part thirty-five

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The loud whistle of the Hogwarts Express chimed, marking the halfway point of the returning trip. The air remained cold, but the snow had vanished from the Scottish countryside, bringing back the untamed grasslands and hillsides everyone knew and loved.

A silencing charm has been placed in favor of Ginny so nobody could hear Hermione's panicked words and conversations with Harry or anyone else. 

"But the scar is only supposed to hurt when he's around or plotting- I don't know!" Hermione panicked into the palms of her hands. 

"Are you just casually suggesting Voldemort's returned?" Harry sassily remarked.

Hermione groaned, "That's not what I'm saying, I'm-"

"Hey guys? How about we all just calm down-" George interjected nicely, but was quickly shushed by both Harry and Hermione. 

"When did this start happening?" Hermione asked quickly.

Harry scratched his head, "I dunno, maybe a few days before new years?"

"Okay so... a few days ago your scar started to hurt, Theo gets a threatening letter, before that Hannah Abbott was stabbed, and then P...Prof-Professor Sprout. That's it, it can't be coincidental."

Ginny perked up, "You think they're all connected? H-how? And why? Voldemort's dead, I'm sorry, but dead. Zip. There's no way he's back or coming back in the future."

"Tell that to my scar!" Harry squealed anxiously. 

"I say we start with the house elf thing, Hermione, and if we don't get anything from it, we'll talk to McGonogall. Fair?" Theo compromised.

Hermione exhaled, "Sure. But right when we get there, promise? I don't like sitting and waiting for something bad to happen to any of us."


Hermione practically ran from the carriages to the school building, wanting to calm herself and the looming enlightenment that Harry's scar had been acting up again. The group tried to keep up, and only Ginny was able to match her pace. They passed through the courtyard, avoiding the countless students and friend groups conversing and greeting each other again.

Hermione knew the house elves lived in the basement of the castle, which revolted her despite the comments on how the elves are simply grateful for a home at all. However, she didn't quite know where. Her and Ginny quickly went down the basement/dungeon stairs and decided to turn for the left hallway after the Slytherin common rooms. 

As they finished their descent, Ginny abruptly bumped into a student as they turned a blind corner leading to the Slytherin region.

"Watch i- Luna!" Ginny said shockingly, giving her friend a quick squeeze. "What are you doing down here?"

"Talking to a friend is all. Say, I've never seen Hermione down in the dungeons before, and you look troubled," Luna airily greeted with a smile plastered on her face naturally. "Have I interrupted something?"

Hermione smiled back, "No not at all. Erm, Luna, do you happen to know where the house elves live?"

Luna warmly smiled and beckoned them to follow her down the hallway on the right, skipping happily infront of them. 

"I come here often. There's an elf named Brittle I'm rather fond of, lovely to talk to. She's visited all over the world, you know, even America! Fancy that. Ah, here! The portrait of the famous mushroom forest in west China- lovely artwork."

Before Hermione could go to open it, Ginny tapped her shoulder shyly.

Hermione turned around with a puzzled expression, "What is it Gin?"

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