The Aftermath

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~Natalie's P.O.V~

After a week of recovery, I finally come back to work. My boss gave me a compensation to work half day instead of full. At first he didn't believe my week long absent until I showed him the slip. He was reluctant but gave me the compensation and told me not to do any weird stuff that made me end up in the hospital again.

While I was in our apartment, Steve took good care of me. Either it was from uncle J's orders or not. We've been roommates for some time and we became good friends ever since. We once had a relationship and after we talked it out, we agreed to stay friends.

Today I asked my boss for an authorization access. He asked for what I need it and I simply said that I want to find an archive from war. "Do what you wish, but never compromise the facility's existence. Understood?" he ordered. "Yes, Doc... and don't worry, I know what to say." I casually answered and took the envelope. I went back to my office to put the envelope in my bag and continued my shift.

My shift finished after lunch break and I went straight to the National Archives Museum. I asked if I can access the records from Prisoners of War to one of the staff and they brought me to the curator. "Good afternoon." The curator greeted. "Good afternoon." I greeted back. "What can I help you with?". "I want to find if there are any records from the Prisoners of War." I requested. "Somewhere in a remote island camp if you have." I added.

"Do you have any authorization?" I was expecting that question. I opened my bag to reach the envelope and gave it to the curator. He opened it and read it carefully. I noticed he glanced at me a few times while reading the permit. "May I ask why you want them?" the curator asked. "My intention is simply and purely for research purposes." I gave my answer. "But this letter of your... Corporation...". "The director ordered me this... Request in purpose of comparison report with one of our... Subject matter." I explained.

"But I must ask of you to not tell a single soul of my corporation. It will compromise the sole objective if the public knows too much." I begged and the curator agreed to keep it a secret. He took me to the deeper section of the museum and I couldn't believe the amount of the archives stored in that single room. "Here we store of any written remnants left by the soldiers. Anything specific you want to find?". "Yes, a soldier named Jack Celliers." The curator nodded and searched the shelves while I waited.

I waited for a while then the curator came back with a thing looked like a book. "I found a record with the name mentioned in it but I can only find this diary." Said the curator and he showed me the book. "That's more than enough for me. Thank you." He lent me the book. "Is there anything else you require?". "No, thank you." He nodded and left.

I carefully opened the diary and flipped through the pages. "Colonel Lawrence... Sergeant Hara..." I scanned through the entries and I found two soldiers developed an unlikely friendship although the other party was somehow abusive. "Captain Yonoi? Must be in charge of the camp back then." I noticed a name and I was intrigued with the description. I pulled out my notebook and did a rough sketch based from the description. I'm proud of the result of the sketch.

I flipped through the pages and found Jack's name. "Escaped a death row then moved to the camp. Planned to be the new spokesman appointed by the camp's captain but never happened." I wrote down the first summaries. My lips slowly formed a smile while reading. "Captain Yonoi was mesmerized and secretly developed a romantic interest." I wrote it down. 'What a tsundere...' I giggled at the thought.

Then I found an entry where Lawrence and Jack talked about their past. Jack didn't say much, only mentioned about himself and his brother. I flipped through the pages and found what I believe the last day of Jack in the entry. "Ready for a public execution. Acted as a shield, sacrificing his life. Buried neck high upright, lock of hair memento." My summary was abruptly stopped. Did he died? "Captain Yonoi came to me and gave a lock of Jack Celliers' hair. Asking me to bring it to a temple in his village to pay respects." My suspicions were correct.

"It's sad that Captain Yonoi was executed after the war." I finished writing the summaries and read the rest of the entry with the former sergeant. "If it was up to me, I would've released you and return you back to your family.". "I am ready to die." The former sergeant's last words were wishing his friend a merry Christmas.

I closed the book and left it on the table. I met up with the curator and thanked him before leaving the museum. I went back to the apartment and the place was still empty. "Steve isn't home yet..." I muttered. I opened back my notebook and read over the things I wrote down. "Death is such a sweet release for you, huh? I guess that's how you felt before you jumped, Dan. Hope you guys are happy together up there..."

A.N : As promised, this is the very last chapter of this book and it's finished. I have more ideas to focus on also my new xreader book. Go check out Async and I'll see you guys there! RD out!! Boi!!!

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