part forty

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Nearly three days had passed since Arthur Weasley had caught up the Burrow household members on the looming and not so pleasant idea that Death Eaters were on the rise again. A sour note to leave off on, but Molly tried to reassure everyone that nothing was confirmed or factual. 


The word hung on Hermione's tongue, wanting to say something, but contributing to that fear by panicking wouldn't be beneficial to anyone. Molly had been distracting everyone with meaningless tasks such as weeding a very weeded garden, baking random pastries from her cookbooks, picking strawberries, etc.

Everyone could see through the smoke screen, but obliged in hopes Molly could calm down herself. She hadn't gotten over her last letter from Draco and the numbness that radiated off of the parchment. Or the drawing of herself in the journal, one Draco probably hoped Hermione wouldn't go looking at. But she had.

It was eating at her, something she couldn't describe. Everything seemed out of place, and it made her feel queasy. Ron was off on Auror business, Harry was in a safe house, Draco was miles from her reach, her parents were gone. Everything was hopeless. Not being able to rely on having them with her really threw her off. 

Even Ginny had lost some bits of spirit. Ever since she had to say goodbye to Harry indefinitely, she'd been a wreck. Always going on and on about the negative possibilities from the Death Eaters and what they could want from Harry this time. This meant not even Ginny could be of any comfort. 

"Hermione?" Theo's voice came from behind the door, and Hermione hadn't realized she had been crying.

Odd. When did that happen?

The door creaked open as Hermione furiously wiped away a few tears with her sleeve to meet a very calm, yet concerned Theo. "I've been thinking...I think we should take a day off and get out. I have an idea, but can you see if George or Ginny wants to come?"

Hermione's brows furrowed slightly, "Out? Out where?"

"Well, I was thinking possibly Diagon Alley. I dunno, just a fun day out to do random, fun things," he shrugged, with a small smile showing on his face.

"That actually sounds brilliant," Hermione said. "But you go ask them, I need to get changed."

Theo nodded and shut the door as Hermione stared at her open beaded bag in the corner of the room, nearly groaning from the effort it would take to walk around in public. She pulled herself out of the chair and grabbed some light milky brown paper bag pants with a maroon and cream sweater Molly had knitted her a few summers ago. One of her favorites.

She took an old and crumpled tote bag and threw a few things inside Muggle-style and last minutely placed her black licorice journal inside.

She lamely hopped down the stairs to see Theo grabbing a layered flannel and putting it on, and handing George's coat to him.

"George is coming, though Ginny opted out. Something about writing to Harry?" Theo noted as Hermione approached the two.

With a silent expression to both of them, Hermione and George grabbed hold on Theo's forearm and they apparated through space to the center of a busy street in Diagon Alley. It was much busier than anyone expected as children ran past them, old witches gossiped and families marched along and window shopped.

It was around four in the afternoon, so the sun was only present faintly and the coldness persisted. Hermione shoved her hands in her pockets as they walked past a few restaurants and shops she vaguely remembered from her previous trips to the alley.

"Well, what're we doing first then, mate?" George broke the silence, trying to sound excited.

Theo grinned at both of them, "My favorite sweet shop ought to start our visit well."

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