Chapter 10

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(Sorry, but I changed up Naruto and Kakashi's backstory/background to fit in better with my story. It won't change the story in anyway but I just wanted you all to know.)

—Naruto- Naruto wakes up to the sun slapping him in the face

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Naruto wakes up to the sun slapping him in the face. 'I really need to get me some curtains yah know.' thinks Naruto as he gets up and walks to the bathroom.

Naruto stares at himself in the full body mirror glaring at the red burning seal that rapped around his chest and the unbreakable collar. The blondes tail lashed side to side and his ears twitched as he headed to the kitchen.

Naruto walks out of his room and down the small staircase into his living room/kitchen. The Jonin looks around the room to see that it had been cleaned and cleared of broken glass. The Jonin looks around for the culprit but the room was empty and quiet. Suddenly Naruto spins around, kunai in hand to face a Anbu in a green and red cat mask.

The Anbu jumps back barely dodging the swing and raises his hands to show that he was unarmed. The Anbu slowly raises his hand to his mask and takes it off to reveal the man from yesterday.

Naruto calms down and sets the Kunai down, "Don't scare me like that!" Screams the blonde startling the Anbu.

"I-I'm sorry, my name is Captain Yamato. I'll be your Anbu guard."

"Oh Uh, I see." Naruto replies in a sad tone. "Well I have to go and meet up with my team so I guess this is good bye for now."

Yamato sighs and looks at Naruto, "I can't let you go without me accompanying you."

Naruto frowns, "I can't go anywhere in this damn village without being 'accompanied' by someone. Well, where the hell are they when I actually need their help." mumbles Naruto as he walks out the door not caring if Yamato followed or not.

As Naruto walked down the street he could feel the stares of the villagers burning a hole into him. "WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT." shouts Naruto as he showed off his fangs.

Yamato gets into a fighting stance and jumps at Naruto pinning him against the ground. At the sudden rise in heart rate the collar around the blondes neck dispersed the calming drug making Naruto bite down on his lip.

Yamato helps the blonde back up when the drug soon takes affect. Naruto felt his muscles relax and his mind grow foggy as he was led through the streets by Yamato. The villagers cheered as they watched the Anbu take away the beast that they all hated and feared.

Yamato felt as the blondes tail slowly unraveled around his waist and rapped around the Anbu's leg.

Yamato stiffened, 'he's not in his right mind right now.' thought Yamato as the two headed towards the training grounds.

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