part thirty-eight

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Hermione woke up in a very uncomfortable position from trying to share a bed with Ginny on the last night, per them staying up late on Ginny's bed and drinking a few bottles of fire whiskey. She must've passed out before Ginny since they were both spread out on her queen bed.

"Oh hey weirdo," Ginny groaned as she lifted her head to see Hermione yawning loudly.

Hermione scowled, followed by a pillow hitting her square in the face. 

"We have to be in the Great Hall in ten minutes so get up," Hermione reminded, tying her curly hair up into a topknot.

Hermione bit back a laugh as Ginny groggily rubbed her eyes and pulled herself over to her wardrobe. 

Ginny pulled on her uniform before noticing Hermione laugh in the corner, "What!" she laughed.

"Nothing, nothing. Just hurry," Hermione chuckled, applying some concealer over her forehead acne and finishing some mascara.

They walked to the Great Hall in comfortable conversation, talking about their plans for the summer and what they'd do first when they returned to the Burrow. The previous night was much more difficult then the morning- but the two girls had come to the conclusion that leaving Hogwarts should be viewed as exciting. They were graduating, after all, and despite the memories both happy and traumatizing- they wouldn't cry on their last day of school.

Time was on their side as they came through the front doors with three minutes to spare before McGonogall's big speech. Hermione made eye contact with a tired looking Draco from the Slytherin table, and held it before being pulled down to the table by Seamus.

"Can't believe after this we're done," Dean noted as the Gryffindors gathered around together- plus Luna, sitting next to Neville.

Neville nodded, "Can't say I'm surprised, though, it even baffled me to see us comin' back this year."

Ginny and Hermione hummed in agreement, both taking bites out of a few scones.

"What are ya gonna do now?" Seamus asked Ginny, who pointed at her full mouth in response. "Neville, Luna?"

Luna and Neville exchanged a quick smiling glance before turning back to the rest of the group, "We're going to move in together."

Everyone gawked at Luna's words, including Ginny who nearly spit out her food. Everyone knew they were together, but they didn't know how serious their relationship had grown to be.

"Merlin's beard, that quick?" George gaped.

Neville smiled, "It's this great place in Ireland. In the countryside too, can you believe it! It's got a few bedrooms, a garden for me, and a big field for her."

"I'm so happy for you two," Hermione congratulated while smiling at her two childhood to teenage to adult friends.

"What are you guys doing for work then?" Ginny asked, continuing the conversation.

Neville beamed, "I'm working at this really interesting conservation program- we basically find and tend to unique plants and herbs, researching them, the whole lot. I'll start in a few months, but I'm really lookin' forward to it."

"I'll be at the Quibbler, hopefully taking over the company in a few years time," Luna sung as if it was her one and only dream.

"Me and Seamus don't really know yet, but we reckon somewhere in the ministry would do," Dean shrugged after popping a few blueberries into his mouth. "What about the Weasleys? And the honorary Weasley, of course."

Hermione chuckled at the comment, "Not sure either, but I'm staying at the Burrow until I figure it all out."

A distant glass clinking came from the professor's table, drawing everyone's heads to the front like a magnet as the old professor stood up in solidarity in front of everyone.

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