part thirty-six

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Dear Hogwarts Students,

The teaching staff, including myself, has seen this year to be an excellent learning experience for  you all, and we are immensely proud with the schoolwork you've completed and the knowledge you've attained. Despite it only being the last week of January, we've decided to cut this year short for reasons not specified. We can only assume it has been a mentally tough decision to return this school year and we find ourselves rethinking our decision to keep Hogwarts open.

We do plan to open for the next school year, but this decision has been in the best interest of the students mental health. With only one student coming to us with worries and mental issues regarding last year, we regret not closing sooner. Returning to your homes is the only thing we can think of to make this year easier for you. 

Exams for main years will start in two days time, and will go for the rest of the week until Friday's last day of school classes. Do not fret, for the exams have been modified to cover only the knowledge you've learned up until this point and these next two days will be given for revision only. Therefore, classes will be cancelled- effective immediately. All classrooms, teachers, and the library will be open however for the students needs.

The Hogwarts express can and will be used, or port keys will be distributed to those specified from myself or Professor Slughorn. My office will be open always for further questions, and all of your guardians or parents are being notified as I write this. I regretfully apologize to those in seventh and eight years, who will end their Hogwarts journey sooner than later. In return, Hogwarts will pay each seventh and eighth year for courses at post secondary wizarding schools if they wish to continue their education.

Those taking the OWLS this year will have them be postponed to September of next school year, and seventh and eighth years will be sent by owl their NEWT exams. Exams and quills will be sent within a few weeks, and have been charmed to prevent any cheating of any kind. 

I wish all the best, and I will sorrowfully miss those not returning to us next year. I send all love, support and hope for their oncoming futures.

Your Headmistress,

Minerva Olmsted Ophelia McGonogall


TW/ minor thoughts abt suicide

Hermione regretted even coming back to Hogwarts, and reading the letter hurt more than she could imagine. She had faith she would have a normal year, but it was now being ripped from her grasp. All for good reason, but she wasn't ready to leave her home.

Her and Ginny had been sorrowfully moping in the common room already, so there wasn't really any change. She sat next to Ginny with her head on her shoulder as the letter floated down to the dusty floor. Everyone in their shared housing quarters had been acting the same, and nobody wanted to leave.

One thing did remain in the back of her head, wondering if that really was the reason Hogwarts was closing. Was it because of the students mental health? Hermione thought about ending her life on multiple accounts in the beginning of the year, so that justification seemed like a load of crap to her.

But she didn't want to think about the other possible reason why Hogwarts was shutting down the year early. 

"I mean, it's probably for the best, 'Mione," Seamus sympathetically told Hermione as he brushed her hair behind the couch. 

"We're never coming back to Hogwarts, Seamus, how is that for the best?" Ginny snapped, but then calmed when she saw a bit of hurt in his eyes. "Sorry," she mumbled. 

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