part thirty-seven

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Two days had past since McGonogall's announcement, and "shocked" wouldn't exactly be the word most eighth years would use. In fact, most were shocked a school closure didn't commence following Professor Sprout's untimely death. Or after Hannah's, yet the school remained open. It wasn't until after a nice holiday break that Hogwarts would shut down temporarily.

Bittersweet it was, spending the last few days in the home so many grew up in, including Hermione. The Weasleys had permanently offered up their home as Hermione's, allowing her to live with them until she wanted to live on her own. Molly Weasley never made Hermione feel guilty however, she always ensured she was like her own daughter- therefore having her own chores.

Dozens of OWL students were constantly panicking, taking up a very large amount of space in the library much to Hermione's dismay. Ginny tried to convince her to "just have fun" since they were about to graduate, but it was a pleasantry. A distraction, supposedly. 

There still had been no contact with Harry yet, but Professor McGonogall promised to allow them each one letter to him per week, which was something everyone was looking forward to. Having Harry gone made school feel strange and distant from what Hermione knew and loved.

Then there was Draco, the most confusing, uplifting, upsetting and bewildering thing in her life at the moment. She didn't exactly know their relationship's nature, but he always made an effort to make Hermione laugh or have fun. It was something private, of course.

Hermione hated keeping secrets more than anything, especially from Ginny, but despite not being that  involved with Draco Malfoy- she felt awkward telling anyone about her feelings towards him. Even so, she didn't even know about how she felt about him! 

He brought unexpected laughter, happiness and bickering when she felt like spiraling down again and again, over and over. He wasn't overbearing, and often prompted Hermione to how she was truly feeling or what was on her mind. You could say it was refreshing, but she feels something untapped with him. Perhaps some left over trauma, unanswered questions and missing pieces to his complexity that is his life.

He wasn't really the verbal type when it came to admitting his faults.

Ginny spent most of her last days playing Quidditch anyways, so she had a lot of time just her and Draco in the common rooms or rarely outdoors. If anything, their sense of belonging at Hogwarts rather than anywhere else was what really brought them close. Harry was similar to them in these terms- all finding home in the school rather than where their literal home was. 

"All packed, then?" Ginny deadpanned as she slid onto the Gryffindor bench, sitting across from Hermione.

Hermione twirled her fork around, "Yeah, just a few more things."

"Books, no doubt?" Ginny tried to banter, but even her own fiery presence had been burnt out.

Hermione kept watching her fork dance while Ginny tried to fill her plate, mumbling about the lack of taste in some of the food options. It was crushing to see younger students, even those enduring hardship war years, laugh and gossip as if ending the school year early was fun. Exciting, even. Their high cheek bones and breathy laughs mocked the older students in the halls. "Dean's organizing a Quidditch friendly for anyone who'd like to join. I know it's not your fancy, but maybe you could watch? I feel bad leaving you alone."

"No, it's alright Gin, I'll be fine. Sounds fun, though," Hermione smiled, taking one last sip of water before getting up. "I'll probably finish packing, but I'll see you later!"

Ginny simply nodded in acknowledgement as Hermione left the Great Hall, indeed headed back to her dormitory. The bathroom where she once found herself getting attacked by a troll passed her by, allowing for a smile to flicker on her lips.

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