Chapter 16

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Warning ⛔️ You are entering the Cringe Zone~ there will be some slight Smut and weird ass moments~ So be prepared

Warning ⛔️  You are entering the Cringe Zone~ there will be some slight Smut and weird ass moments~ So be prepared

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As soon as Naruto jumped out of the window he regretted it with every fiber in his body. His muscles grew weak and pain flared through him as he barely caught himself before he could face plant into a wall in a small alley. Naruto groaned and growled at his still weak body as he caught whiff of the familiar chakra again.

Naruto was suddenly pulled from his thoughts as a wooden pole wrapped around his chest and flung him back. The blonde fox shrieked in protest as Yamato scolded him for jumping out of random windows and begged him to go back to the Hospital.

"I've been in that hospital for to long and besides the Chunnin exams are this week and I'm not missing out." Growled Naruto.

Yamato was a bit surprised and let go of the angry little fox. "Your signing team seven up for the Chunnin exams. Don't you think it's a little to soon?"

Naruto slapped Yamato in the face with his tail and yelled, "OF COURSE I'M SIGNING THEM UP!"

Yamato cried a silent tear as he rubbed his cheek, "Why'd you have to slap me, is this going to become a regular thing."

"Don't know. Haven't made my mind up yet." The blonde replied with a smug look. "And yes I think they have the potential to pass." Naruto says holding out the Chunnin slips as proof.

Yamato's small smile quickly turned into a frown, "How are you feeling by the way?"
Naruto sighed and turned away, "I'm fine, yah know. It's not the first time it's happened and probably won't be the last."

Yamato placed a firm hand onto Naruto's shoulder getting a flinch from the blonde. "I should have been there. Me, Kakashi, and Jiraiya felt your chakra pulse... w-we got there as fast as we could...."
"there was s-so much blood and you were in the middle of it passed out. "

"Did... d-did you kill them? Did they do anything to you? I-I Should Have Been There!!!" Yells Yamato his knuckles turning white.
"I'm sorry.
I'm so... so sorry. Naruto."

Naruto was shocked, he could fell tears roll down his face. He stared at the strong, emotionless, Anbu captain break down in front of him. Tears slipping from his emotionless mask that he tried so hard to keep together. Naruto's heart broke and he began to shake, tears streaming down. He grabbing into Yamato's vest and pulled him into a tight hug. They both cried into each other's necks until both their cries became whimpers.

"It's not your fault."

"But... but I'm supposed to be watching you and you ended up hurt." Yamato sniffled. Naruto suddenly grabbed Yamato's hand and brought it up his face nuzzling into the rough callused hand. 

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