part 3 How he ignored me

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It is year 2, you and draco became friends last year. But he did not write all summer. You think there is something. Btw, you are 14.

"Oh my god, where are they"? You are looking for Hermione,Harry and the weasleys on Platform 9¾. "Y/N, Y/N"
You turn around. Before you even can realize, hermione hugs you. You hug her back, then you see the guys. Hermione lets go of you, so you can hug them. Harry and Ron hug you, you skip te twins. Because you know they would put some powder is your sweater. You guys walk to the train, when you see Draco. "Go on, I am gonna go say hi" Your friends walk away while u walk to Draco. He notices you, looks u in the eyes, and walks away. You are confused as hell.
U enter the train and walk over to ur friends. "Hey, are u ok?" Harry asks.
"Yes I guess,  draco looked me in the eyes and then ignored me" Everyone is in shock. "But you were such good friends last year, did something happen?" U think, really really good. "No, nothing weird happend, although,  pansy acted really weird"
Hermione looks at u. "Like, normally Pansy weird, or worse?" "No like, really weird". U guys forget about it and talk about the fun things you did in the summer. "ANYTHING FROM THE TROLLY?" "ANYTHING FROM THE TROLLY?" Ron's stands up, and walks out of the cabin. 6 minutes later he returns, with no food. You laugh,"Did you forget your money Ron?" Then u see his face. "OMG bubs, what happend" Hermione asks worried. Ron sits down. "Y/n, are u ready?" U are confused. "Ready for what" Ron takes a deep breath, "pansy poisoned Draco". "THAT BITCH DID WHAT". Harry grabs your hand. "Y/n, calm down" The train stops. You get your bag and leave. When you are outside you see Pansy. You wanted to walk up to her, but Ron grabbed your arm. "Y/n, not now" "WHY NOT RONALD, THAT BITCH DESERVES TO KNOW HOW I FEEL". Ron points at Dumbledore and Hagrid. "Owh, thanks" Hagrid walks up to u and asks if everything is alright. " I am fine, but I really dont feel like talking with anyone right now" U walk away.
"What is wrong with her" Hagrid asks Harry. "Euhmm, I'll explain later, I gotta follow her, before she does something stupid" Before Hagrid even got the change to say goodbye Harry runned up to u. He grabs your shoulder. U turn around and he sees ur face. "No y/n, dont cry" Neville walks by, and asks what is wrong. U explain what happend. "That is really upsetting, can I help u with something?" U say: "No, but if I come up with something, I will tell u" Neville waves and enters the school.
U and Harry enter the school at the same time as ur sister and Draco. She looks at u with this mean face. "I SWEAR TO GOD PANSY  EVER LOOK AT ME AGAIN, AND U NEED A NOSE CORRECTION" Pansy walks up to u and hits u. Ur nose started bleeding, she hits u again."PANSY LEG GO OF HER" Ron grabbs Pansy by her hair and pulls her of of u. Harry picks u up and carries u away. Harry brings u to his dorm. Where you fall asleep.

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