part twenty

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Something along the lines of a knife seemed to be lodged into the back of Hermione's head, and for some reason she felt like her bed was shaking.

"Rise and shine!" Luna's voice celebrated, coming into Ginny's dormitory where Hermione and Ginny were both passed out on Ginny's four poster.

"Noooo," Ginny groaned exaggeratedly, hastily grabbing a pillow and covering her ears with it.

Hermione lazily lifted her head up to look at Luna, "Lunaaa it's Sunday!"

Luna just smiled and shook her head at her, "And it's nearly noon. Come on," she cooed, coming over to Hermione's side of the bed and gently lifting her to her feet.

"Aah!" Hermione groaned at the large amount of sunlight coming through the window, covering her eyes with her hands and desperately trying to sit down somewhere.

"You're hungover, let me help you!" Luna reassured, placing Hermione down on an armchair near Ginny's bed and leaving the room for a moment to come back, holding a few things. "Alright, I've got a brush here, a change of clothes, a small cup of water and a mint."

"Why do I need a mint?" Hermione groaned, not uncovering her eyes.

"Because you're breath is simply horrendous," Luna chuckled, grabbing the oak wooden brush and softly brushing through Hermione's air, somewhat soothing her massive migraine.

After Luna brushed her hair, she got up to go wake up a very irritated and whiny Ginny, leaving Hermione to get changed quickly. Hermione pulled out the heather grey joggers Luna brought and she also unfolded the extra large tee shirt that had a wizarding band tour logo on it. Hermione normally wouldn't wear joggers around the school, she felt very informal, but she couldn't get herself to stand up so she shrugged and put the clothes on.

By the time she was dressed, Ginny was muttering curses as she pulled herself into a Gryffindor crew neck and some black leggings, then exiting the room. Luna didn't seem to mind. In fact, she looked as if she was amused.

"Thanks Luna," Hermione announced groggily, her voice still raspy as she got up to give Luna a small and weak hug before leaving the room and heading down to the common room sofa to take a nap.

"Someone's having a great morning," Pansy croaked from the armchair by the fire, surrounded by Theo, Blaise, Malfoy, Harry, Seamus and Ginny who had just arrived and was fast asleep again on Seamus' shoulder.

Hermione groaned, stomping down the steps, "Stop yelling so loud!"

Hermione slowly made her way to the sofa where Harry and Blaise were seated, and sat in between them and resting her head on Harry's shoulder, feeling drowsier with each passing second.

Pansy yawned and muttered a charm to her toenails, turning the nails a dark green color before adjusting herself into a more comfortable position.

"Do you want me to go fetch you some lunch?" Harry asked softly, playing with Hermione's hair.

"I'd like that," Hermione whispered, "But don't put any-"

"Yes, I know. No butter on your rolls," Harry chuckled softly, making Hermione sheepishly smile.

Hermione groaned in re-adjustment when Harry got up to go get food with Malfoy, Blaise and Neville, but she just curled herself into a ball where Harry used to sit, clutching her head with two hands.

"Someone had a fun night," Theo snickered, making Hermione cast him a side glare, but she didn't have enough energy to scowl, much to Theo's amusement. "Do you remember anything from last night?"

"Um, well I remember dancing with Ginny, then I was holding a bottle and drinking from it, something about me falling asleep on a table? Not really," Hermione lazily recalled, last night being mostly fuzzy for her.

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