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The glass shards flew everywhere, leaving little cuts on Tom's and Tord's body. Theo gets in the room by the window. Even he got wounded a little by the glass.

Theo pushes Tord into the corner of the room and pins Tom to the floor. "You fucking bitch! I told you to come to my house!" he yells and punches Tom in the face. "You can't tell me what to d-" Tom got cut off by another hit in the face.

Theo got pushed off of Tom by Tord Tord starts punching Theo. Theo takes a glass shard from the floor, and stabs Tord in the right eye with it. Tord screamed and held a hand on top of the eye, with his prosthetic hand still free, and twisted Theo's hand so that it breaks. Theo screams, Tord keeps holding onto his wrist making it hurt more.

"Let go of my hand asshole!!" he yelled and Tord smirks, and let's go, but grabs his other wrist and breaks it too, making Theo scream more. "Hey, Tom. Could you call the police, while I keep this bitch down?" Tord asks Tom, and he nods, taking out his phone and calling 999.

"Hah, you'll get charged too!" Theo says and laughs a little, bust soon winches of pain when Tord steps on his right broken wrist. "Nah, I won't. This is self defence," Tord says. "I'll tell the cops that you were the ones attacking me!" Theo yells trying to ignore the pain.

"We have cameras around the house, so there's proof that you are the one who attacked us,"

"Who in their right mind gets cameras!?"

"My parents," Tord shrugs.

Soon the police come and they arrest Theo. There was also an ambulance, because of the injuries. They took Tord to the hospital. Tom had wanted to go with, but he couldn't, since the police wanted to ask questions.

"So what is your relationship with Theo?" One of the two police men, ask Tom.

"Well in college he bullied me and Tord, and now he... He's been busing me and... and..."

"And what?"

"He has also raped me... Multiple times..."

"And how long has that been going on?"

"For like, two years alsmost..."

"Why didn't you report that earlier?"

"Because I was scared..."


Tord got surgery on his right eye. Now he's gonna get a prosthetic, glass eye. He has to wait a few weeks for it to recover though, before getting to wear the glass eye.

They were on a walk, going to the cafe. Tord suddenly asks something. "Hey Tom. What are you gonna do on christmas this year?"

Tom was surprised by the question and looked at Tord. "I have never celebrated christmas. No one in my family has," He said and Tord looked confused. "Why?" he asked. "Religion," Tom answered. "Oh yea right, You're a Jehova's Witness, and they don't celebrate christmas," he remembered. "Exactly,"

"Well, would you wanna celebrate christmas this year with me?" Tord asked with a smile. Tom smiled too "Yea, sure. I've kinda wanted to celebrate it for a while now, just to know what the holiday is like,".

"That's settled then, How about you come to our house on 23rd of december and we'll have a 2 night long sleep over?".

"Yea, sure, sounds great!"

They continue chatting and walking, 'till they reach the cafe. They walk inside and buy coffee and a cake piece for both of them. They go and sit at a table.

Soon a familiar figure approaches them. Sally. Sally was working there now apparently.

"You fucking idiot, you got him arrested!" She yells right at Tom's face. Tord stood up and punched Sally in the face. "Tord, let's just leave," Tom said and also got up and was about to leave, but noticed that Tord wasn't following. "Tord?"

Sally screamed in pain, and Tom turned to them. "Oh jehovah, Tord!! Stop!" Tom yelled trying to get his boyfriend to stop beating Sally up. He didn't want him to get arrested.

Tord was just punchng Sally in the face over and over and over again, 'till she passed out. But he didn't stop it. He kept punching her, and Tom tried to get him to stop.

Soon the cops came. Apparently someone had called the cops. They arrested Tord and Tom went with them to explain the situation. The cops also called Pau and Pat, informing that their son was arrested. They were disappointed, but they got him out and promised to keep a better eye on him, that this wouldn't happen again.

And Aunt Jen started to doubt that Tord was safe to hang around with, but Tom said it would be okay, and he would be careful.


799 words... Good enough, right? It's close enough to 800-

Gosh I wanna write chapter 7 and 8 alreadyyyyyyyyy!

Yes, there is gonna be more than 8 chapters, but that's where things get exciting.

Also yes, the video/animation at the start, is made by me!

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