part twenty-four

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"Did you talk to Harry this morning?" Ginny asked hurriedly, as the two girls speed walked to the Professor McGonogall's office. 

"It was impossible not to! He woke me up banging on the door, so yeah we talked," Hermione responded, whipping her head to talk to Ginny and then back again.

Nearly ten minutes ago, they received an owl to be in McGonogall's head office in five minutes, so Hermione naturally rushed them out of the door, cursing herself for deciding to somewhat sleep in.

"Did you tell him everything?" 

Hermione inhaled quickly, "Mostly, except for the part about Malfoy. I don't know how many murders I'll be able to handle."

Ginny awkwardly agreed as the two reached the door and quickly climbed up the staircase, out of breath.

"Miss Weasley, Miss Granger, lovely you could finally join us," Professor McGonogall tutted, eyeing them as they walked in, heaving and panting.

"Us?" Ginny panted, putting her hands on her knees.

Hermione looked around the room to see Draco Malfoy lounging on the lime green sofa in the back corner of the office.

"Bloody hell!" Hermione whined, bringing her wrists to her forehead in frustration.

"I am glad to see you healthy Hermione, but if you could take a seat," Professor McGonogall gestured over to the sofa and Hermione immediately shook her head wildly.

"If I sit anywhere near him I'll throw hexes," Hermione warned, looking desperately at McGonogall.

Ginny sighed, grabbing her hand as she pulled them over to a smaller sofa, closer to Professor McGonogall's desk, and quite a distance from Malfoy. Hermione muttered a 'thank you' as they sat down.

"Ginny and Hermione, do you know why I've called you to my office?"

Ginny and Hermione exchanged a side glance with each other, "No we don't actually," Ginny huffed.

"Well, an informant on the Hogwarts Express told me he saw two teenage girls steal four bottles of heavy fire whiskey from the trolley and drank it all, causing for much disturbance to the compartments next door."

Hermione's eyes popped out of her head, "You think that was us?" she gaped.

Professor McGonogall slightly pursed her lips, "I would hate to think so, but are you aware of any other teenage girls riding the train that day? To my knowledge, there were only a few other passengers aboard."

Ginny started nervously tapping her foot on the floorboard, "Why is he here?" she demanded, her eyes acknowledging Malfoy.

"He his here for another matter I must discuss with Miss Granger, but you are avoiding the question. Did you or did you not steal alcohol and consume it all?"

Hermione burst, "We didn't! I don't know where you heard that from, but it most definitely was not us, Professor. I'll take veritaserum, I swear!"

Professor McGonogall squinted her eyes at the two girls, but gave up with an exhale. Ginny visibly relaxed, squeezing Hermione's hand.

"Alright, I suppose you two are off the hook. Miss Weasley, please return to your class, but Miss Granger please stay a moment."

"I'll wait outside," Ginny whispered before getting up to leave. 

Hermione shifted slightly on the sofa, crossing her ankles together as she nervously and expectantly looked at Professor McGonogall. This is what she was praying didn't have to happen. She's already had to give an in depth explanation to Miss Weasley, the healers, Harry, Ginny, Pansy and Ron. 

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