part 2, How she made me hate myself

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It is 3 months later since the school year started. Pansy have been annoying you, with the fact that she is friends with draco and ur not. Draco seems to be ok with it. U became really good friends with ron,harry, Hermione and luna.

You walk out of potion class with luna and harry. You see ron and hermione making out. "HARRY, LUNA, LOOK"
Hermione turns around. "RONALD, YOU SAID THAT THEY WOULD HAVE POTIONS FOR 2 HOURS" Ron looks at her and laughs. "Hermione what is the problem, look at them, I think they are fine with it" U all laugh and walk to the great hall. When you arrive you see Pansy, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle standing in front of the door. "Ah there she is, the disappointment of the family" Hermione and harry walk up to them. Draco does 2 steps behind. "U SAID WHAT, WHAT DID YOU SAY TO MY BEST FRIEND" Hermione loses her temper. Harry grabs her arm before she can hit Pansy. "Come on Draco, let's go" The slytherins walk away. "Y/n, are u ok?" Hermione runs up to you and hugs u. U break down is her arms. You look at the slytherins, and u see Draco turn around. He waves at u.
U look at hermione and u pass out. When you wake up, you are in the hospital wing. U open ur eyes and u see Harry, Hermione and Luna. U ask what happend. Hermione explains what happend, and then Harry continues. "When you passed out, draco looked really worried" luna tells you that your sister stopped him from coming to help u. "That bitch, I swear, if harry did not grab my arm, she would be the one laying here"
You all laugh, then Mcgonagall walks in. "Ah, y/n Parkinson, here u are"
U look worried and ask her why she is here. "Draco Malfoy walked up to me, and said that u were here, he asked If i could check up on you, for him"
You gasped. Hermione says: "ma'am, can you maybe ask draco if he can come here for a moment, but please dont ask in front of his friends" Mcgonagall looks at u "Alright, I will ask mr Malfoy if I can talk to him, then I will ask him to come over here"
Harry stands up and shakes her hand. "Thank u so much, it means a lot to y/n" Mcgonagall looks at u and smiles. "Well than, I will go and look fir Mr Malfoy" She leaves the room and u start sobbing again. Luna hugs you when Draco walks in. He is blushing.
Harry says:" Well guys, I think that is our clue to leave" He looks at u and smiles "good luck" whispers Luna.
Draco walks to ur bed and asks what exactly happend. U explain what the nurse told you. "I was mentally tired, so my body took a break" While u say that, Draco starts to look really concerned. "It doesn't mean u are going to die right?" U look at him and u laugh. "No silly, I am not going to die" He looks relieved. "Oh thanks god"

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