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  I'm at the mall, buying Christmas presents. Buying gifts is hard. You get the worry that will they actually like the gift you bought them.

  First I'm gonna find a gift for Tord. I pick a christmas sweather, 'cause why not? I also pick a sketchbook for him, since he's getting into drawing, and also he draws the blueprint stuff for his mechanical and electronic things he's gonna work on.

  For Edd, I picked a sketchbook that has the Coca Cola logo on the front. I also bought a new pencil, eraser and a sharpener for him, which were all Cola themed. He's obsessed with the drink, and I don't think it's healthy, but I can't really stop him from drinking it.

  For Matt, I picked two mirrors. One was a light pink hand mirror, and the other one is a wall mirror with shiny lilac frames. He's a narcissist. Literally, he's obsessed with himself, and he has been diagnosed with NPD.

  Since Me and Tord are not gonna see Matt and Edd on Christmas, we are gonna exchange presents when we all have bought the gifts. We're gonna open them on Christmas tho.

  We are also planning to do some Christmas song covers today and post them on Tord's YouTube channel. Yes, we have a channel for our band now, but we only post our original songs there.

  I go to pay and see the cashier. It was Jack. One of 5 bullies from college. One of Theo’s friends.
“Oh hey Thomas, it’s been a while since we have last seen!” he said. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to talk to him. He started going through my things and looking at the prices with the mahcene.

  “I get it that you probably don’t wanna talk to me, but  heard that you got Theo arrested. I think he deserves it,” I looked at him confused.
“What? But weren’t you one of his friends?” I asked, and he checked the last item.

  “Yea… But he wasn’t really any of our friend. He just used us, I guess. He threatened us and beat us up just to stay as his friends. I never meant anything I said or did to you, or anyone else I bullied..” he explained.
“Oh…” I just said and then he looked at the price.

  “that’ll be £39,90,” he said, as if we never talked about anything else. I nodded, paid and packed my stuff inside a bag and left the store.


  Few hours later, Matt, Edd and Tord come to Tom’s house, and they go to the garage to play the Christmas song covers for Tord’s YouTube channel.

  After that they decide to go to Tord's house, and have a YouTube live Q&A. They go there and sit on the sofa, Edd on the right side, Matt next to him, then Tord and then Tom. They start the live, wait for people to join in, and tell them to ask questions.

  The first most asked question was, if Tom and Tord we’re still dating. Tord opens his mouth to answer, but gets cut off by Tom pulling him into a kiss and then turns to look at the camera.
“Take that as the answer to your question,” Tom says with a smirk.

  They ask some other questions like, what exactly happened, why did Tord go into a coma for two years, which they answered that they do not want to talk about it, but that it had something to do with school bullying. Also question, is Tord okay, which the answer was yes, he’s absolutely fine, and some other questions.

  Someone suggested that they make a video where they bake gingerbread.
“How about we would have it as a live, instead of a video! And me and Tom could do it on christmas, since we’re spending it together,” Tord suggests, and the audience seemed okay with it, and also really excited.

  “We were also planning on baking gingerbread anyway on christmas, so,” Tom added.

680 words… I know, short, sorry- But I just can’t make every chapter long, even tho I try, Hope y’all understand!
But the next chapter is gonna be a christmas chapter! And after that, shits gonna hit the fan. Just a warning.
BAYAYAYAYAY I love everyone who actually likes this story and is gonna stay here through it all. Also y’all can give some suggestions if y’all want to
ubfdjcjdvdnknd ndvvhdbv *ded* bye lol
*ded again*

Also lemme know if you wanna see my crazy notes after the book is finished, lol.
*ded, once again*

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