part three

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"Guys please, I said no gifts this year! You're letting me live here for free!" Hermione protested as Molly Weasley brought in a pile of neatly wrapped presents. Gryffindor colors, of course.

"I insist! Weasley tradition, Hermione." Miss Weasley assured, placing the presents at Hermione's feet. Hermione gave Ron a 'help-me' look but he just smirked back making her roll her eyes.

"Alright, then I guess I'll open this one first," Hermione slowly said, it sounding more like a question than a statement. This package was a simple square box and was quite small, but Hermione didn't mind. She loved it when anyone gave her anything. She unwrapped the dark red packaging and pulled out a small jewelry box and opened it.

"It's beautiful!" Hermione gasped, picking up the silver necklace. It was small and dainty, a simple silver necklace chain with a small circle with her parents initials engraved on it. It even had three tiny diamonds around the initials making it elegant. Hermione knew it must've costed a lot and felt a small pang in her heart.

"That one's from Molly and I" Mr. Weasley said, smiling in satisfaction as Hermione felt her eyes water at the beautiful sight.

"Harry put this on will you?" Hermione asked, trying to mask her sadness and tears. Harry walked over behind the sofa and slowly clasped the necklace but it took a bunch of tries. Due to the daintiness of the necklace, the clasp was apparently 'bloody impossible to open or close' according to Harry Potter himself. Hermione giggled at Harry's quiet swears when he couldn't get it on and then finally got it on.

"Took you long enough, mate. Only a few hours!" George joked earning a big laugh from everyone in the room as a very sheepish Harry sat back down on the love seat next to Ron.

"Here, open mine next!" Ginny giggled, handing Hermione a much larger soft package. Hermione gave Ginny a confused look and opened the package to reveal a quite heavy stack of clothing.

"Ginny...I love it but how-"

"Mione, you put me in a clothing shop and I won't stop buying things, don't be surprised," Ginny replied, giving her a grin. Hermione didn't even bother looking at each individual item of clothing, as there were definitely a lot but she put the stack down on the floor and thanked Ginny. 

Molly had given Hermione a bonus gift apart from the very expensive necklace and gave Hermione a handmade blanket, quilted with Gryffindor's colors which made Hermione smile. George got her a small gift basket from Weasley's Wizards Wheezes along with a brand new quill set which Hermione was very grateful for. Bill and Fleur had even sent a package my mail which was a box full of Fleur's homemade goodies. Caramels, fudges, pies, cookies and sweets were in it and Hermione laughed when Rod pleaded for a piece of fudge.

"Harry Potter I can't believe you don't know that I own this book already!" Hermione joked. Not really joked, she was a bit confused when she unwrapped the familiar book, Hogwarts A History.

"Well maybe you should open it," Harry teased giving her a fake glare.

"Maybe I will," Hermione jokingly glared back too, opening the front page and gasped.

"You didn't..." Hermione whispered, not taking her eyes off the book. "How..."

"It was Sirius' actually, found it at Grimmauld Place. His parents got it signed by Bathilda Bagshot before she...well yeah," Harry explained, smiling at Hermione's excitement. Hermione was tracing the signature with her fingers, she was so happy. "It even has personal commentary from Bathilda herself as well as Sirius' own notes. I've read some of it and it's quite interesting."

"Harry this entire book is quite interesting! Thank you so much!" Hermione squealed, giving Harry a quick hug and returned to flipping through the pages of her new gift. 

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