part twenty-nine

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A/N guys it's the ball- I- EEK

Hermione stared at herself in the mirror, her eyes trickling down the details on her gown, in awe of her appearance. It had been nearly four years since she had dressed up this nicely before- and she never excited it to be a proper princess gown. But she loved it. Every inch of the dress screamed elegance and beauty; traits Hermione didn't feel she possessed.

Ginny had settles on a light wavy hairstyle with two loose braids intertwined with each other in the back of her head, strands of hair falling onto her face making her look like some sort of forest fairy from the books her parents used to read to her as a child. Her palms were just as shiny as her light golden eyelids, shaking at the prospect of going to another ball.

Hopefully this one will be better she prayed, spinning infront of the mirror one last time before Pansy came bursting in the door.

"Granger! Ball started- officially- one minute ago! And I thought you were the most punctual person at Hogwarts." she scolded, grabbing Hermione's wrist begrudgingly and pulling her out of the dormitory. 

"Right...sorry! Is everyone down there already?" Hermione muttered, lifting the bottom of her gown slightly as she tried not to topple down the spiral staircase.

Pansy brushed her dress, "Ginny's waiting for us outside the portrait and I haven't seen Draco all day so I assume he won't be attending. Otherwise, yeah, everyone's already left!"

Rather harshly, Pansy pushed open the portrait door, releasing Granger from her tight hold to meet a very excitable Ginny.

"Hermione! Merlin, you look-"

"Yes, yes, she looks lovely- we must be going. Now!" Pansy hastily inturrupted, waving a hand in Ginny's face, making Hermione chuckle.

"Positive, Gin? Do I need a touch up on-"

Ginny laughed, "Hermione, for God's sake, you look stunning, stop worrying about everything for tonight and let's have some fun." 

Hermione nodded sheepishly. "Just like the Halloween party," Pansy snickered, receiving two playful smacks from either girls. "Ouch! I'm just saying it seemed like if you've got a few drinks in your system, you really let loose, huh?"

Hermione thought back to the party, and the mention of alcohol immediately brought her back to what Draco told her a while back. She had kissed him. Drunkenly, but she had. Silently, she swore not to drink any alcoholic beverages this night in fear of snogging anyone unwanted.

Harry had told her he'd wait for her at the bottom of the main staircase, and she felt butterflies swarm as the three of them stood atop the staircase proudly as dozens of heads turned to look at them. Pansy shooed and snapped at a few students who were pointing and whispering to their friends as Ginny dramatically strutted down the stairs- clearly enjoying the attention.

Hermione's eyes immediately met Harry's, whose jaw had slightly dropped in surprise from Hermione's dress. He had heard it was a dark green gown- but this...this was unexpected. Out of nervousness, her eyes didn't fall on anyone except for Harry Potter as she walked down the steps quickly, surpassing Ginny's rather slow descent. 

Behind Harry stood Dean and Thomas- hands held together tightly- as they too were in awe of Hermione and Ginny's dresses, Seamus lowly whistling as Hermione hopped off the last stair to meet them, blushing furiously. 

"Oh, 'Mione, just look at ya!" Seamus praised, coming over to give her a side hug. "This detailing, holy Merlin!"

Hermione laughed, "Thanks Seamus. You and Dean will definitely be awarded best dressed, though!"

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