part ten

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Hermione could feel brightness on her face before she even opened her eyes and assumed it was morning. Slowly opening her eyes and adjusting herself to sit up, she realized she didn't recognize the room she was in. Snapping more awake, she whipped her head around to see where she was, but calmed when she saw Theo in the corner of the room, scribbling on parchment with a black quill, glancing at an opened book on the desk.

Now she remembered. The food, the lake and the common room. She was surprised Theo was here and wondered if he had stayed overnight too. Hermione still didn't feel like leaving her room just yet.

"Someone's finally awake," Theo tutted, not looking up from his parchment, noticing the moment from the couch.

"Shut up and let me wake up properly," Hermione yawned, getting up to look at herself in a nearby mirror. Her face was normal, as she hadn't worn any makeup in a while so it wasn't an issue, but her hair was very messy and getting bushier by the second. Groaning, she tied her hair back into a low bun to make it appear calmer and shrugged at her outfit as she didn't have any other clothes at her disposal or a handy summoning wardrobe.

"I brought some breakfast back but I reckon the tea's already cold," Theo called out as Hermione slowly trudged and sat herself at the small table the room had next to the large window with a small plate of food infront of her. She sat down and began eating her buttered waffles, looking outside. This room's view was different, more busy as the prime view was the large Quidditch pitch from afar. Squinting, Hermione could make out that the Ravenclaw team was out practicing and wondered if there was an upcoming match.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked curiously, walking near the bookshelves and the desk where Theo sat at.

"History of Magic Homework, which you need to do to. One and a half yards," Theo said, not looking up still and focusing hard at the task at hand.

"I've already done it, I think Harry's been slipping my assignments under my door," Hermione shrugged, picking books off the shelves to examine them, most of them she recognized.

"Just so you know, they're really worried about you, you should probably go see them today before the Quidditch match," Theo said, this time looking at her with concern. "Harry wouldn't stop droning about his concerns," he added, rolling his eyes.

"I suppose, just don't know how they're gonna react and-"

"Hermione. Harry and Ginny were just as shocked at Ron's stupid decision too, and I'm pretty sure Harry gave him an earful and Ginny wacked him. Many times."

This made Hermione smile, remembering her friend's fiesty-ness.

"Hmm. Maybe I will go see them, I'm tired of staying in my room," Hermione said, nodding to herself. 

"Good. But you might want to leave soon, they're going to the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff match today and it starts pretty soon," Theo said, seeming unbothered.

"You're not going?" Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's Quidditch, and Slytherin isn't even playing."

"Fair. But it could be fun?"

"Is Hermione trying to tell me to have fun when she's been isolated in her room for two weeks crying over Ronald Weasley?" Theo smirked, looking at Hermione who just smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. I'm leaving now, so you can join me if you want."

"Like I said, it's just a Quidditch match. You have fun, Hermione. I mean it."

Giving Theo a genuine smile, she nodded and left the portrait hole, ignoring Snape's comments on her waking up so late into the afternoon. Not like I patronize you for being a Death Eater Hermione thought and smirked. She felt better, definitely better. Yes, the halls reminded her of Ron but she also remembered all the fun she had with her friends and she smiled as she walked to the eighth year common room. Standing outside, he took a quick inhale, she muttered the password and walked into the busy room. 

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