How we met

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It is the first year, it is time to get sorted and you are really excited. On the train you sat with hermione, harry and ron. You all walk in the great hall and get ready to get sorted.

"Hi children, today all the first years get sorted, I will call your name and you come forward" You get stressed out, what if you get sorted into Gryffindor, mom and dad would find that a disaster. "Ronald weasley" Mcgonagalls voice echoes through the great hall. You see your red haired friend walking to the hat. "Mmmm, another weasley huh, I would say GRYFFINDOR" You see ron smiling and walking to the gryffindor table.
"Draco malfoy" You look up and see a blond, skinny, kinda tall boy walking up to the hat. He sits down and before the hat even touches draco his head, the hat screams: SLYTHERIN. Draco grins and the slytherin table claps their hands. "Y/n Parkinson" Hermione smiles at u and wishes you goodluck. You walk to the hat, and sit down. Mcgonagall puts the hat on your head and it starts talking. "Euhm, a Parkinson, you are not like your sister" You put on a confused face. "We have to say, RAVENCLAW" You look at your twin sister, she laughs at you. You get the smile off your face and walk to the ravenclaw table. "Hi, i am Luna, i just wanted to say that your aura felt sad" You look at luna and smile. "Hi luna, I am y/n, I am kinda sad tho" Luna and you start talking and Mcgonagall walks up to you and says: "Are you ok y/n? You looked really upset when you got sorted into ravenclaw" You turn around and explain that you think your parent would be really disappointed. "You can still go to slytherin, if that is what you really want" You say you will think about it, but immediately regret saying that. "No its oke professor, I feel fine here"
You look at Luna, and smile. After you finished eating you and Luna go to the dorms, you share a room together. "Oh look y/n, we share a room" You and luna get excited and unpack. When Robert asks if you want a tour sound the school, you dont even have to think about it. You and some other ravenclaws follow Robert. "This is the potion classroom, Professor Snape teaches here " While the other ones are paying attention you only have eyes for the boy who just walked by. Draco malfoy, if you remember correctly. Luna catches you staring and yells his name. Draco turns around and says: "Did you call me Parkinson? You turn red and say: "No I did not, why would I do that" Draco grins. "Maybe because you like me?"
You turn even more red and get tears in your eyes. "No malfoy, I dont like you. I barely know you" You put an angry face on and turn around. You hear draco talking, and then you hear a laugh you know way to good. You turn around really fast and see your sister talking to draco. She sees you and points at you, they al start laughing. You run away crying, with luna following you. When you arrive at your dorm you lay on your bed. Luna opens the door and tries to comfort you. "Y/n, do you know what draco said, when you ran away?"
You shake your head. "No really what did he say?" "He said

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