part 10, how we got ready for the baby

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It has been 4 weeks after u found out u were pregnant. Narcissa really helped u figure out things. You decided to KEEP THE BABY. Because raising a baby in Hogwarts is really difficult.
Narcissa stepped in, she will take care of the baby during on, Thursday,Wednesday and Tuesday. You only have school 3 days a week. U call Narcissa mom btw

"Sweetie, are u ok"? Narcissa asks. It is  Saturday, u are 10 weeks pregnant. "I am fine mom" Draco walks in. "Bubs, we have that ultra sound tonight, we are gonna hear if it is a boy or a girl"
U get all excited. "Ooh I totally forgot"

Later that night. You and Draco are in the car, narcissa drives u to the doctor.

"Hello, I am doctor Lupin, I will be your doctor from now on" You and Draco are holding hands. Narcissa walks behind u. "Tonks? Is that u"
The doctor turns around.  "Narcissa, draco! I did not recognize u." Tonks looks at u. "U must be the mother of Draco's child?" You smile. "Yes, I am, kinda proud of it tho" Everyone chats while Tonks continues the ultrasound. "Euhm y/n, do u want to know the gender right now, or do u need me to write it down". Narcissa stands up. "Well, because I wanna be a supportive mom, mother in law and grandmother, I am throwing a gender reveal party for u"

U start crying, and Draco hugs his mom

"Thanks mom, you had no idea how much y/n loves it" Tonks writes down the gender and puts it in a envelope. She hands it over to Narcissa. Then she looks at u. "I think u are gonna be a great young mom, if you ever need me, here is my number". You promise to call. On the way back, you stop at a small bakery. Narcissa gets out of the car, and walks into the Bakery. Draco turns his head to u. "Baby, what do u think the gender is" u think. "I think is is gonna be a boy" draco agrees.
Narcissa gets back in the car. "The cake will be done by tomorrow"
U smile at her, and give her s hug.
"I invited all ur friends, and urs Draco"

Next day 10 pm

"Bubbs, wake up" Draco shakes ur arm. "Why baby, I wanna sleep"
Draco laughs, "everyone is here, even the cake, wanna go and find out what the gender of our baby is?"
You immediately sit right up in bed. "Oeh oeh oeh yes, " U get ready and come downstairs. U see Hermione, Ron,ginny,luna,crabbe,goyle,blaise and Pansy. Pansy walked over to u and hugged u. "Sis, I am o sorry for everything I ever did to u, it ur boyfriend" "I hope u can forgive me"
U smile. "Yes I van forgive u, I am actually really happy that ur here"

Everyone stands in a circle, around u,Draco and the cake. Ron gets his phone out to film.

"Because I love u, u can cut the cake"
U get tears in ur eyes. U kiss Draco, and you get the knife. U do a step forward. "WAIT Y/N" Ginny calls u.
"Yes Ginny" ?? "Do u already have a name? " U look at Draco, he shakes Yes. "Yes we do, but now, let's cut the cake"

 "Yes we do, but now, let's cut the cake"

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