Chapter 12

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—Kakashi-Kakashi wakes up to the sun shining and birds chirping

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Kakashi wakes up to the sun shining and birds chirping. Kakashi grumbles and rolls out of bed  and crawls like a worm to the kitchen. The silver hedgehog quickly whips up some breakfast and heads towards the training grounds. Kakashi soon spots his teammates including the pink haired baby and walks over to them. Not before he smirks at Sakura even if she can't see it through his mask she jumps back in fear. Kakashi then looks towards his sensei who seemed nervous for some reason and gives him a cute eye smile. Naruto seemed to notice and smiled back.

Kakashi then noted that Captain Yamato wasn't around and asked. "Naruto Sensei, where's Captain Yamato," Kakashi asks in a quiet voice.

Naruto looks down at the small person and whispers, "I don't really know, I think he had a mission. I'm not complaining though It's nice to have his out of my hair." Kakashi watched as his sensei giggled then turned towards his other teammates.

"Tomorrow will be the Kyuubi festival the day the Forth Hokage sealed Kur-The Nine Tails away and saved the village soooooo I'm giving you the rest of today and tomorrow off."

Sakura squealed and Sasuke just "Hn" but you could tell he was happy. Kakashi sighed he remembered when his father would take him to the festival each year. This would be his first time without his father. Naruto seemed to sense what Kakashi was thinking and put his hand on his shoulder.

Naruto smiles then looks at his other cute little Genin, 'just Kakashi.'

"Why don't we go out to eat! My treat!" Naruto asks with stars in his eyes. Sakura squeals again and hugs Sasuke rubbing her cheek against his face. Sasuke just tries to peel her off then responds with an, 'I can eat' look. Naruto then looks to him for approval and Kakashi just nods with a small grin on his face.

"Why don't we go get some BBQ," shouts Sakura. Sasuke just nods and Naruto grins, "sure." The group of Genin and their sensei head to the restaurant as people crowded the streets getting ready for the festival. When they get there they find a booth and sit down and wait to get served. Soon a lady walks up to the table her smile vanishing when she sees Naruto. She quickly asks what they would like and leaves to get them there drinks and food.

The team of Shinobi where having a nice conversation and talking about the upcoming Chunin exams when a random woman came up to them, obviously drunk holding a bottle of Sake. She smirked then poured the bottle on the Jinchuriki's head. Other people stared and begun to laugh as Naruto winced at the burning liquid and hung his head in shame.

Kakashi was burning inside as he glared at the woman making her shake in fear. He hadn't noticed that his Sharingan had activated and everyone was staring. The team quickly left the restaurant not knowing where to go only that they needed to leave before things got out of hand.

As they where walking Kakashi noticed the small details of his sensei and took note of his actions. Like how the blonde was wincing as the strong smell of alcohol reached his nose and how he flinched when he saw Kakashi's sharingan. See that Kakashi quickly turned it off and noticed his sensei relax a little.

Sakura quickly turned towards her sensei with a frown, "How about we head to the hot springs since we didn't get to eat lunch." Naruto sighed, "I don't know Sakura we've already caused a scene for today and you guy probably have plans for the festival."

"It's fineeee. The festival begins tomorrow and nobody will be at the springs since it's lunchtime, and besides you all stink! Sakura screams out the last part, "Except for you Sasuke-kun."

Naruto grins then shunshins everyone to the bathhouse. As they entered, hot steam greeted them making them relax a little. Sakura walked to the girls side and Kakashi, Sasuke, and Naruto headed to the men side. They each grabbed a robe and some towels and undressed placing their clothes in designated cubbies.

Naruto was the first one ready and was already entering the hot water. Kakashi could feel his cheeks redden as his mind drifted off thinking about something or someone else. Kakashi quickly snapped out of it and joined Sasuke and Naruto in the hot spring.

Sasuke and Naruto seemed to have been talking but suddenly stopped when Kakashi came into ear shot. The silver haired genin quickly grew suspicious but put it aside and relaxed into the warm water closing his eyes. Kakashi suddenly sensed movement and somebody's presence. He peeked his eye lid open to see both Sasuke and Naruto awkwardly close staring at him as if his head just exploded.

"What are you all staring at? Do I have something on my face?" Kakashi asks calmly. The other two didn't seem to hear him and kept rambling to themselves.

"Maybe it is like a blimp."

"Or buck teeth."

Kakashi watched as the two mumbled to themselves as he slowly sunk deeper into the water.


Sakura sighed as the warm water surrounded her making her melt into it when she heard a loud 'CRASH' come from the boys side.


"Kakashi, get back here!"


"Come on Kakashi just a peek."

"I said NO!"

"If you won't show us then we'll just have to RIP it off."

Sakura deadpanned she didn't know what to think to that. Her mind immediately thought of the worst case scenario.

Hey guys sorry it's such a short chapter but just thought you would like a funny ending. See you till next time.

Word count- 970

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