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I'm at Tord's house helping him, and his dads decorate for Christmas. It's two weeks away. Right now tho, his dads are out shopping.

Tord has finished his own robotic hand for himself. He said he'll change it more later, like add more things. I think it's already good enough, but he doesn't.

He also has a glass eye now. He sometimes complains how it's uncomfortable to wear. You can't actually tell that he has one. It looks so realistic.

I get up on a stool to put some Christmas lights on top of the window. I suddenly lose my balance and fall from the stool, but couldn't hit the ground, 'cause Tord catches me.

"Thanks," I thanked him, and got back on the stool to finnish putting the lights.
"No problem! Just be more careful, that you don't fall again," he said and started taking out the artificial christmas tree parts from the box.

There's a knock at the door, and I almost fall again, but this time I kept my balance and just jumped off the stool. I had already finished putting the lights up anyway.

Tord walks to the door and opens it. Edd and Matt push past him inside, and Tord closes the door.
"Hey, that was kinda rude to just come in without saying a word," Tord complains, and chuckles. Me, Edd and Matt also laugh a little.

"Anyway, we came to help you two decorate!" Matt exclaimed, as he and Edd started taking off their door clothes. Tord and I nod, and he goes to continue taking the part out of the box.
"Yea. We already decorated our christmas trees, so," Edd added.


They build up the tree and take out the box with all the decorations. They start decorating.
Suddenly the door opens and Matt throws the ornaments in his hands to the floor, 'cause got scared. They all turn to the door to see who came in.

It was Paul and Patryck.
"Oh sorry, if we scared you!" Pat apologized to Matt, who assured him it was fine and started collecting the ornaments from the floor.

Pau and Pat walk to the kitchen area and start putting their crocories to the fridge, freezer and the cabinets. Tom got to put the star on top of the tree. He used a taller stool this time, and luckily didn't lose his balance!

After they decorated, Edd suggested that they'd go outside to build a snowman.
"No way! Isn't that too childish? We're 19 after all!" Tom said.
"No, it's not! And what bad is it to do children's things once in a while?" Edd asked Tom annoyed.
"Well, because we aren't children! "
"Yea, but we're still teenagers, and our age doesn't matter! So please, Tom, come outside and play with us in the snow," Edd pleaded.

"Yea, please Tom?" Matt also pleaded.
"I said n- '' Tom got cut off, by Tord hugging him tightly.
"Please?!" Tord joined in. Tom looked at Tord.

"Ugh, fine..." Tom finally gave in. They all put on their outdoor clothes and went outside and started building their own snowmen.

Suddenly Tom felt something hit the back of his head and turned to look at who did it, and what hit him. He saw Tord smirking with a snowball on both of his hands. He groaned.
"Oh c'moon Tord, wh-" he got cut off by a snowball hitting his face. He wapes the snow from his face, crouches down, makes a snowball and stands up, looks at Tord and smirks.

"So let the battle begin," he said and threw a snowball at Tord, who dodged it, and threw a snowball at Tom. Tom just barely dodged it, and threw another one at him, and it hit him in the face. Tom laughed, and a snowball hit him in the face. Then another, and another. Tom ran behind the corner of the house to hide, and make more snowballs.

He takes a snowball to both of his hands and peeks to the yard, but can't see Tord anywhere. He turns around, to get snow on his face. Tord had gone around the house to surprise attack him.

He groans as he wipes the snow off and glares at Tord and throws a snowball, which only hits him in the shoulder.

A snowball hits Tom in the back and another one hits Tord's chest. They both look behind Tom and see Matt and Edd with snowballs, smiling, ready to throw more.

Tom and Tord look at each other and smile and start throwing snowballs at Edd and Matt, while they throw back at them. They moved the fight back to the front yard.

The snowball fight goes on for like half an hour, 'till they all get tired and lay on the ground, laughing a little trying to calm down.

The front door opens and Patrick looks out at them.
"Hey, do y'all want some hot cocoa?" Pat asks, with a smile.
"Yea, sure," Tord answers for all of them. They all get up and walk back inside, closing the door.

They take off their outdoor clothes and go sit around the kitchen table while Pat makes them hot cocoa. Paul places a plate on the table with some store bought chocolate chip cookies.

They drink the cocoa, eat cookies and talk, 'till eight pm. After that Edd and Matt leave.
"I guess I should go too," Tom says and is about to walk to the front door to put on his outdoor clothes and leave, but gets stopped by Tord.

"Would you wanna stay overnight?" He asked Tom, and Tom nodded.
"Yea, sure. Let me inform Aunt Jen that I'll be staying," he answered and took out his phone, and texted Jen.

Tord also informs Paul and Patryck about it.
"Okay, but we have to go to our work for the night," Paul explains, and Tom and Tord nod.

Soon they leave for their work. And Tom and Tord are in Tord's room. Tord kisses Tom, who kisses back. Then he pins Tom onto the bed and their kiss turns into a passionate french kiss.


If someone expected smut from the last scene, I'm sorry. Social anxiety sucks doesn't it? It even took me 20 minutes to write the last scene 'cause of my anxiety- Fuck you Anxiety! Go burn in hell!
Also, 1033 words!

Oh and also publishing this on Saturday(December 19th) even tho J was supposed to publish this on Thursday, but I have the best memory so-

(Also, yes the drawing at the start was made for this book!! Always when a drawing has those winter clothes on the characters, it mean it's for this book! )

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