part six

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Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock

"Alright, alright, Merlin! Merlin!" Pansy yelled at the loud knocking on her and Hermione's door. She near threw up when she saw who it was. "Well if it isn't scar head himself."

"Oh poor Hermione," Harry glared at her and pushed passed her shoulder to wear Hermione was sitting on her bed reading all the new books she could find from her handy bookshelf.

"Hey Harry wha-"

"Mione of ALL people she put me with Malfoy. And only Malfoy. Nobody else but MALFOY." Harry erupted in frustration, laying his back on Hermione's bed.

"Watch your mouth you slug!" Pansy spat, sitting back on her bed to organize her jewelry box (it was very heavy, too.)

"Looks like we're in the same boat," Hermione mumbled, making Harry give her a half smile.

"Even Ron got lucky! He got that Marcus Flint bloke and Ernie guy from Hufflepuff. Harmless!" Harry continued. "Everyone got lucky except me!"

"Harry, I don't know if you haven't realized it yet but you're not exactly a lucky person," Hermione pointed out making Pansy snicker from behind. 

"I'm serious though! Maybe McGonogall's up to something or-"

"PANSY! YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHO-" a boiling Draco came rushing in, whining like a toddler until he froze and saw a very livid Harry, a careless Hermione and an amused Pansy.

"Could it be your best mate Potter over there?" Pansy sarcastically smiled, pointing to Harry who groaned loudly into his hands. Hermione could sense he was stressed and started playing with his hair subconsciously, also to avoid Draco's eyes. Harry's hair was unruly and rather large, so it was amusing to run her fingers through it.

"Why don't you do that to me Pansy! Merlin!" Draco bellowed, flopping himself onto Pansy's bed.

"I'm not going anywhere near that blasted head of yours. Too much hair and too much gel," Pansy said making a fake gagging sound making Hermione chuckle.

"What do you think you're laughing-" Draco started but Hermione looked him straight in the eye.

"Finish that sentence and you'll be getting another punch straight in the face. Oh yeah, remember that? Third year was it?" she said coldly, Harry grinning widely.

"THAT's who punched you in third year! You said it was a seventh year Ravenclaw!" Pansy exclaimed, slightly punching Draco in the arm. Now, Hermione and Harry really let out a loud laugh.

"That was me!" Hermione said between laughs and Pansy looked at Hermione and then Draco and began laughing too making Draco huff and cross his hands over his chest, saying nothing.

"Alright you two, out! I need to get changed for bed and I'm sure my best friend Pansy here doesn't want you to get gel on her bed spread, Malfoy," Hermione said, her voice dripping in sarcasm.

"We are not friends," Pansy stated, looking warningly at Hermione who just stuck out her tongue at her.

"We're two peas in a pod, Harry, honestly," she said to Harry who grinned and got up from the bed.

"You better do that again sometime, nice head massage and I don't have to pay you for it!" Harry said, leaving.

"No! I better get some sickles for that!" Hermione called after him but he just turned around to wink at her and left. Hermione got up and went to her wardrobe, but before she could mutter the spell she realized a certain someone was still there. "Malfoy what the hell do you think you're still here for?" Hermione glared at Draco who was standing next to her bed.

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