part nineteen

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"Oh...I dunno, Ginny. Maybe the slit's too-"

"Mione, no. You look hot. I look hot. Luna looks...beautiful, and we're already up down the stairs so it's too late!" Ginny reassured Hermione as they stumbled in their heels down one floor to the Room of Requirement.

As the three walked down the hallway, they stopped infront of the grand wall where the door soon after appeared, loud noise booming from the inside as the door opened.

The lights were dimmed and flashing different colors as people were all bunched together in groups, dancing wildly in their different costumes. There were long table stretched across the back wall, stocked up fully with foods of all sorts. When the door opened, exposing an abnormal amount of light compared to the room, many people groaned and turned to see the light bu instead were faced upon the three girls, shyly (not Ginny, she was strutting) walking towards the eighth years as many people wolf whistled. 

"Oh my God...Hermione-" Harry stuttered as Hermione approached him first, awkwardly avoiding the staring Slytherins. His mouth was gaping at Hermione, which she returned with a furious blush. She knew she was going to hate this. 

"Keep your mouth shut, Harry," Hermione mumbled as she pulled her dress down a bit, trying to avoid the uncomfortable stares. 

"Erm- Jesus," Harry whispered, wiping his hand across his mouth and chin, eyes glued to Hermione. He couldn't help it, she really looked like a fallen angel.

"Doesn't she look fabulous!" Ginny smirked, coming up from Hermione.

"You look great, Gin," Harry commented, eyes not coming off of Hermione.

Ginny just grinned in return, "I know," she said, walking past him to get some punch.

"You look absolutely gorgeous!" Parvati gushed, coming over to Hermione, closely followed by Astoria Greengrass, who's mouth was open too.

"Is that Hermione Granger!" she marveled. "I love the makeup!"

"Thanks," Hermione weakly replied, slowly shuffling away from the approaching people to compliment her, Ginny and Luna, bumping into a tall chest. "Theo!" she gasped, "Thank Merlin, people are getting a little too close for comfort."

Theo grinned, "I'd never think a girl would be bored of the many compliments she was receiving."

Hermione rolled her eyes and smiled, "Oh, shut up, you know what I mean."

"But they're not wrong, you look...stunning," Theo smirked, nudging her shoulder.

"Not you too!" she whined, on her way to find Ginny who was dancing to an upbeat song with Dean and Seamus.

"Hermione! The fairest angel I've ever seen," Seamus greeted, fake bowing to her as she approached them.

"Thanks, Seamus. Hey Dean!" she said, beaming at him which he returned with a shy smile.

"You guys are by the far the best looking couple tonight, though!" Ginny whispered to the boys, making them blush as Ginny and Hermione laughed at their response and dancing again to some upbeat song Hermione was unfamiliar with.

A few moments later, Hermione felt a light tapping on her shoulder, making her stop dancing as she turned around to see a very tall blonde boy, smirking at her.

"Oh, hello!" Hermione greeted him shyly as he blushed a bit.

"Hey...I'm Daniel Leeds. Seventh year?" he asked, seeing if she knew he existed.

Hermione just shook her head slightly, smiling, "Sorry...don't know you."

"That's alright. I mean, you look great tonight, but what are your after school times like?" he asked, eyeing Hermione up and down making her frown slightly.

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