[14]Long time no see...

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  "What's that thing on your face?" Jen asked. Tom was confused at first, and then noticed she meant the visor.

"Oh the visor? It-" he didn't get to finish his sentence.

  "It's not a mind control thing, is it?" She asked and looked at Tord. Tord and Tom we're both surprised by the question.

"No, why would I make him wear a mind control device?" Tord asked.

  Aunt Jen shrugged.

"Maybe because you wanted to keep Tom there against his own will!!"

"Hey, Aunt Jen, I can assure you it's not a mind control device…" Tom said and Jen sighed.

  "What is it then? "

"It's to protect me, and help me. It gives me special abilities, like better sight and some other stuff," he explained. "I don't even know everything, since Tord hasn't told me yet,"

  "Haven't seen the need to yet," Tord shrugged. Tom just rolled his eyes. 

"Oh and Tord also agreed to have a war where I'm the prize!" Tom yelled. Third looked at Tom.

"Hey, I told you it was gonna be fine!!

  "What the hell Tord?! Why would you do that?!" Edd yelled. Tord looked at Edd.

"Hey, I won't let that bastard take Thomas, no matter what happens! I'm not that dumb! I only want to get rid of him!!" Tord yelled back.

  "Rid of who?!" Edd asked, still angry.

"Theo!! He wants Tom back!" 

"But isn't he in jail?" Matt asks. Jen shook her head.

"No, he isn't… Don't you remember when I explained that he attacked me after escaping the prison?"

  Matt looked at Jen.

"Oh? No, I don't remem-" 

"He attacked you?!?!" Tom yelled, cutting off Matt. Jen nodded. 

  Suddenly a voice came from Tord's walkie talkie.

"Red Leader," Tord sighed and took his walkie talkie and clicked the button to talk.


"One of the soldiers shot another soldier and is saying that it was an accident, when the other soldier was at the other side of the room-" the soldier in the walkie talkie explained.

  "What room did it happen in?" Tord asked.

"The shooting range,"

"I will be there soon. Keep the soldier there 'til I come… And get the soldier that got shot, to the medic…"


  Both armies arrive at the place they're supposed to have their battle in. Tord and Theo look at each other. Tom is standing next to Tord. He is glaring at Theo. Theo looks at Tom.

  "Hi Tommy~ I missed seeing your beautiful face~ What is that visor thing?" Tom looks away from him.

"It's to protect him from people like you!!" Tord yelled.

  Theo frowned. 

"That's not very nice… Well after this battle is over, Tommy will be all mine!" Theo said smiling. Tord huffed.

"In your dreams. Your army is too weak and small to defeat mine!!"

  "Well, we'll see about that Red Leader," Theo grinned.

They started the battle. People were being shot on both sides. Most soldiers on Red's side who got shot, only got injured, while soldiers on Black's side, died. 

  That went on for 10-20 minutes, when Theo shoots at Tord almost hitting him. Tord turns to look at him and shoots at him. Theo wasn't fast enough to react, so it hit him on the right shoulder. He grunted in pain and dropped his gun.

  Tord walked closer to him punching him in the head, and Theo fell to the ground. He tried to get up, but Tord stepped on top of his chest, so that he couldn't. Tord points the gun at Theo's head.

  "Hey hey hey, alright, you won!! Don't shoot me!! I will tell all my soldiers to-" 

"What soldiers?" Tord asked, smirking. Theo was confused and looked around. He only saw Red soldiers. There were no Black soldiers to be seen.

  "What… How-"

"I told you your army wasn't strong enough to win me,"

Theo sighed.

"Okay well, there's someone I'd like for you to meet before you kill me, or whatever," Theo looked away from Tord.

  "Who?" Tord asked. He was confused. Who would he want him to meet. Theo reached and took out his own walkie talkie and spoke to it.

"Come here, now," there was no answer.

"He'll be here in a few minutes. Now can I please get up-"

"No, you can not," Tord said, and pressed his foot on top of his chest harder. Theo was having hard time breathing.

  "I think the person who Theo was talking about is arriving," Tom said. Tord looked the way Tom was looking at. He pointed his gun at him, and so did Tom, just to make sure that he didn't try anything.

  The person walked closer, 'til Tord could make out his face. He seemed familiar to him but he didn't know why. 

  The person stopped in front of them. 

"Hello Tord, it's nice to see you after such a long time,"

"Who are you?!" Tord asked, still pointing the gun at him.

"Oh you don't remember?" the man asked, acting like he was sad.

  Theo coughed a few times before speaking.

"He's your biological father, Tord," 


856 words.


Like there's gonna be a few more chapters. And I will maybe make another sequel at some point. Just maybe.

Imma write more fanficts soon tho.
I have probably no motivation to finish this at the moment.

Made a new AU tho. No ships, but I'm still excuted about it tho!!!


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