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  “Sir, I don’t think this is a good idea-” Theo stops the soldier mid sentence.
"I don't care what you think. We are going to have the battle with the Red Army!!" Theo yells, making the soldier flinch.

  "But sir, we are not strong enough yet, plus the Red Army is much bigger than us-!!" the soldier tries to convince Theo.
"I know we are going to win them, because I trust you!!"

  "B-but sir-"
"No more buts!! No go and get everyone ready for tomorrow!!" He yells, and the soldier leaves. Theo sits back on his chair, and sighs.

  Someone knocks on the door, and opens it.
"Sir, someone came to see you," he says, and opens the door more to let in a man, that was probably in his mid-forties or fifties.
The soldier leaves.

  "Oh hello, I was waiting for you," Theo says, and straightens his back. The man sits on the chair in front of the desk, opposite from Theo.

  "So, what did you want to talk about?" the man asks.
"I wanted to talk about Tord," Theo answered and the man was surprised.

  "Oh, well if you wanted information about him, then I can't help, since I haven't seen him in years," the man said and was about say something else, when Theo spoke.

  "No, it's not about getting info. It's just, I need to your help. What would you think, if I told you he was in a relationship with another male?" The man's face turned to disgust when he heard Theo's question.

  "Really? So he's gay? Disgusting…" Theo just nodded.
"You see, I need your help to get my best friend back from him, since he is keeping him away from me, and forcing him into a relationship," Theo lied.

  "I guess I could try to help you with that. I just can't guarantee that it'll work,"
"Thank you, Mr. Larsen. I'm gonna show you the room you can stay at while you're here," Theo smiles and gets up from the chair.


  "I can't actually believe we are going to have a battle, about me…" Tom sighs, while he and Tord are making sure the soldiers are getting ready for the battle the next day.

  "Just remember that whatever happens, I won't let that bastard take you," Tord assures Tom, and he just nodded. "Anyways, I'm going to do my daily stuff with Mel," Tord says and starts walking towards the place, where the prisoners are kept.

  Tom continued making sure the soldiers were getting ready. Tord walked to the room, and then to Mel.

  She was tied to a chair, with duct tape on her mouth. She was covered in blood, bruises and burns. Her hands were cut off, and bandaged that she wouldn't bleed to death.

  Her left eye had been stabbed, and some of her teeth had been ripped out, tho you couldn't see it because of the tape. She also had year stains running down her cheeks.


  Jen's room door burst open.
"Jen!! We found a way to contact the Red Army base finally!" Jen turned to look at Edd, who was grinning happily.

  "Really??" Jen asks and gets up from the chair she was sitting on. Edd nods.
"Come! Matt is already there waiting!!" Edd said, and started running to the calling room, Jen following him.

  When they arrived, at the room and walked to the screen and the control panel table thing. They do something, to contact the Red Army base, with a video call. They had to see Tom, to make sure he was okay.

  Soon it was answered and they saw Tord, alone in the room. He looked shocked when he saw them.
"Oh, hi, I didn't expect to see you three…" he said, and then smiled.

  "It's been a while though, so how are you doing?" he asked, still smiling.
"We're doing great, thanks for asking, but we called to ask if Tom is okay," Edd said, with a angry expression, since he was mad at Tord, obviously.

  "He's fine. Why wouldn't he be?" Tord asked. Jen saw a little blood on Tord's cheek and some on his hands too.
"Because you kidnapped him!! And also why do you have blood on you!?!?" Jen yelled.

  "Calm down, I would never hurt Tom, and the blood is because I was just-"
"You weren't hurting Tom, right?!" Jen cut Tord off.
"What? No, never- I was just… umm… Okay, I was just torturing a spy,"

  "You-" Edd stopped himself, and shook his head. "No let's not worry about that now… We need to see that Tom is okay. Call him there right now!" He continued.

  "Tom is busy doing his w-" Tord got cut off my Edd.
"Fine…" Tord took out his walkie talkie and spoke to it.
"Thomas, you're needed in the calling room,"
"Yes, sir," could be heard from the walkie talkie.

  Soon the door opens and Tom walks in.
"Why did yo-" Tom started, but stopped when he saw them on the screen.


851 words.
Yay Hi.
I'm an idiot.
Haha. Imma shut the fuck up now.
Hope you enjoyed TwT

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