Hands Off

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~Darky's P.O.V~
Last night Natalie was in a weird mood. I asked but she said it was nothing and told me not to worry about it. She did look glad and happy and I think I should trust her. She is my sister after all even though we're not blood related.

Today's class was less scary and Alicia was really helpful. I met her yesterday and she's really nice and she doesn't scare me. She's just like Natalie's soft side for me. I also made some friends with others in class but I'm still too shy to talk to them. Maybe Alicia can help me work on my confidence just like Natalie adviced. She'll be really proud to know!

Alicia accompanied me while I was putting my things on my locker then the door was shut. "Hey, Alicia... Who's your little friend here?" I looked up and I knew they're the bullies in the school. "Aww... Did I scare you, little girl?" I tried not to look scared but I could feel myself shaking in fear. I can hear Alicia telling them to leave us alone but they didn't listen.

"Come on, guys... Picking on the new lower classmates? When will you ever learn?" I heard a voice approaching and it sounds oddly familiar. "Shoot! It's Daniel." said one of the bullies in panic. "Aren't you guys tired for doing this or should we have a talk?" he stood in front of me and the bullies left. "Thank you for saving us, senior Daniel." said Alicia in relieve and I nodded. He turned and told is it was nothing to thank for.

"I just don't want girls like you be harmed by people like them. You don't have to be afraid here even though your sister isn't around." he said it specifically for me with a smile. "There are people who will protect you." he kneeled and pat my shoulder before leaving. Alicia said that it was really sweet of him but I couldn't believe it... Big brother isn't dead?

~Natalie's P.O.V~
The teacher's absent for this lesson and it seems that there are no substitute so we're free for the next hour until lunch break. Sam was doing her errand so I stayed in class, thinking about what should I decorate my locker with since Sam kept teasing me about it. I don't really mind it much but I think Sam has a point. I'll probably put up something interesting.

While I was scribbling sketches on my notes, a hand slammed on my desk and accompanied by other gangs. The desk slam didn't surprise me much so I ignored it and continued with my sketches. "Look up when someone is talking to you!" the voice demanded. "I'm busy." I answered while still scribbling and I was dragged out from my desk. They brought me just outside of the class and I was pinned to the wall. "What do you want?" I looked at the girl and it was Daniela with her was Rosemary and two other girls.

"I saw you talking to Daniel yesterday..." said Daniela. "So what?". "Hands off of him. You maybe a newbie here but no one can have him except me." she threatened. "I guess you do this to every girl who "dared" to get close to Daniel." I flatly commented. They were surprised at my comment and Daniela stated to me that I know nothing about Dan. "Maybe I don't 'know everything about him, but I do know that he has no interest on you."

From that reply, hands were flying through my face and pulling my hair. They were mostly slapping me but there were scratches involved. They beat me up after what I said to their "leader" and demanded me to take back what I said. I didn't fight back or say anything because I knew what I said was true. From all of the hands flying over my face, I can faintly see someone approaching. "What are you girls doing?" they stopped after the question and I recognized the voice.

"I saw her talking to you yesterday!". "Is that why you four are doing to her?" Dan asked again. She couldn't answer and she stormed off with the rest of her girls. "Are you alright?" he lend me his hand. I took it and stood up. "I'm fine.". "You don't look fine to me." he tried to tidy my hair. I walked to my locker to get my comb and properly tidy my hair. "Did you say anything that made them do this?" he asked. "I told them that you don't like her.". "You are right with that but you should know better about Daniela."

I sighed, "I'll probably know a lot since she and that kitchen spice are in the same class as I am." I half slammed my locker and leaned on it. "I met Rosie earlier..." said Dan, trying not to make the mood awkward. "How was she?". "What I saw was Tobias intimidating her. Good thing I came just in time before he does anything stupid." I questioned the name Tobias and Dan told me that he's one of the bullies. "How was she when you two meet again?" I asked. "She didn't say anything but I know that she was surprised to see me. You didn't tell her anything, did you?" I shook my head.

I was glad to hear it. Dan came right in time for Darky but I can't help feeling bad. "Are you okay?" asked Dan in a concerned tone. "I should've been there for her...". "Aww, you're not giving me a spare if you say it like that!" he chuckled. "I told her to be strong even if you're not around and there are people who will protect her.". "Yeah, that other people is you." I teased. "Shut up." he lightly punched my arm. I have to admit, Dan is pretty cool. Don't know why Midnight hates him so much. I'd better not ask...

"Hey, Lewis! Is that your new girlfriend?" we heard a voice. "Daniel Lewis hitting on the new girl!" said one of the three boys in a mocking tone. "She's not my girlfriend, Josh..." said Dan to Josh, who apparently is the leader of the other two. "Then if she's not yours, can I have her?". "I don't think you're her type." said Dan in my defense. Josh put his hand on the locker just right the side of my face, "Oh really? I think she should know me first~"

"You must be deaf if you didn't hear what he said." I coldly replied to call him off but he didn't listen. "Get off my face." I slapped his hand and the other two was shocked. "The new girl wants to make it hard, aye?" Josh leaned his face in but was more disgusted than before. "You wouldn't hit a girl, would you?" he stopped for a moment.

"Then I guess I can do this." I kicked Josh on the groins and his abdomen. He fell and was in pain. His two partners looked at me in slight fear. "There's more for that." I coldly stated. Josh looked at Dan and Dan casually said that I'm not interested and they left. "Sure that'll teach them to not to mess with you." Dan was impressed but I felt like I made another mistake for myself. "The boys won't mess with me but I don't know about the girls. They'll think that I'm dangerous and most of them are your fans."

"That gives me an idea!" Dan snapped his fingers. I looked at him in confusion and tilted my head. "What do you mean?". "That's surprise." he winked and it made me more confused. "Do you think I'll like the surprise?". "Don't worry... It will really help you. Well it depends on you though." I didn't really understand what he was saying but I might have an idea of what it would be. "Whatever it will be, I'm interested to see and maybe I can do something about it."

He smiled and the bell rang, signaling that it's break time. "Wanna grab something to eat together?" he asked. "I'd love to but I have to pass. I don't want any more mess after what happened." Dan had a sad smile on his face but he was fine with it. I apologized and he told me that I didn't have to. "Then I guess I'll see you later.". "See you later, Natty!" I giggled and we waved goodbye. "There you are!"

Sam tapped me from behind. "Where were you? And did something happened to you? Your face has some bruises there." she noticed my face. "I was in class then I was dragged outside by Daniela with her gang." I explained. "Why?". "Just because I was with Dan yesterday, she thought I have a crush on him." Sam asked if I really do and I said no. "Then what happened to your face?" she asked again.

"Oh this?" I pointed at my face. "They gave me a make-up for telling the truth." I vaguely explained. "What?" Sam was clearly confused. "I told her that Dan isn't interested in her." I casually told Sam and she was suprised. "How could you say that? You know how she is now, don't you?". "Then why should I be afraid of her?" I asked if she heard the same case I had with Daniela.

"She only tolerate her group or the girls that she sees "acceptable", but there are a lot that got the same fate as you had." Sam explained. "Then I what I said to her was right after all." I mumbled. "Did you say something?". "Nothing! Let's get lunch! I'm starving..." Sam chuckled at my response and we went to the cafeteria.

A.N : Hey, guys! I'm back again. As usual, college stuff has been making me busy and I have a new story idea. For now it's in my text book so I can focus on finishing this one rather than uploading two different stories. Hope you guys stay safe and I'll see you in the next chapter! RD out!! Boi!!!

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