Discover Shadow Sunlight

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The AA Glider sped through space at the strongest of dragonfire power.

"We are approaching the Portal Jumping System," Doubletrope reports. "Signal seems to be coming from a certain unavoidable time void or time pocket."

"Well well, scan the planets for lifeforms." said Corwin.

"Affirmative Captain. Scanning spatial area." This was an artificial conscious not artificial intelligence.

"Approaching Planet Dimension, Captain."

"Incoming craft please identify yourself."

"AA Glider requesting cloud port landing."

"Standby we are clearing the porting dock." It was a lady's voice through the comlink.

"Roger that affirmative I'll stand by."

15 minutes later.

"AA Glider You're all clear to land on Cloud Square 4. Travel slow speed please."

"Yes, ma'am."
Corwin restarts his ship he didn't have a seatbelt in his ship cockpit because the armor he wore was tight enough and protected him solidly during any crash landing shit.

"Maintain your speed sir."

"Of course, lady." Corwin replies. "I see the landing dock square and I'm turning on landing gear."

"You're all clear to go ahead and land as planned."

Corwin's ship rotated slightly a little bit like Slave One and the landing gear.

"Engage exit ramp Doubletrope."

"Affirmative Captain." AC Doubletrope, "I will make sure no enters this private vessel unless you wish to have it cleaned and polished."

"That may not be a bad idea because I will be visiting one of my older trainers in the other world soon.

"I can't believe it it's you the Apprentice."

"And who are you?"

"Oh sorry, I'm Sequin. I got a job as a mechanic here for awhile."

"Decent outfit and say how would you like an extra tip let me guess you helped me land her huh?"

"Yep," Sequin said, "But I don't wanna a tip."

"You deserve it. First of all I will pay you extra for cleaning and polishing up my ship and for your map that clear?"

"Yes, I really am surprised." Sequin said.

"You shouldn't be." Corwin responded. "Where is your boss?"

"Landing Transport Canteena you're headed North west so down the cobblestone and just around the corner to your left." Sequin instructs. "I will polish up your ship in no time. It does need a new paint job. And some places look like they need to patch up."

"Who was that?"

"Ogron goodwell be a little bit more subtle even though no one is looking for you on this muli dimension level yet but that's the bounty hunter Apprentice trained by Master Hagen himself."

"Sorry I scared you wanted to check up on you Sequin."

"Don't worry about me." says Sequin. "You know perfectly well I do very well on my own, Ogron brother."

"I find it funny you are willing to call me brother as well."

"Your only brother I have ever really had." Sequin said. "I have a job to do. So you might wanna get undercover, Ogron."

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