Chapter 4

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—Naruto-Naruto weakly got up and winced at the recent wounds that were now scars

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Naruto weakly got up and winced at the recent wounds that were now scars. The Jonin got dressed covering all his latest scars and marks and jumped to the window sill. Letting his tail and ears wave in the wind as he ran on all fours towards the training grounds.

When the blonde arrives he does his usual routine of hiding his fox traits and jumps in front of his team. The Jonin winces as he reopened a wound that slowly sealed itself again.

The Genin look at him with worry. Naruto quickly puts on a fake smile and lies, "Don't worry, I just fell down a flight of stairs before coming here." Naruto relieves his students.

The three Genin and their sensei then walked towards the Hokages office to retrieve their next mission. When the team enters the office the Hokage tosses Naruto a list of D-ranked missions.

"WHAT, we've been doing this for a month. When are we going to be given a real mission, Jiji." yells Naruto.

The Hokage, not amused, sighs. "Fine, I'll give your team a C-ranked mission, only because I know you would just keep asking and also to test out your students abilities." The blonde gives his late sensei a smile, showing off his fangs and asks the details for the mission. "You and your team will be escorting the bridge master to the land of Waves." On cue a man with gray hair and beard in a brown sleeveless v-neck appears at the entrance to the office obviously drunk.

"So these are the Shinobi that will be escorting me, there just children."

"I promise you Tazuna these mere children are trained and capable of protecting you." Replies the third Hokage. The bridge builder nods in agreement and is taken back to retrieve his items.

Naruto turns towards his Genin and tells them to get ready and pack and meet him in front of the village gates in an hour. Before they could respond Naruto had all ready jumped out an open window next to the Hokage.

"Damn it Naruto, next time use the door!" shouts Jiji.

.........Time Skip.........
After an hour or so the Jinchuriki arrives at the gates and meets his students and Tazuna.

"Is everyone ready to leave, it'll take us over a day, so let's get on the road." says Naruto. The group agreed and walk out of the village and into the forest that surrounds the village. While Sakura walked next to Tazuna and asked about his village Sasuke walked in silence, 'Probably thinking of annoying comebacks.' While Kakashi was reading a light brown book.

"What you reading?" asks Naruto. Kakashi looks up at his sensei, "It's a story about a protagonist named Nagato, it was actually wrote by one of the legendary sannin."

"Really, what a coincidence, I've read that book before and actually was named after the main character." Kakashi just stared at his sensei a light blush on his face. Naruto scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment at the attention he was being given.

"That so cool." was all that Kakashi could spit out. Naruto blushed a deep red and quickly looked away changing the subject.

"Oh look at that, the suns about to set we should really start to set up camp."

Smooth one kid, kurama laughed inside his head.

'I wasn't talking to you, you overgrown hair ball.' Kurama just kept laughing.

Naruto quickly found a clearing and handed out jobs, "Ok, Sasuke and Sakura you two go start a fire, I'll hunt us something to eat while Kakashi will set up the tents." Everyone agreed and went to do their jobs.

While Naruto was out hunting he let his ears and tail out as he tracked a rabbit. Naruto's eyes turned a shade of red as the sun began to set letting him see in the dark. The blonde quickly ran on all fours his tail flowing behind him as he chased the rabbit. The Jonin pounced letting out a growl as he caught the rabbit and took it back to camp not before hiding his tail and ears.

When Naruto entered the camp he was surprised to see his team hanging out with each other. The Jonin smiled and began to cook the rabbits over the fire. After eating everybody got ready to sleep and headed towards their tents.

"What do you mean it's not there, you guys should obviously have a spare..... YOU DON'T HAVE A SPARE!"

Naruto turns around to see Tazuna shouting at the silver hair boy who looked like he was about to punch the man in the face. Naruto quickly intervened and asked what was wrong.

Tazuna growled, "This twerp keeps saying that I didn't remember to bring my tent. And now he won't give me his for his stupidity for not bringing a spare." shouts the old man. Naruto lets out a sigh and turns towards his student.

"It's okay Kakashi, you can just sleep with me tonight." Kakashi blushes a dark shade of red, hidden behind his mask as he gives his sensei a nod.

"Now that, that is settled with we should all get some sleep." Naruto says as he heads towards his tent with Kakashi stumbling behind him. "Which side do you want?" asks Naruto.

Kakashi just shrugs, "I don't really care."

"Ok than, I'll take the right side." answers Naruto with a smile. Naruto heads towards his side and begins to take off his shoes, vest, and shirt revealing a sleeveless fishnet that showed off his his six pack. Kakashi blushed so hard he felt lightheaded. He quickly turned away and began taking off his gear too.

Naruto then took out a sealing scroll and rolled it out on the floor. With a drip of blood a medium sized mattress appeared on the floor. Naruto and Kakashi blushed as they got in and laid back to back.

Naruto could feel his tail unravel from around his waist as he drifted off to sleep, hoping that neither one of them didn't do anything stupid while they were asleep.


"Why do I have to kill him?" Naruto asks a long black haired man.

"To show me how strong you truly are and to prove your loyalty towards me." Replies the man through a mind link. Naruto grips the katana that was given to him harder and stares at the boy. The boy had long dark hair and wore a white hunter ninja mask. With a smile Naruto plunges the katana into the boys chest, splashing blood on his face.

The long black haired man walks up to Naruto with a smile on his face, "You did well my pet," the man replies placing a hand on Naruto's face wiping away the blood.

Naruto smiles back and says, "Thank you.... Madara sensei."

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