[2]Welcome Home!!

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  I’m sitting at my table drinking coffee. I had bruises all over my body, because of Theo. He beat me up earlier, because I took too long to get there. I’m wearing my gray ‘stay safe’ T-shirt on,and my ripped jeans. 

  I look at the clock on my phone. It's 6.01pm. I sigh. Suddenly I get a call. I look at the name, and it's Edd. I answer.

  “Hey Edd, wh-” I start, but get cut off by Edd yelling. “TORD IS AWAKE!!”. I stay quiet for a while. “Tord… Is awake..?!” I say, about to tear up. “Yea! Come to the hospital!!” I nod, even tho I know he couldn’t see, and I hung up. I put on my shirt and jacket,my shoes, and my scarf and start running to the hospital.

  I pushed past people, accidentally pushing some people to the ground, apologizing. I wanted to see Tord. I can’t believe he’s awake. It’s been two years…

  I arrive at the hospital and run to Tord’s room, and open it. I breathed heavily, since I was out of breath and looked at Tord from the door frame, as tears started running down my cheeks. I could also see tears in Tord's eyes. I also noticed his eyes were now red, instead of light gray.

  I ran to him and hugged him, he hugged me back. “Oh my Jehovah, I can’t believe you’re actually awake! I missed you so much,” I said, still hugging him, and sobbing into his shoulder. “I’m glad that I’m awake too,” Tord said, also sobbing. “It’s nice to see you again,” he continued. 


  I sat at the table at Tord’s house, waiting for Tord’s parents to get him from the hospital. I was texting with Matt and Edd about future projects to do with their band. They had gained some popularity over the 2 years. 

  We even got a name for our band. METT. It really isn’t the best, but it’s simple. It comes from our names. Matt, Edd, Tom and then we added another ‘T’ for Tord. 

  Theo also kept messaging and calling me, but I ignored them. I didn’t want to talk to him right now. He wanted me to come over to his house. He was probably planning to rape me again. He’s done that multiple times already. Like every week. I knew that Theo was gonna beat me up for ignoring him, but Tord is much more important.

  I also haven’t told anyone about Theo yet… Not even Tord, Matt or Edd… But I will tell at some point. Hopefully..

  I heard the front door open and turned my head to look at it. Pat, Pau were back, with Tord. I got up and ran to hug Tord. 

  We walked to his room and he flopped to his bed. “I missed being here… In my own room…” he said and I nodded. “Yea, you have spent the last 2 years in the hospital… And it’s probably all my fault,” I said sitting on  the edge of the bed.

  Tord looked at me. “Why did you even break up with me?” he asked. “Theo told me to do that, or he’ll hurt you. Badly… And I didn’t want you more hurt, than you already were, so I did it… But I didn’t think it’d make you jump off the roof,” I explained. 

  He hugged me from the back. “It’s fine now tho… I’m still alive and we aren’t in college anymore, which means Theo isn’t here to hurt us anymore,” he said, and I just nodded, knowing that it wasn’t true, and that Theo was still here to hurt us.

  I looked at Tord’s right hand and decided to change the subject. “How does it feel to have a prosthetic arm?” I asked, examining Tord’s right arm, now made out of metal. It was normal silver, metal color.

  “It still feels weird, but I’ll get used to it. Also I wanted it to be red, but they didn’t have a red one, so I’m gonna make my own prosthetic arm, and I’m gonna add some cool features on it,”

  “Wait, you can make your own?” I ask, surprised. I never knew he could build mechanical things, or anything at all. 

  He smiles and nods. “Yea, my dads have taught me to build electronics and other stuff like that. Now I can do some things  they can’t even do, which confuses them,” Tord stated proudly, still smiling wide. 

  I smiled too. He seemed more self confident now, than he did before. I stared at him. “Jehovah, I wanna kiss you…”I said accidentally out loud. I blushed and he chuckled and kissed me, and I ofc kissed back.

  I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled back and looked at the message. It was from Aunt Jen. “Oh, i need to go. I need to make some food before Aunt Jen gets back,” I say and get up from the bed. 

  We both walk downstairs, and I put my shoes on. I didn’t have the scarf, since we lived so close to each other. 

  I open the door and see someone standing in front of the front door of my house. He turns around. It’s Theo. He looks really angry, so I just close the door and look at Tord. He looked at me confused, since he hadn’t seen Theo.

  “Ummm..  We have a problem. We have an angry black haired asshole coming to kill us-” Tord opened his mouth to ask or say something, but got cut off by banging on the door. “THOMAS, I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE! COME OUT!!” Theo yelled from outside, while banging on the door.

  “Is that… Theo?” Tord asked and looked at me, and I nodded. Tord locked the door. “Goddammit, I don’t know where dad and father have their guns so we just have to hope he leaves soon, or they come back-” He took my hand and we went upstairs. 

  “So can you tell me why Theo is here looking for you?” he asked me, and I looked at the floor. “ I… Few weeks after you had jumped, Theo came to me and forced me into a relationship with him…” I explained and he looked worried. “Why haven’t you told the police?” Tord asked with a worried tone. 

  I opened my mouth to speak when suddenly the window broke.’


Wohohohoo. This is the longest chapter I’ve ever written. 1077 words!

Anyway, if the logic doesn’t apply to something, then it doesn’t.

This is fiction, logic doesn’t exist lol

The picture at the start is just a ss of my Instagram page, so go follow me there “@cjeddsworldfreak”.

I post my art there. 

Also, just a question. Does anyone reading this have Tourettes? 

If yes, then hello fellow ticcer.

bye lol

Broken Music 2 : Modified | TomxTord Fanfict | EddsworldWhere stories live. Discover now