part 11, how i gave birth

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It was hard, being pregnant, school, the judgy looks. But, your friends, sister, and future mother in law, really support u and have ur back. It is almost ur due date. U stopped going to school because u are about to pop.

"Sweetie, u should rest, u can pop any moment" U laugh and look at Narcissa. "Fine mom, I will go and rest". U walk upstairs and kay in bed. Draco us still at school. U fall asleep till its dinner time. "Y/N DEAR, DINNER IS READY". U open ur eyes. " I AM COMING MOM" u stand up, then look down. "Oh my god, I just peed myself" while ur cleaning it, Narcissa walked upstairs. "What happend honey?" You laugh. "I think I peed myself." Narcissa looks down, then at u, then down again. "OH DEAR GOD, UR WATER BROKE" While Narcissa freaks out, u call Draco. "Bubs, my water broke"  * silence * "DRACO AWNSER ME GOD DAMMIT" * silence * "yes baby sorry, harry is bringing me to the hospital right now" U look at Narcissa "We are going there right now, see u there" *hangs up*

Arrived at the hospital

"Hey gurl" u look behind u, it is Tonk
"I will help u deliverur baby, is that oke with u" U nod ur head,"yes ofcourse,  u are the best doctor in town, oh and also, SOMEONE GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME" Tonks and Narcissa are laughing when Draco, harry,hermione,ginny,ron and Luna walk in. "There is the mom" Luna hands u a little present.

U open it. It is a onesie with the babies name on it. U hide it from everyone.

"LUNA, HOW DID U GUESS" Luna points at Draco, "I asked him, he told me" Right when u want to get mad, tonks taps ur shoulder. "There is a room free, wanna give birth?" U look at her, with tears rolling down ur cheeks. "Yes please"

U, draco, hermione and Tonks enter the room.

"I cant Hermione, please cut me open"
Tonks laughs. "Push 3 times girl, then wait 10 seconds." PUSH PUSH PUSH *heavy breathing* PUSH PUSH PUSH *heavy breathing* PUSH PUSH PUSH

after about 3 hours of pushing, your baby comes out. Tonks lays her on ur chest. U an Draco cant get it eyes of her.

*knocking sounds*  its ginny. "Can we come in"  Tonks looks at u, you shake yes. When everyone comes in, you are laying on a bed, with a tiny  little girl on ur chest.

Julia Dana Luna Malfoy
Born on januari 5th 2020
3.5 kg,
56 cm
Godmother 1: Narcissa Malfoy
Godmother 2: Hermione Granger

We are happy to announce that both baby and mother are doing wel.
If you wanna visit, call :068263947

Lots of luv<3

How it happendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon