part thirteen

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"Mione! Mione, ready to go!?" came a loud voice outside Hermione's door. 

Pansy had thrown a book at the door, hoping to scare off whatever blasted monkey was screaming in the hallway but no avail as the screaming continued. 

"Gin give me TWO seconds!" Hermione shouted, scrambling to her wardrobe to summon her Gryffindor colored-tie and throw tons of books in her satchel.

"And where might you be rushing to?" Pansy groaned, her eyes trying to adjust to the bright sunlight seeping into their dormitory.

Without even looking at Pansy, Hermione continued to pack her bag. "Defense Against the Dark Arts, and if I remember correctly we all have that class together." 

Pansy mumbled a few curses, practically hobbling out of her bed to reach her own wardrobe, throwing on a Slytherin vest and skirt, getting ready almost quicker than Hermione. Hermione just rolled her eyes and exited her dormitory to rush with Ginny down the stairs and through the school's hallways.

There wasn't a clear difference, but Ginny could feel it. Professor Sprout's death, nearly two weeks ago, had everyone rocked to their core. Frightened professors, jumbled students, confused ministry officials and roaring parents all wanted different outcomes. Many students had left Hogwarts a week ago following Professor Sprout's grim funeral in the dark forest. 

Mostly first and second years had returned back home, parents concerned for their safety when the rest were more cautious than nervous, all very well aware of what else happens inside of the castle walls. A few other students scattered across the years returned home too, only three eighth years leaving. Marcus Flint, Eleanor Thunbird and Gregory Dartmouth were among them, all of their parents fed up with putting their children's life at risk. 

"Good morning students, I hope you have all done your proper studying for today's introduction to our midterm assignment," Professor Aberforth began, pacing slowly from behind his desk.

"Professor Aberforth? Will this midterm cover from chapters eight to sixteen or eight to twenty?" Hermione immediately asked, raising her hand in the air at the same time but waiting not for him to call on her.

Professor Aberforth just sighed, his eyes with a quick twinkle in them. "No Miss Granger, in fact, this mid term assignment will be very different to those on tests and textbooks. Despite what the curriculum says, I say you are ready for a more...hands on assignment? Perhaps?"

Many whispers shot around the room at once, Harry's eyes widening in panic at Hermione who didn't except this. They had been on the run and fought off Voldemort before and haven't really been in any duel lately so this could be very interesting or possibly too nostalgic for participation.  "But this test, will be unlike your others in another way. This test will be purely on survival. Group survival. You know how to duel, you know how to throw hexes and jinxes and charms but do you know how to... survive? I have been kind enough to let you work in groups of four-"

More chatter. "...Chosen by me, ahem. This task has been hand crafted by myself and Professor McGonogall and will be purely on basic survival entities. Your wands will be turned in before hand to be charmed by Professor Flitwick, as the use of the summoning charm will not be available to you."

People began to talk loudly now, throwing the occasional "that's not fair!"

"SILENCE!" Aberforth bellowed.

"Geez he sounds too much similar to Dumbledore!" Ginny whisperer nonchalantly into Hermione's ear.

"You will each be allowed your wand, a change of clothes and two other items and will be placed in boundary marked areas within the forest."

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