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  It’s five months later. Paul walks to Red Leader's office, and opens the door without knocking, like always. He sees Tom and Tord having a heated make out session, but they instantly stop when they heard the door open.They both looked at Paul.

  “Oh my fucking god Paul!! Can you just learn how to fucking knock?!”Tord was furious, since Paul never knocked.

“I’m sorry,sir. I’ll try. But I came here to tell something,”

“Okay, so go on,” Tord said and walked to Paul.

  “Well, there is a new small army that is growing, trying to stop you. We don't have that much information about them, but still some,” Paul says and gives a paper with some info to Tord. 

“Do you know the leader?” Tord asks, looking at the paper.

  “No, and then there’s a rebellion against you too, that we don’t know the leader of either,” Paul answers and gives another paper to Tord, with some info about the rebellion.

“Well, go get more info of them, and figure out their leaders,” Tord says and pushes Pual out of the room, locking the door. 

  Tord turns back to Tom.

“Now let’s continue where we left off, shall we Tommy~”


  Theo is sitting at his desk, talking to one of his soldiers.

“So you’re going to go there as a spy, and try to get some information, which will help us defeat Red Leader and his army,”

  “How will I get the information?” the girl asks.

“I dunno, just try different things. After you’ve gathered some information, just contact me,” Theo answers. The girl nods.

“I’ll try my best, sir!!”

  “I trust you, and remember to use a fake name. You may now leave,” the girl then leaves.

Theo opens a drawer on his desk and takes out a picture and looks at it smiling.

  “Oh, Thomas… I can’t wait to have you and your body again… I w-” he gets cut off by a knock on the door. He sighs and puts the picture back to the drawer, and walks to the door and opens it.

  “What?” Theo asks, with a bored tone and expression, looking at the person at the door. 

“The medic needs you,”

“Why didn’t he contact me himself?”

“His walkie talkie is broken,”

“He could’ve borrowed someone else’s,” 


  “Hey, it’s alright, we are going to get him back as soon as we can…” Edd tries comorting Jen, who was having another breakdown. She has breakdowns at least once a week.

“B-but what if we won’t? Or what if he’s hurt..? Or dead?” Jen sobs.

  “I’m sure he's fine… I doubt he would kill him,” Matt also tried comforting her. 

They sat there comforting her for another 10minutes, until Jen started calming down.

  “How about we go to the cafeteria to eat dinner?” Edd asks. Jen and Matt  both agree and they start walking to the cafeteria.


Uhm, I’m running out of ideas, That’s why less than 500 word chapter-

I like just have ideas, but don’t know how to like build up to those ideas so well-

So fun-

Also Theo the Asshole is an asshole. 


I’m dead-

Update January 5th:Next chapters(at least two) are gonna be over 600 words, and hopefully soon at 800 words! I'm getting more ideas now too, I just have to come up with how to build up to those things!

Also, let's teach Paul how to knock.

And the drawing was a fast drawing of Theo, just to show what he kinda looks like. I didn't really plan anything, just went what came into my mind lol

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