Chapter 3

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—Naruto-—1 Month Later-

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1 Month Later-

"Duck Butt, do you have eyes on the target."

"No, target is not sighted."

"How about you Pinky."

"No, target not sighted. And I command you to never call me that again."

'Touchy subject touchy subject.'

"Target spotted, headed your way hedgehog."

A silver flash jumps down from a tree and lounges at the moving target pinning it down. Naruto comes running up to Kakashi to see him covered in bloody scratch marks and holding a orange cat with a pink bow. Kakashi winced as the devilish cat bit Kakashi's hand letting him go. The cat dashed up Naruto's shoulder and fell asleep on top of his head.

Naruto sneered, 'I hate cats.'
You can say that again, all they do is eat and sleep.
'And tell me how is that any different from you.'
...I'll get back to you on that

Naruto chuckled and walked up to Kakashi, "I would just let you bite me and use my Healing Bite technique but there just little scratches, we'll get you patched up after we visit the Hokage." Naruto explains scratching the back of his head.

The blonde blushed just thinking about Kakashi biting him as team 7 headed towards the Hokages office.

The Jonin entered the office to be met with a confused look from the Hokage and a fat lady crying sitting on the couch next to the desk.

"Uh Naruto, you have a cat on your head." the Hokage states.

"It appears I do," answers Naruto taking the cat off his head and handing it to the crying lady.

The lady screams and grabs the cat and squeezes it, making Naruto's tail bristle around his waist.

No wonder the damn thing ran away, I would too
'No kidding'

The lady no longer in tears pays the team and walks out of the office her cat crushed in between her arms. The Jonin shivered then looked back towards the Hokage.

"Great work team 7. You are dismissed." The blonde bowed and led his team back outside.

"You all will get the rest of the week off." Naruto cheered make the group smile, "I'll see you guys again on Monday at the training ground for our next mission."

Before turning to leave he stopped Kakashi and said, "Here Kakashi, I'll take you to get your wounds cleaned up."

Before Kakashi could reply a big blush on his face appeared as he was picked up bridal style. A wave of fire swirled around the two of them making Kakashi afraid of being burned but nothing happened. Instead he felt a surprisingly warm pleasant chakura flow into him coming off of his sensei.

When Kakashi opened his eyes he found himself in a small apartment. "I thought we were going to a hospital?" Kakashi whispered with confusion in his voice.

"I don't trust hospitals, I've always healed all my wounds here." Replies Naruto holding medical supplies. "Unless you'd rather want me too, I just probably couldn't come in with you." Asks Naruto.

Kakashi wondered why but didn't think too hard on it. "No thanks, I'm fine here." Kakashi said not wanting to be left alone. The Jonin smiled showing off his fangs that were unseen to Kakashi.

Naruto set Kakashi down and began cleaning the cat scratches. Kakashi winced grabbing onto his sensei's shirt. 'Damn, that burns' thought Kakashi.

He quickly let go of his sensei's shirt as Naruto began wrapping the scratches and went to go take Kakashi home. Before leaving Naruto changed out of his usual attire and into a black shirt with a hood and Anbu pants. The blonde quickly covered his his face with a mask like Kakashi's and lifted the hood over his yellow locks.

Naruto looked down at his student, "It's just so that nothing happens like before." Naruto answers the question Kakashi was thinking of.

"I didn't mean to trouble you so much." Whispers Kakashi.

"Your not troubling me at all. I'd still have to do this even if it wasn't for you." Naruto replies with a smile. Kakashi smiles back.

'I smile at Kakashi and see his visible eye go up in an upside down U meaning that he was smiling back. We walk out into the street and silently walk through the crowd until we end up at Kakashi's house. Kakashi waves goodbye to me and walks inside leaving me alone. I begin my walk back home through the large crowd and accidentally walk into someone. I fall backwards but catch myself with a flip.

A crowd circles around me and gasps. I look up at the crowd then at myself. My mask had slipped down my face and my hood no longer covered my head, but that wasn't the worst part. My tail had unwrapped from around my waist and was waving in the air for everyone to see.

I could hear people's hateful whispers as they soon became shouts. I looked around for a roof or alleyway I could get jump or run into but the crowd had completely surrounded me. The crowd had began closing in and started throwing things. A kunai plunged into my shoulder making my howl in pain as I fell on all floor. A man ran up and kicked me in the gut making my couch up blood and the crowd pounced and began to beat me.'

When the crowd got bored at the wounded Jinchuriki the crowd thinned and went back home leaving the blonde bleeding out in the middle of the street. Naruto woke up, his brain pounding against his skull like a drum. Naruto couched up some blood as he sat up and leaned against the wall and walked towards his small apartment, not caring about covering up his tail that dragged on the ground behind him.

When Naruto reached his apartment he collapsed on the floor as he began to feel Kurama's chakura heal the wound that were inflicted on him, leaving deep scars. Naruto slowly and painfully slipped into his mindscape to see the towering Nine tailed fox.

The fox quickly scooped up Naruto from the floor and held him close.

I really don't see why you don't just kill them.
"I know I could have but killing them would just be proving to them that I really am a monster."
Not unless you killed them.
Naruto chuckled then winced, "Maybe next time, Kurama." Naruto said as he fell asleep.
Sure what ever you say, Kit.

Hey, guys hope your liking it so far. Please vote and commit what you might want to see and I'll try to add it.

Love you all~

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