocked of what we saw. On our way, Ezra came over and shared his condolence. I thanked him and continued our walk.

We arrived and Darky immediately buried her face in the pillow and cried again. I asked if i can read her note and she opened her hand. She had been holding it. I took the note from her hand and read it aloud.

"I know I promised I would say goodbye. I'm sorry I had to break it this time. I'm sorry I have to leave again and I can't stay longer. I've been in the abyss for so long that I've forgotten how peace feels like. But being with you again with Natalie has been a bliss! I will forever miss it."

Darky was still sobbing after I read it but I know she was listening the whole time. She took Dan's death harder than me.

(the next day...)

Today marks the start of summer vacation and I received a letter from Midnight. He already booked us train tickets to return and the date showed tomorrow. I told Darky about the letter and she only nodded. I spent the day packing our things. You can say it was just an excuse for me to get over Dan's death yesterday. Darky eventually helped with the packing. I wanted to say that I'm fine doing it by myself but I didn't say anything.

The police came to investigate and asked every student. Apparently everyone said the same, "We didn't know how or when it happened but when we saw, he's already dead.". The police confirmed it as suicide and they closed the case. I went out to check the spot and I was surprised to see Ezra there. "You're here too?" I asked as I walked towards him. "Natalie..." he looked at me.

"Did he say anything to you?" I asked. "He didn't say anything." he answered. "Did you know he was going to do it?". "I didn't. He ran off with the toilet excuse." Ezra explained. "Maybe that's when he decided to jump." I commented and he sighed. "What did he wrote?" I slightly tilted my head. "I noticed Daniel was writing notes for his sisters. What did it said?". "Both were apologies but mine was a thank you and asked to take care of Midnight-- I mean dad and Darky while Darky's was a broken promise. Dan didn't say goodbye again." I explained.

"How is your sister?" he asked. "She took it hard.". "I'm so sorry." I gave him a sad smile. "We'll be leaving tomorrow for summer.". "Thanks for letting me know." he gave me a smile. "Why are you telling me that?"  he asked. "I guess it's what Dan would do. Well the least..." I answered. "I think so too. I'm gonna miss that guy." he sighed and I agreed. "I hope the summer off can help Darky get through this.". "You better comfort her as best as you can." he firmly pointed at me and I giggled. "Okay, okay. One Dan is enough for me...". "Alright, I'm sorry." he apologized with a smile. 

I went back to my dorm and I found Darky finished the rest of the packing. When I hear it closer, she was singing something and she kept repeating it. I tried to listen to it closer to make out the words and I realized it was from the note I read to her yesterday.

Singing in the abyss
Oh, long how I miss
The feeling of sweet peace
Knowing we had a bliss

A.N : I'm back again! Better stop procrastinating with the updates. Well that's a yes and a no since I have another new project but I'm going to finish this first while working the other three. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one! RD out!! Boi!!!

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